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Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
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The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
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Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
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Tourism Culture & Communication

"Tourism, Culture & Communication is international in its scope and will place no restrictions upon the range of cultural identities covered, other than the need to relate to tourism and hospitality."
Creator(s): Cognizant Communication Corporation | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Government Revenue Attributable to Tourism, 2000 to 2006

"This publication presents estimates of government revenues attributable to tourism for years 2000 to 2006."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-09-10

Studies & Reports

Les activités culturelles sont diverses… les motivations des visiteurs aussi! (available in French only)

« Afin de comprendre le consommateur d’activités culturelles, on tente souvent d’établir son profil sociodémographique en fonction de ses habitudes d’achat ou de fréquentation culturelle au sens large. Toutefois, une étude démontre que l’on fait fausse route en considérant une activité culturelle comme étant une «activité globale», car la motivation du visiteur n’est pas la même selon le type d’activité pratiquée. »
Creator(s): Chevrier, François-G. | Date Published: 2007-08-27

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism & Marketing Strategy for Tourism Saskatoon and City of Saskatoon

"The Cultural Tourism and Marketing Strategy is on of six projects approved under the Cultural Capital of Canada program."
Creator(s): Tourism Saskatoon | Date Published: 2007-03

Studies & Reports

La mobilisation des actifs culturels de la France : De l’attractivité culturelle du territoire à la Nation culturellement créative (available in French only)

« La France dispose d’actifs culturels qui peuvent la rendre attractive aux hommes, aux entreprises et aux capitaux. Ainsi approchée, l’attractivité culturelle de la France s’analyse comme sa capacité à attirer des activités sur son territoire, capacité d’autant plus souhaitée que la création ou le maintien d’emplois est au cœur des agendas publics. »
Creator(s): Xavier Greffe | Date Published: 2006-05

Studies & Reports

Le profil du voyageur - un air de déjà vu! (available in French only)

« Instruit, revenu élevé... ça vous dit quelque chose? Quand il s'agit d'établir le profil de la clientèle touristique qui pratique une activité, certaines caractéristiques reviennent souvent et d'autres sont éludées. »
Creator(s): Réseau de veille en tourisme, Chaire de Tourisme, École des sciences de la gestion UQAM | Date Published: 2005-07-27

Studies & Reports

Tourisme et culture : culture et tourisme (available in French only)

« En premier lieu, il est primordial de définir ici ce que nous entendons par culture puis de bien cerner l'univers du tourisme avant d'aborder la notion de tourisme culturel. »
Creator(s): Pascale Gagnon, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, Direction du Bas-Saint-Laurent | Date Published: 2005-04-27

Studies & Reports

Développement durable et valorisation de la diversité culturelle : comment l’enseignement du tourisme s’adapte-il à ces nouveaux enjeux? (available in French only)

« Les objectifs du réseau UNESCO/UNITWIN « Culture, tourisme, développement » insistent, dans ce cadre général, sur la coopération universitaire dans les domaines de la recherche, de la formation, de la documentation, de l’expertise, afin de favoriser les échanges d’expériences et les transferts de connaissances. »
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005-04-27

Studies & Reports

Patrimoine des communautés francophones - Tourisme patrimonial : Guide pratique (available in French only)

« Ce guide pratique de tourisme patrimonial est une invitation au voyage dans la francophonie ontarienne et canadienne, une invitation à explorer, à apprécier, à sauvegarder et à mettre en valeur différents aspects de nos villes et villages, des paysages de notre région, de nos réseaux d’affaires, de sociabilité et de solidarité, de nos ressources, de nos souvenirs et de nos projets. »
Creator(s): Paule Doucet, Regroupement des organismes du patrimoine franco-ontarien | Date Published: 2005-04-27

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism, Bass Coast Shire Council

"Australia’s cultural and heritage offerings are comparable to those offered anywhere else in the world."
Creator(s): Bass Coast Shire Council | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Étude portant sur le tourisme culturel en Outaouais - Portrait actuel et perspectives d'avenir (available in French only)

« Le présent document correspond au plan de développement du tourisme culturel en Outaouais. Ce plan de développement comprend les principes directeurs, les orientations ainsi que les stratégies d’intervention qui guideront l’action en Outaouais en matière de tourisme culturel. »
Creator(s): Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec | Date Published: 2004-08

Studies & Reports

Tourism Tip Sheet: Cultural & Heritage

"Heritage tourism can be defined as being based upon the social and physical structures of the past and present. Heritage tourism, also called cultural or historical tourism, focuses on the cultural landscapes of the past and present that were shaped by human actions."
Creator(s): Office of the Governor Economic Development & Tourism (Texas) | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Journey Further: An Arts & Cultural Tourism Strategy for Western Australia 2004 - 2008

