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Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
The Changing Nature of Book Production
The Book (and the Universe of Books) Transforming
Marketplace Organization
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
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The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
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Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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All(57)Studies & Reports(21)
Journal(s)(2)General Reference(8)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

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TOPIA - Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies

"A scholarly journal in cultural and Canadian studies."
Creator(s): York University | Date Published: 2006


Invisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture

"This journal is dedicated to explorations of the material and political dimensions of cultural practices: the means by which cultural objects and communities are produced, the historical contexts in which they emerge, and the regimes of knowledge or modes of social interaction to which they contribute."
Creator(s): Invisible Culture | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Le milieu culturel fait-il suffisamment place à la relève ? (available in French only)

« Un comité de réflexion de jeunes artistes et gestionnaires s’est penché sur les conditions de création et de diffusion de la relève. Ce rapport résume les constatations et les recommandations de ces danseurs, musiciens, circassiens, réalisateurs, artistes visuels et directeurs de programmation. »
Creator(s): Le Forum jeunesse de l'île de Montréal et le Conseil des Arts de Montréal | Date Published: 2007-11

Studies & Reports

Arts funding & finances / State of the arts: Arts Research Monitor 6.5

"The Canada Council’s recent consultations concerning its 2008-2011 strategic plan provide qualitative information about the arts in Canada."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2007-10-17

Studies & Reports

Provincial Profiles of Cultural and Heritage Activities

"Based on Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey, this report provides provincial information about cultural and heritage activities in 1992 and 2005."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2007-10-02

Studies & Reports

Art & Innovation : An evolutionary economic view of the creative industries

"This short paper outlines a personal position ‘between’ political economy and policy. I take a critical, interdisciplinary approach to policy analysis and policy advocacy, where the economic, the legal and other dimensions of specialist knowledge need to be brought together with cultural and communication policy."
Creator(s): Jason Potts | Date Published: 2007-09-01

Studies & Reports

Policy Research by Government Arts Agencies: A Review of Approaches

"This draft report summarises the outcome of IFACCA’s 26th D’Art question, distributed by the IFACCA secretariat on 14 February 2006, which sought to gather information on the various approaches to research taken by national arts support agencies."
Creator(s): Christopher Madden, IFACCA | Date Published: 2007-04

Studies & Reports

Final Report: The Arts and Heritage in Canada: Access and Availability 2007

"The Department of Canadian Heritage commissioned Phoenix SPI to conduct research related to the arts and heritage in Canada."
Creator(s): Prepared for the Department of Canadian Heritage, Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. | Date Published: 2007-03

Studies & Reports

Final Report of the Minister's Advisory Committee on Status of the Artist

"After consulting with artists and arts organizations, MACSA identified three general goals of/for artists in Saskatchewan, briefly described as: 1. Engagement in viable careers; 2. Access to thriving markets; and 3. Access to information that supports efforts to achieve viable careers. In addition, MACSA made one final recommendation that addresses the idea of a permanent advisory council on Status of the Artist in Saskatchewan."
Creator(s): Minister's Advisory Committee on Status of the Artist (MACSA) | Date Published: 2006-07

Studies & Reports

Out of the West: Export, Growth and the Western Canadian Production Industry

"A report for Western Economic Diversification from Canada West."
Creator(s): Canada West - Alberta Film, British Columbia Film. Manitoba Film and Sound, SaskFilm | Date Published: 2006-01

Studies & Reports

Making Exact Change: How U.S arts-based programs have made a significant and sustained impact on their communities

"This study was undertaken to help the growing but largely disconnected community arts field learn from its most venerable and successful colleagues. Its focus is exemplary arts-based programs that have had a significant and sustained positive impact on their communities."
Creator(s): William Cleveland, Community Arts Network | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Assistance to Arts and Culture Festivals

"This report summarises the outcome of IFACCA’s 21st D’Art question, which was sent by Péter Inkei, Director, The Budapest Observatory."
Creator(s): International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies (IFACCA) | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

The Employment of Performers with Disabilities in the Entertainment Industry Executive Summary

"There are approximately 54 million Americans with disabilities, and yet they remain virtually invisible in the media. Until now, information about the employment of people with disabilities in film and television in the United States was virtually unknown...(SAG) publishes a Casting Data Report that provides the industry with an analysis of the hiring practices and employment trends in film and television related to ethnicity, age and gender."
Creator(s): Screen Actors Guild (SAG) | Date Published: 2005-05

Studies & Reports

A model of employment in the arts

"In traditional labour supply theory, a somewhat ‘Dickensian’ view is taken where work decisions are driven by financial returns derived from personal exertion."
Creator(s): Professor Franco Papandrea and Dr Rob Albon | Date Published: 2005-04-06

Studies & Reports

Creative Industries 2005: The Congressional Report

"The creative industries are a growing sector of the nation’s economy that touches the life of every American on a daily basis. Americans for the Arts defines the creative industries as both for-profit and nonprofit businesses involved in the creation or distribution of the arts."
Creator(s): Americans for the Arts | Date Published: 2005-03

Studies & Reports

Are Culture Wars Inevitable in the Arts?

