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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
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Digital Tranformations I:
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
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All(52)Studies & Reports(17)
Statistics(11)Quick Facts(1)
Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)(2)Journal(s)(2)
General Reference(19) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

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International Arts Manager Magazine (IAM)

"International Arts Manager is essential reading for all those involved in the management of the performing arts to give to you the ideas, information and solutions which will help you in your work."
Creator(s): Alain Charles Arts Publishing Ltd | Date Published: 2006

Journal(s) Cultural Diversity and the Stage

"A theatre quarterly that provides a forum for theatre practitioners, academics, and interested members of the general public to articulate and analyse information and experience pertaining to cultural plurality and the stage."
Creator(s): Teesri Duniya Theatre | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Programme de soutien aux arts de la scène - Rapport d'évaluation (available in French only)

« Le programme s'inscrit en cohérence avec les deux grandes priorités de la Politique de diffusion des arts de la scène de 1996, soit la sensibilisation et le développement du public de même que l'accès de la population à un éventail diversifié de spectacle. »
Creator(s): Direction de la planification stratégique et de l'évaluation des programmes du ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec | Date Published: 2007-10-05

Studies & Reports

Programme de soutien à la diffusion des arts de la scène - Portrait statistique (available in French only)

« Le présent rapport trace le portrait statistique des diffuseurs pluridisciplinaires soutenus par le Programme de soutien à la diffusion des arts de la scène 2003-2006. »
Creator(s): Félix Meisels | Date Published: 2007-04

Studies & Reports

Sources et ressources pour le spectacle vivant : Rapport au Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication - Tome premier (available in French only)

« L’enquête sur les centres de ressources du spectacle vivant (désignés ci-après par le sigle CR-SV ou CR) a été suscitée en 2003 par une requête de Sylvie Hubac, directrice de la musique, de la danse, du théâtre et des spectacles (DMDTS). »
Creator(s): Emmanuel Wallon | Date Published: 2006-02

Studies & Reports

Sources et ressources pour le spectacle vivant : Rapport au Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication - Tome second (available in French only)

« Les activités du spectacle puisent à des sources et des ressources de toutes natures : humaines, d’abord, financières aussi, immatérielles enfin. C’est à un inventaire de ces dernières que le présent volume s’évertue. »
Creator(s): Emmanuel Wallon | Date Published: 2006-02

Studies & Reports

Étude sur la situation et les besoins financiers des artistes, des travailleurs et des organismes professionnels de la danse, de la musique et du théâtre (available in French only)

« Cette étude vise à mieux connaître et comprendre la situation financière des artistes, des travailleurs et des organismes professionnels des disciplines de la danse, de la musique et du théâtre et à cerner les problématiques, besoins et enjeux liés au financement du milieu des arts de la scène. »
Creator(s): Alliance pour le financement de la danse, de la musique et du théâtre | Date Published: 2005-05-12

Studies & Reports

Economic impact study of UK theatre

"The most comprehensive economic impact study of theatre in this country, encompassing all of the building-based theatres in the United Kingdom."
Creator(s): Dominic Shellard, University of Sheffield | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

La diffusion hors Québec des productions québécoises en arts de la scène de 2000-2001 à 2002-2003 (available in French only)

« La diffusion des productions québécoises en arts de la scène, tant au Québec qu’à l’étranger, représente aujourd’hui un enjeu important pour les organismes artistiques. »
Creator(s): Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Date Published: 2004-05

Studies & Reports

International Co-production & Touring

"Since the 1980’s the performing arts have increasingly internationalized. The increased international touring has been accompanied by an active, international coproduction policy in which the financial, organizational and artistic responsibilities of new creations and their subsequent touring were shared by partners in different countries."
Creator(s): Guy Cools | Date Published: 2004-04

Studies & Reports

Making Changes: Facilitating the Transition of Dancers to Post-Performance Careers

"This is the first study of its kind, a coordinated inquiry into the career transition of professional dancers in different countries."
Creator(s): William J. Baumol, Joan Jeffri, and David Throsby, Research Center for Arts and Culture | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

La circulation des productions québécoises en arts de la scène au Québec en 2000-2001 (available in French only)

« Lors de la saison artistique 2000-2001, le Conseil a soutenu 57 organismes québécois pour la réalisation de 78 tournées dans le cadre de son programme Circulation de spectacles au Québec. Ces tournées équivalent à 1 246 jours et 983 représentations de spectacles en théâtre, danse, musique et arts multidisciplinaires. »
Creator(s): Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Date Published: 2003-02

Studies & Reports

Acts of achievement: The role of performing art centers in education

"A 168-page publication, provides the first study of K-12 education programs offered by performing arts centers nationwide, and showcases 74 performing art center institutions, large and small, partnering with their local schools."
Creator(s): The Dana Foundation | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