"There is a vital relationship between culture and the arts and the tourism market."
Creator(s): Department of Culture and the Arts, Government of Western Australia, Western Australian Tourism Commission | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Proposal for a Charter of Principles for Museums and Cultural Tourism

"Cultural tourism ethics require all stakeholders to ensure that the visitor combines creative knowledge with the enjoyment of his free time. He should be encouraged to share a social context which, although unfamiliar, invites him to participate in the life and local wisdom of the host community."
Creator(s): International Council of Museums | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Charter of Cultural Tourism

"ICOMOS aims to encourage the safeguard and to ensure the conservation and promotion of monuments and sites - that privileged part of the human heritage."
Creator(s): International Council on Monuments and Sites ( ICOMOS) | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism or Tourism and Culture?

"According to experts, cultural tourism would represent from 8 to 20% of the shares of the tourist market. But some consider quite precisely that "culture is such a broad and complex phenomenon that a clear definition of "cultural tourism" becomes impossible and may as well prove useless."
Creator(s): European Institute of Cultural Routes | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Alternative Enterprises – Heritage Tourism

"Unlike conventional tourism, heritage tourism features historical sights and other cultural attractions that help people learn about our Nation’s past. If properly planned and managed, land, buildings, and other resources that have historic or cultural significance or that are located near historically or culturally significant sites – may provide landowners with new income opportunities."
Creator(s): United States Department of Agriculture | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Defining the Cultural Experience

"I have chosen to use my company, The Anishinabe Experience, as an example and relate personal experiences in a discussion on how communities can define Aboriginal cultural tourism."
Creator(s): Linda Sarazin | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Canadian Tourism Commission Corporate Plan Summary 2002-2007

"On January 2, 2001 the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) became a Crown Corporation with the coming into force of the Canadian Tourism Commission Act."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission | Date Published: 2003-03-19

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges

"The World Tourism Organization, an Intergovernmental institution, with 140 Member States and some 350 affiliate members from the private sector, and which is in the process of transformation into a specialized Agency of the United Nations, pays an increasing attention to the issues relating to cultural tourism. European Forum of the World Heritage Cities (Luxembourg, Jan. 17, 2003)."
Creator(s): Presentation by Luigi Cabrini, Regional Representative for Europe, World Tourism Organization | Date Published: 2003-01-17

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism and Business Opportunities for Museums and Heritage Sites

"Cultural tourism represents an area of significant economic benefit to museums and heritage sites. Challenging economic times in particular require cultural and heritage facilities to explore ways and means to increase attendance and self-generated revenues and to control operating expenses."
Creator(s): Ted Silberberg, CMC | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

The Cultural Tourism Dynamic

"This paper attempts to unpack the dynamic relationship between the different types of cultures involved in the complex construction of cultural tourism."
Creator(s): Professor Alan Clarke | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development: Results of the cooperation of the state authorities of Finland and the Republic of Karelia on cross-border territories

"Sustainable cultural development preserves and strengthens the characteristic features of the socialenvironment creating conditions for the increase of the well-being of the citizens."
Creator(s): Ministry of Education, Finland | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Baltic Cultural Tourism Policy Paper

"According to the vision the cultural tourism in the Baltic countries will by the year 2006 be an approved branch of national economies and a leading power of national tourism economies recognized in the Baltic Sea Region and known on the international market as a product concept based on genuine culture and heritage in a sustainable way."
Creator(s): Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian National Commissions for UNESCO | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Cultural/Heritage Tourism

"Cultural tourism is big business; and studies suggest that it can be a major contributor to economic revenues."
Creator(s): Centre for Community Enterprise | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

On The Effects of Cultural Tourism: Archaeological Preservation, National Identity and Recreation in Bangladesh

"For modern citizens of Bangladesh, the world's most densely populated country, cultural heritage is not a luxury but a touchstone of identity that has helped to forge a nation from a half-century of conflict."
Creator(s): Monica L. Smith | Date Published: 2002-12

Studies & Reports

Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government: Summit, Washington, DC. November 14, 2002

"Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Report of Proceedings. In conjunction with its regular quarterly meeting, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) hosted a summit meeting of Federal agencies on November 14, 2002, to discuss cultural heritage tourism."
Creator(s): Advisory Council on Historic Preservation | Date Published: 2002-11-14

Studies & Reports

The Cultural Tourism Route between Finnish and Russian Castles and Fortresses and The Third Finnish-Russian Cultural Forum in Lappeenranta