"Controversial art is nothing new in American cultural life. Over the past 20 years, scandals have erupted on numerous occasions, in which government funds have gone to subsidize the production or exhibition of art considered by some to be obscene, blasphemous, or offensively unpatriotic."
Creator(s): Arthur C. Brooks | Date Published: 2005-03

Studies & Reports

The International Creative Sector: Its Dimensions, Dynamics, and Audience Development

"During three days in June 2003, 33 individuals from seven countries met at the University of Texas at Austin to discuss the international creative sector."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2004-06-05

Studies & Reports

Provincial Support for the Cultural Industries

"The initial goal of this research was to deliver a systematic listing of the funding programs that each province utilizes in support of its cultural industries. As the research progressed, however, other relevant support mechanisms such as legislation, policies, strategies, services, and industry associations were added."
Creator(s): Andrew David Terris, ARTS NOVA Cultural Research and Consulting | Date Published: 2004-06

Studies & Reports

Pratiques artistiques en renouvellement : nouveaux lieux culturels (available in French only)

« L’émergence de nouveaux acteurs culturels, depuis une quinzaine d’années en France, se produit dans une période marquée par le renouvellement des pratiques de création. »
Creator(s): Yolande Padilla | Date Published: 2003-12

Studies & Reports

Creative Industries and Cultural Development: Views from Canada & the United Kingdom

"This Blue Plate Special reports the main points of a presentation given to Canadian Heritage by Geoffey Brown (EUCLID International) and Greg Baeker (EUCLID Canada) on the developments that are occurring within cultural policy specifically the increasing importance of creative industries."
Creator(s): Maureen Williams | Date Published: 2003-05-01

Studies & Reports

Review of the Management Practices of Federal Government, Mechanisms in Support of Film and Television Production

"This report sets out the findings, conclusions and recommendations from an independent review of the management practices of the federal government mechanisms that support television and film production."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999-12-31

Studies & Reports

The Multimedia Industry in Canada: An Analysis of Development Options

"Objectives and Outlines of the Study The Department of Canadian Heritage gave the SECOR Group a mandate to study various support mechanisms to the multimedia industry in Canada. This request reflects the Department's interest in a sector of activity that is both very promising from an economic and job-creation point of view and unavoidable as a new product and method of cultural dissemination."
Creator(s): Secor, Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997

Studies & Reports

Making your voices heard - Canadian broadcasting and film for the 21st century - mandate review committee CBC, NFB, Telefilm

"The Honorable Michel Dupuy, Minister of Canadian Heritage, asked this Committee to undertake a challenging task: to provide advice on the mandates and future role of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the National Film Board and Telefilm Canada."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1996

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Réseau pour la Recherche et l'Innovation en Audiovisuel et Multimédia (RIAM) (available in French only)

« Le RIAM a pour objectif de favoriser les partenariats entre les laboratoires de recherche et les entreprises et de constituer un dispositif efficace d'aide financière pour le développement de technologies et de services dans ce secteur. »
Lead Managing Organization: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication de France | Start Date: 2001

General Reference

General Reference

World Observatory on the Social Status of the Artists

"Artists, authors and performers from every region of the world attending the World Congress on the implementation of the Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist (1980), held at UNESCO Headquarters from 16 to 20 June 1997, noted in their Final Declaration that "the Recommendation of 1980 remains the principal text relating to the status of the artist"."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: ?