"The seminar about the cultural tourism route between Finnish and Russian castles and fortresses started on the first day of the Third Finnish Russian Cultural Forum in Lappeenranta, Finland, on Wednesday, 9.10.2002, with a visit to the Fortress of Lappeenranta."
Creator(s): Karoliina Lehtonen, Ministry of Education of Finland | Date Published: 2002-10-09

Studies & Reports

U.S. Heritage Tourism Enthusiasts - A Special Analysis of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS)

"This report focuses on Heritage Tourism Enthusiasts - Americans who have taken leisure trips in Canada and exhibit a particular interest in heritage-oriented activities when they travel."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission | Date Published: 2002-09

Studies & Reports

Canada’s Heritage Tourism Enthusiasts - A Special Analysis of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS)

"This report focuses on Heritage Tourism Enthusiasts -- Canadians who have taken leisure trips in Canada and exhibit a particular interest in heritage-oriented activities when they travel."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission | Date Published: 2002-08

Studies & Reports

Arts, Heritage & Ecotourist Profiles - Tourism Activities & Motivations Study (1999 - 2000)

"At the request of the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH), Research Resolutions & Consulting Ltd 1. examined the demographic, travel activity and attitudinal characteristics of Canadians who have recently taken leisure trips."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage/Research Resolutions & Consulting Ltd. | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Croatian Cultural Tourism Development Strategy

"In Spring 2000, the Croatian Government expressed the need for a Croatian Development Strategy in the 21st century and, therefore assigned the independent teams of experts with the task of writing the drafts for this project divided into various sections. Thus, the Institute for International Relations was assigned the task of writing the drafts for this project divided into various sections."
Creator(s): Daniela Angelina Jelinčić | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Heritage Tourism, National Trust for Historic Preservation

"What is heritage tourism? The National Trust for Historic Preservation defines heritage tourism as “traveling to experience the places, artifacts and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present.”
Creator(s): Cheryl M. Hargrove | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism Itinerary Building Blocks: Creating A Michigan Experience Tour

"The Michigan Museums Association (MMA) is helping museums, convention & visitors bureaus, and other tourism organizations develop self-guided, themed tours of Michigan. Once created, MMA and Travel Michigan will promote these tours to tour operators and travel writers, and will post the tours on the Internet."
Creator(s): Michigan Museums Association (MMA) | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Sharing Manitoba's Culture with the World, Packaging the Potential

"Through a series of consultations and forums that allowed interaction between the tourism industry and the culture and heritage sector, a culture and heritage tourism strategy was recently developed by Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission, Travel Manitoba | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Maturing Markets for Cultural Tourism: Germany and the Demand for the 'Cultural' Destination

"Culture and curiosity have been major drives for the development of tourism in Germany."
Creator(s): Martin Lohmann, J. W. Mundt | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area: A Strategic Overview for Rainforest Bama

"This Strategic Overview has been developed for the benefit of Aboriginal people and groups interested in developing tourism enterprises, or who are currently operating tourism products within the Wet Tropics Area."
Creator(s): Sarah Ignjic, Rainforest CRC | Date Published: 2001-12

Studies & Reports

Banff Heritage Tourism Strategy

"In the confusion and frustration currently surrounding tourism, especially ecotourism, here is a story of promise and hope. The Banff Heritage Tourism Strategy (HTS) a community-based tourism initiative that has tremendous potential to help overcome the destruction caused by too many people in a fragile place."
Creator(s): Holly Quan | Date Published: 2001-12

Studies & Reports

Australian Statistics Working Group: Cultural Tourism Statistics Report

"The aim of this report is to identify sources and collections of cultural tourism statistics in Australia that provide national or State and Territory level data."
Creator(s): National Centre for Culture and Recreation Statistics of the Australian Bureau of Statistics | Date Published: 2001-08

Studies & Reports

Joining the dots: Museum trails and online cultural tourism

"Papers from the national conference about culture, new media and eBusiness, Melbourne Australia, June 13-14, 2001."
Creator(s): OZeCulture | Date Published: 2001-06-13

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Rapport d'information; l'action culturelle diffuse, instrument de développement des territoires (available in French only)

« Les territoires, et notamment les territoires ruraux, sont assez facilement traités comme les objets d'une action que devraient mener les pouvoirs centraux. Pour éviter leur désindustrialisation, leur désertification, il revient à l'État de mener une politique active. »
Creator(s): Assemblée nationale française | Date Published: 2006-06-07

Studies & Reports

Thundering Hooves: Maintaining the Global Competitive Edge of Edinburgh's Festivals (Full Report)

"This study was commissioned by the Scottish Arts Council in partnership with Festivals Edinburgh (formely, the Association of Edinburgh Festivals), the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC), the Scottish Executive, EventScotland and Scottish Entreprise Edinburgh and Lothian."
Creator(s): AEA Consulting | Date Published: 2006-05

Studies & Reports

A Position Paper on Cultural & Heritage Tourism in the United States

"Ten years ago a seminal blueprint for cultural and Ten years ago a seminal blueprint for cultural and heritage tourism was adopted by the more than 1,500 dedicated political and industry leaders and practitioners as part of their national agenda for the travel industry, which they developed at the 1995 White House Conference on Travel and Tourism."
Creator(s): Th is position paper was developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities for the 2005 U.S. Cultural & Heritage Tourism Summit | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

The Impact of Folk Festivals

"This report is based on a major independent research study undertaken by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre. 4,294 adult festival goers completed short questionnaires at a range of six different folk festivals in England during July, August and September 2002. A further representative, weighted sample of 450 of these adults then completed long questionnaires during October 2002."
Creator(s): Arts Council England | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Cultural Tourism: Promoting Your History to the World

"Many indigenous peoples around the world have inherited rich cultural traditions that date back thousands of years or have extraordinary natural and man-made monuments in their midst. Foreign travellers are drawn to these communities because they know that they will find sites of great historical significance, or be awed by extraordinary dance or music performances."
Creator(s): Barbara Hager | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

The Aboriginal Heritage Garden: A First Nation Analysis

"This document was prepared so the reader may appreciate the many opportunities that the Aboriginal Heritage Garden presents."
Creator(s): Tim Dedam | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Ecotourism Can Benefit Your Culture, Here’s How!

"John Hickes, co-owner of Sila Lodge, discusses the unique relationship between ecotourism and the support, celebration, sustainability, and promotion of aboriginal cultures, using examples from Sila and Bathurst Inlet Lodge, two world-class tourism operations located in Nunavut."
Creator(s): John Hickes | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal cultures and the tourism industry

"Linkages already exist between Aboriginal culture and tourism, both in practice and in theory."
Creator(s): Mitchell Karhakeron Diabo | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Tourism, Culture, and Communities

"This session will explore how culture is affected and/or impacted by tourism, challenges and opportunities of tourism on Aboriginal communities. "
Creator(s): Trina Mather-Simard | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Traditions and Marketing Strategies for Developing Tourism with Cultural Integrity

"Keeping the cultures alive while maintaining the most values aspects of that culture has been a struggle for every Indigenous Nation that has ever encountered an outsider or television or new technology."
Creator(s): Beverley O'Neil | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Sport, Culture & Tourism

"This discussion paper will provide you, the audience with some background to the importance of Aboriginal sport, culture and tourism and the issues and challenges that face governments, practitioners, and Aboriginal communities in ensuring a healthier and more active Aboriginal community through sports, culture and tourism opportunities."
Creator(s): Christian Sinclair | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

National Tourism & Cuisine Forum: "Recipes for Success"

"Proceedings and Final Report, Halifax June 11-13, 2001. The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) has identified that tourism and cuisine play a major role in the affirmation of Canadian identity and cultural development."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Cross River Partnership’s Cultural Diversity and Tourism Seminar

"Cross River Partnership’s (CRP) ‘Cultural Diversity and Tourism’ seminar has highlighted the rich cultural diversity that the Cross River area (the City of London and parts of Westminster, Southwark and Lambeth) has to offer."
Creator(s): Cross River Partnership | Date Published: 2003-05-22

Studies & Reports

Aquiring a Taste for Cuisine Tourism: A Product Development Strategy

"Canada will be the premier four-season destination to connect with nature and to experience diverse cultures and communities."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission | Date Published: 2002-06

Studies & Reports

Analysis of Potential Markets for the Parks Canada Product Lines

"An estimate on the size of the gift and souvenir markets in Canada."
Creator(s): Fernando Mata and Dick Stanley | Date Published: 1995-11-24


Okanagan Cultural Corridor

"A cultural tourism initiative encompassing 3 regional districts, over 25 communities, and more than 210 cultural providers in the Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys, BC."


Aboriginal Tourism Canada

"Aboriginal Tourism Canada, formerly Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada, is a partnership of business and government whose goal is to create opportunities for the growth of Aboriginal tourism."


Tourism British Columbia

"As a marketing-oriented organization, Tourism BC's mandate is to promote the growth and development of the tourism industry through innovative programs and industry development initiatives."


The Catalan Consortium for the External Promotion of Culture

"COPEC is the official Catalan Gorvernment agency for promoting Catalonia's culture in other countries and developing lasting links between artists, organisations and cultures. COPEC, which stands for Catalan Consortium for the External Promotion of Culture."