General Reference

Creative Industries Standard Reports

"Download Creative Industries Standard Reports for your State Legislative District. These three-page standard reports contain a color map of the region, a table listing the number of businesses and employees by industry sub-categories, and a table summarizing the percentage of change from 2004 to 2006 in Creative Industries businesses and employees."
Creator(s): Americans for the Arts | Date Published: 2006/06/28

General Reference


"Artifact is the arts and creative industries hub of the Resource Discovery Network (RDN)."
Creator(s): Manchester Metropolitan University, University of the Arts London , CALIM South Cheshire College, Manchester Computing | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

"Culture.Info is a new online portal and information service that aims to provide users with information on all areas of culture (including arts, entertainment, heritage, sport)."
Creator(s): EUCLID UK LTD | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Intute: Arts & Humanities, Communications, Media and Culture

"Search or browse the database of Communications, Media and Culture resources which have been selected, evaluated and described by subject specialists. Our target audience is lecturers, researchers and students within UK higher and further education."
Creator(s): Intute | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Federal Programs and Services for Arts and Cultural Entrepreneurs

"Federal programs and services for arts and cultural entrepreneurs."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Zone francophone (available in French only)

« Le site est le portail des arts et de la culture de la francophonie canadienne. »
Creator(s): Zone francophone | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Forum on Creative Industries

"FOCI is a network of experienced professionals concerned to inform and influence the current debates around the creative industries."
Creator(s): Forum on Creative Industries | Date Published: 2004



Bilan des portraits statistiques régionaux (available in French only)

« Ce bilan complète un ensemble de portraits statistiques portant sur les différentes régions administratives du Québec. Il a pour objectif de résumer la culture et les communications en région, de connaître les déterminants de l'action culturelle sur le territoire, d'appuyer l'élaboration de politiques, la planification stratégique et la gestion de programmes sur les plans national et local. »
Creator(s): Dalphond, Claude Edgar - Direction du lectorat, de la recherche et des politiques, Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec | Date Published: 2007-08-31


Artists in Large Canadian Cities

"This report provides an analysis of artists residing in 92 municipalities across Canada with at least 50,000 residents in 2001. The 92,000 artists in the 92 large Canadian cities represent 70% of the 130,700 artists in Canada."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research | Date Published: 2006-03-29


Profile of Selected Culture Industries in Ontario

"Ontario is a major force in Canadian culture industries. Firms within each culture industry in the province form clusters and cross-pollinate, generating employment and industrial growth in other culture and non-culture industries."
Creator(s): David Coish, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2006-03-08


Aperçu statistique des industries culturelles (available in French only)

« Cet aperçu de l’économie des industries culturelles est rendu possible par une approche par secteur d’entreprises... »
Creator(s): Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques | Date Published: 2006-01


La pratique culturelle au Québec en 2004 - recueil statistique (available in French only)

«Le présent recueil statistique renferme les données les plus récentes sur les habitudes de consommation culturelle des Québécoises et des Québécois. Les données proviennent de l'enquête quinquennale 2004 menée par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications sur les pratiques culturelles.»
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2005-11-04


PricewaterhouseCoopers Says Entertainment and Media Industry in Strongest Position Since 2000, Will Grow 7.3 Percent Annually to $1.8 Trillion in 2009

"Video Games and Internet to Remain Fastest-Growing Industry Segments; Digital Distribution and Mobile Music Will Reinvigorate Recorded Music Industry."
Creator(s): PricewaterhouseCoopers | Date Published: 2005-06-22


Canadian Conference of the Arts Useful Statistics 2005

"These Useful Statistics (updated June 2005) are for anyone and everyone interested in concrete data that reflects the impact of arts, culture, and heritage on the Canadian economy and society, as well as the current state of our cultural industries."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2005-06


Key stats on the arts in Canada

"Based on reports from Hill Strategies Research."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2005-05

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Also Related

Related Materials



"ArtsProfessional is mailed direct to more than 6,500 UK and overseas arts professionals and our e-newsletter, APe-mail, is sent to over 7,000 registered recipients."
Creator(s): ArtsProfessional | Date Published: 2004-05-27

Studies & Reports

Report on the Impact of Technology on Culture - Audio-visual

"The digital revolution currently underway will continue for some time to change the way we live, work and play."
Creator(s): GR Strategies Inc. | Date Published: 2007-07

Studies & Reports

New Technologies and Cultural Policies - The Audio-Visual Sector (Addendum)

"This document is an addendum to the Report on the Impact of Technology on Culture produced by GR Strategies Inc."
Creator(s): Pierre C. Bélanger, Ph .D. | Date Published: 2007-07

Studies & Reports

Towards inclusion : arts and disability information booklet

"Strategic approach of increasing the quality of access for disabled people to the arts in Northern Ireland."
Creator(s): Arts Council of Northern Ireland | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Ownership of Cultural Businesses and Diversity: An International Comparative Profile of Five Nations and The European Union

"The study presents an overview of the approaches to ownership concentration among cultural businesses used in five countries to see how other governments have dealt with these Issues."
Creator(s): Dennis Price | Date Published: 2001-12-01

Studies & Reports

Cultural Exemptions in Canada's Major International Trade Agreements and Investment Relationships [In Brief]

"Canada has joined the global economy by signing a number of international trade agreements. These agreements include certain cultural provisions allowing Canada to continue to support its domestic cultural industries. For example, the cultural industries were exempted from the provisions of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA)."
Creator(s): Parlimentary Research Branch | Date Published: 1999-10-12

Projects & Programs


"...Artmob is a multisectoral initiative designed to build large, accessible online archives of publically licensed Canadian art, and to foreground the issues that this process raises for Canadian copyright and intellectual property laws."
Lead Managing Organization: Artmob | Start Date: 2006

General Reference

Trade Routes

"On November 28, 2001, the Ministers from Canadian Heritage and International Trade, announced the three year, $23 million Trade Routes program."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-10-06


Government expenditures on culture: data tables

"These tables provide financial data on cultural activities funded by all levels of government. Included are expenditures on libraries, heritage activities, performing arts, literary arts, visual arts and crafts, broadcasting, film and video, etc."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-10-31


Comparisons of Arts Funding in Selected Countries: Preliminary Findings

"This report is intended to provide some indication of where Canada might stand now compared with other countries in relation to arts funding, in particular at the national level."
Creator(s): Claire McCaughey | Date Published: 2005-10


Government Spending on Culture in Canada, 1992-1993 to 2002-03

"Government Spending on Culture in Canada, 1992-93 to 2002-03, commissioned by the Canadian Conference of the Arts from Hill Strategies Research, examines spending on culture by federal, provincial, and municipal governments in Canada, focusing largely on changes in spending between 1992-93 and 2002-03. The report also provides an overview of government cultural spending for fiscal year 2002-03."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2005-07-07


Taking Part: Arts Attendance, Participation and Attitudes in Scotland 2004 Volume 1 & Volume 2

"The survey - in two volumes - encompasses data on: attendance (type, reasons, likelihood of return etc); perception of value for money; participation (frequency, nature etc); viewing and listening habits; attitudes towards the arts; awareness of the Scottish Arts Council, and more."
Creator(s): Scottish Arts Council | Date Published: 2005-06


Government spending on culture by level

"Statistics Canada survey data and analysis covering the topic of government expenditures (at all levels) on culture in Canada."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-05-18


Manitoba Provincial Support for Arts and Culture

"Arts and culture play a key role in enhancing our economy and economic competitiveness. There are over 14,000 arts and cultural workers in the province. Manitoba has one of the highest per capita revenue and attendance levels for arts and culture in Canada. A recent study by the Canada West Foundation, Culture and Economic Competitiveness, highlights the social benefits that cultural industries can provide."
Creator(s): Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines | Date Published: 2005


Nunavut Fact Sheets

"Our Land; Consensus Government; The Economy; Building on Our Strengths: Infrastructure; Human Resources."
Creator(s): Government of Nunavut | Date Published: 2004


Performing Arts Attendance in Canada and the Provinces

"This report examines the attendance of Canadians at theatre, symphony, opera, choral music, popular music and dance performances (excluding festivals). Performing arts attendance tables are also available under the same title."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research | Date Published: 2003-01-01


Les pratiques culturelles des Québécoises et des Québécois, 1999 - Dossier statistique (available in French only)

« Ce dossier statistique livre les données de la dernière enquête sur les pratiques culturelles des Québécoises et des Québécois, menée en 1999 par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications. »
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2000-12


Arts & Heritage Participation Survey

"To assist in its policy and program development, the Arts and Heritage Sector of the Department of Canadian Heritage required a survey of the Canadian public to examine Canadians' participation in arts and heritage activities, including those at the community level. The current research project also included an examination of some values and motivations attached to participation, including quality of life aspects, identity components, and others."
Creator(s): Environics Research Group Ltd. for the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-09


Participation in Cultural Activities, 1992-1998

"Participation in Cultural Activities, 1992-1998."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2000


Trained artists at the market place. An Overview of the graduate surveys

"The artistic labour market and its mechanisms have been subjects of growing interest during the past few years. Especially the employment in the arts has drawn the attention of both researchers and decision-makers. One reason for the interest for this area is that by examining the labour market the weight of the sector can also be evaluated or/and emphasised."
Creator(s): Paula Karhunen - Arts Council of Finland | Date Published: 1999


Advertising Standards Canada

"Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) is the not-for-profit industry body committed to creating and maintaining community confidence in advertising. Its mission is to ensure the integrity and viability of advertising through industry self-regulation."