New Brunswick Tourism

"Culture is central to our society. It is our identity; it defines us. Culture is more than just art - it is who we are!"


European Cities Tourism

"European Cities Tourism is the leading professional tourism network promoting and linking the interests of European cities tourism."


Travel Arts Partnership (TAP)

"Focusing on cultural tourism - one of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry - TAP is designed to spur productive partnerships between cultural/heritage organizations and travel professionals."


Nunavut Tourism

"Nunavut Tourism is a not-for-profit membership association which encourages tourism development by providing specialized knowledge and expertise in five key areas: marketing, research, product development, training, and visitor services."


Global Mural Arts & Cultural Tourism Association

"Promoting Economic Development through the Arts and Culture within our Communities."


Bonjour Québec - Ministère du Tourisme Québec

"Québec–a unique destination in North America, thanks to its wilderness (1,667.00 km2), its French culture adapted to the North American lifestyle and the contribution of the various cultural communities and native peoples."


The Association of Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS)

"The Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) was established in 1991 to develop transnational educational initiatives in tourism and leisure. ATLAS provides a forum to promote staff and student exchange, transnational research and to facilitate curriculum and professional development. ATLAS currently has members in more than 70 countries."


Canadian Tourism Commission - The Official Business Site

"The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) was created in 1995 to promote Canadian tourism in order to capitalize on one of the fastest-growing international industries."

Organization(s) - Canadian Tourism Commission

"The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) was created in 1995 to promote Canadian tourism in order to capitalize on one of the fastest-growing international industries."


Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change (CTCC)

"The CTCC is based at Sheffield Hallam University which has for more than 10 years developed a reputation for excellence in its tourism teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and for its international research activities."


Cultural Tourism Development Department, Cambodia

"The Department of Cultural Tourism Development is managed and lead by a Director and three Deputy Directors."


Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture

"The Department of Tourism and Culture is responsible for tourism development with the Yukon's tourism industry to help build a vibrant Yukon economy."


European Institute of Cultural Routes

"The European Institute of Cultural Routes has been installed in Luxembourg since July 1997 and, since 1998, it has been in charge with ensuring not only the continuity but also the development of the cultural routes programme of the Council of Europe."


Green Tourism Association

"The Green Tourism Association is a unique non-profit organization that is committed to establishing an urban green tourism industry in Toronto."


Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission

"The Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission supports and encourages an environment where arts and culture flourish, and lets the world know about Indy's vibrant cultural scene."


Ministry of Tourism Ontario

"The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation supports delivery of high quality tourism and recreation experiences to Ontarians and visitors to Ontario. Promoting a sustainable, customer-focused tourism industry and a more physically active population helps improve our quality of life, increase pride in our communities, and increase economic growth."


Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism

"The place where land, water and sky embrace like old friends. And the edge of North America holds an adventure as big as the sky. This site will show you the best ways to encounter a land old as time, and people who make you feel like you've known them all your life."


World Tourism Organization

"The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO/OMT), a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the leading international organization in the field of tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and practical source of tourism know-how."


Prince Edward Island Tourism

"There are a wealth of activities to keep you busy – or relaxed – on Prince Edward Island."


Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage

"Tourism Division functions include planning and development, marketing and operations."


Tourism Saskatchewan

"Tourism Saskatchewan is a market-driven, industry-led partnership responsible for developing and promoting tourism in Saskatchewan."


Travel Alberta

"Travel Alberta is the destination marketing organization for the Province of Alberta with a mandate to increase the number of visitors to and within Alberta and the subsequent economic impact of tourism spending in the province."


Travel Manitoba

" for everything you'll need to plan your perfect Manitoba Vacation."


The Arts and Cultural Highway Foundation

“We’re here to make the branding of The Arts & Cultural Highway a household name in a global market place and establish the arts as a growing industry that promotes local talent, benefits your quality of life and attracts tourists to our region.”


Conseil régional de la culture du Saguenay

« Bienvenue sur le portail culturel, Carrefour culturel régional, un site qui contient des informations sur la vie culturelle et artistique de la région du Saguenay Lac-Saint- Jean. Découvrez des artistes, des événements, des lieux culturels qui font la richesse de la région. Explorez notre calendrier, le bottin des artistes professionnels, partez à notre découverte. Voyagez avec nous via Carrefour culturel régional... »

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

World Tourism Organization Newsroom

World Tourism Organization Newsroom
Creator(s): World Tourism Organization


Culture and Tourism
August 2005

Featured from August 2005 to October 2005 (Photo: Canadian Tourism Commission, Louise Leblanc)




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