Art in the Public Interest (API)

"API is devoted to progressive thinking in the arts. We strive to support art that reflects not only a commitment to quality but a concern for the culture in which that work appears. We see the arts as an integral part of a healthy society in which the artist provides both intellectual nourishment and social benefit."


Cultural Industries Research Centre (CIRC)

"CIRC is an essential step in increasing research capability and productivity in the areas of cultural industries policy, marketing, management, international business, and competitive strategy at the University of Alberta."


Artists' Garden Cooperative

"Designed for youth and adults, these workshops will complement and supplement adult and youth's arts education opportunities offered by local Parks & Recreation programs, school boards/or community colleges."


Institute for Cinema, Audiovisuals and Multimedia (ICAM)

"ICAM (Institute for the Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia) is a public entity tutored by the Ministry of Culture. ICAM´s aims are to strengthen cultural identity and diversity in the areas of Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia, by supporting innovation and art creation, reinforcing the content creation industries and promoting the Portuguese culture and the Portuguese language."


Ontario Media Development Corporation

"Our focus is to build capacity and competitiveness of Ontario's cultural media industry, individually and across the sectors and to provide opportunities that encourage business alliances across the cultural industries."


Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec (APFTQ)

"The APFTQ’s mission is to promote independent film and television production, encourage close cooperation among industry stakeholders and ensure that its members uphold the highest possible standards of professionalism and production quality."


Australia Council for the Arts

"The Australia Council was formed as an interim Council in 1973 and was given statutory authority by the Australia Council Act 1975. It replaced an earlier, non-statutory, body called the Australian Council for the Arts which was established in 1968 as a division of the Prime Minister's Department."


Program for Québec artists and writers in residence at the Banff Centre

"The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec is pleased to announce a three-year agreement with the Banff Centre in Alberta through which a maximum of five grants per year will be awarded to Québec artists and writers enabling them to engage in creative residencies in Banff."


International Centre for Culture and Management

"The ICCM is a platform for conceptualising and developing new forms of artistic and cultural practice. It is a lively, creative and dynamic "factory" for projects, on which people can learn. Due to its international and innovative training programmes and the consulting and development of numerous high-ranking international projects, the ICCM is a pioneer in disclosing and realising potentials in cultural life."


The Association of American Cultures

"The mission of TAAC is to represent the distinctive and collective concerns of people of diverse populations in the United States and its Trust Territories, in regard to the preservation and creative vitality of their respective cultural identity through the arts. TAAC is committed to the concept of Cultural Diversity as a distinct element in American public arts policy."


National Disability Arts Forum

"The National Disability Arts Forum aims to create equality of opportunity for disabled people in all aspects of the arts."


Saskatchewan Cultural Industries Development Council

"The SCIDC aims to foster and nurture the cultural industries in Saskatchewan."


VSA Arts: An affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

"VSA arts is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith to create a society where all people with disabilities learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts."


Creative & Cultural Industries Sector Skills Council

"Welcome to the website for the proposed Creative & Cultural Industries Sector Skills Council, the employer-led organisation that will work with all in the UK to ensure that those employed in those industries have the skills to ensure a flourishing and vibrant sector."


Association québécoise de l'industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ) (available in French only)

« Aujourd’hui, le mandat de l'ADISQ va au-delà de la seule promotion collective sur les marchés domestique et international. »


Le Centre d'études sur les médias

« Le Centre d'études sur les médias vous souhaite la bienvenue et vous invite à prendre connaissance de ses activités. Consultez Actualités-médias, une synthèse hebdomadaire de l'actualité publiée chaque vendredi. »


Le ministère de la Culture et Communications (available in French only)

« Le ministère assure la cohérence gouvernementale des actions permettant le développement du secteur des médias et des technologies de l'information. »


Le Ministère de la culture et de la communication

« Vous êtes musicien, écrivain, danseur, réalisateur, photographe, bibliothécaire, peintre, comédien, producteur, éditeur, partenaire culturel, responsable de collectivité territoriale, membre actif d'une association culturelle...Les informations ci-dessous vous concernent. »

Quick Facts

Saskatchewan Arts and Culture Sector Quick Facts

"A selection of facts about the arts and culture sector."
Creator(s): Saskatchewan Arts Alliance | Date Published: 1998-10




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