La diffusion des productions québécoises à l’extérieur du Québec (available in French only)

« Au cours de la saison artistique 2000-2001, près de dix mille représentations en théâtre, en danse, en musique et en arts multidisciplinaires ont été offertes au public québécois par les seuls organismes soutenus financièrement par le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. »
Creator(s): Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

Performing Arts Venues Study - Managing Our Performance Spaces

"Out of concern to better serve the community and to adequately and harmoniously develop the performing arts sector in the country, the Canada Council for the Arts has wanted for some time to acquire the data needed to develop or revise its programs and policies."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

L’enseignement de la danse : Rapport sur la qualification des enseignants et la formation et le devenir des danseurs professionnels (available in French only)

« Fruit d’une réflexion globale sur l’organisation du système français d’enseignement de la danse, il fait le point, d’une part, sur la qualification des enseignants de la danse, telle qu’elle résulte, notamment, de la loi n° 89-468 du 10 juillet 1989, d’autre part, sur la formation et le devenir des danseurs professionnels, dans la perspective de l’élaboration, par le ministère de la culture, d’un schéma directeur des enseignements artistiques supérieurs. »
Creator(s): Marc Sadaoui | Date Published: 2001-10-23

Studies & Reports

Report on Large Performing Arts Organizations

"The Research Report on Large Performing Arts Organizations analyzed the situation of the 29 largest performing arts organizations in the country, in an effort to assess trends, challenges and opportunities facing this important sector of the arts community."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2001-09-07

Studies & Reports

Report of the Working Group on Large Performing Arts Organizations

"Canada's Large Performing Arts Organizations: Improving Conditions for their Vitality and Sustainability."
Creator(s): Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2001-06

Studies & Reports

Performing Arts Dissemination Nationally and Internationally

"The executive summary of Performing Arts Dissemination Nationally and Internationally is divided into four sections. The first two sections present the findings on dissemination in the last decade. The third section discusses dissemination issues in the future, while the fourth and last section examines dissemination funding issues."
Creator(s): Louise Poulin, Canada Council for the Arts | Date Published: 2000-05-24

General Reference

General Reference

Laculture : Performing Arts in Europe

"European Performing Arts Information Desk."
Creator(s): Laculture | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts (ENICPA)

"The European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts (ENICPA) aims to function as a meeting place for information and documentation organisations. The main goal of the network is to distribute and to make available a broad range of information about the professional performing arts to arts professionals world wide."
Creator(s): European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts (ENICPA) | Date Published: 2005-01-10

General Reference

Atlantic Canada Theatre Site

"The Atlantic Canada Theatre Site is an academically-refereed Internet site which publishes a wide range of primary research materials of interest to Canadian theatre scholars, and to social, cultural, and political historians of the Atlantic region."
Creator(s): Atlantic Canada Theatre Site | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

CINARS (The International Exchange for the Performing Arts)

"CINARS (The International Exchange for the Performing Arts) is a non lucrative private sector organism, with the guiding principle of promoting and marketing Quebec and Canada's performing arts int foreign countries."
Creator(s): CINARS (The International Exchange for the Performing Arts) | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

The Dramatists Guild of America

"The Dramatists Guild of America is the only professional association for playwrights, composers, and lyricists. Membership is open to all dramatic writers, regardless of their production history."
Creator(s): The Dramatists Guild of America | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Playwrights Guild of Canada

"Playwrights Guild of Canada (Formerly Playwrights Union of Canada) is a national association of professional and emerging playwrights. We were established in 1972 as the Playwrights Co-op."
Creator(s): Playwrights Guild of Canada | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Centre des auteurs dramatiques (CEAD)

"CEAD is a centre for the development and promotion of new Québec and French-Canadian plays."
Creator(s): Centre des auteurs dramatiques (CEAD) | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Société du droit de reproduction des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs au Canada (SODRAC)

"SODRAC was founded in 1985 on the initiative of songwriters and composers in order to manage the reproduction rights of authors, composers and publishers of musical works. In September 1997, a new department was created specifically to manage the rights of creators of artistic works."
Creator(s): Société du droit de reproduction des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs au Canada (SODRAC) | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

European Association For Theatre Culture

"Jurij Alschitz and the European team of teachers The European Association for Theatre Culture has its artistic and pedagogic roots in the Russian theatre tradition. This tradition stands for a continuous process of research and developmment in acting methods."
Creator(s): European Association For Theatre Culture | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Performing Arts Centre

"If you love the performing arts, you'll want to visit the fifth floor of the Toronto Reference Library, home of the Performing Arts Centre. It's a diverse collection of material and services devoted to theatre, music, film, television and dance."
Creator(s): Toronto Public Library | Date Published: 2004-06-22

General Reference

Performing Arts Research Coalition

"The Performing Arts Research Coalition (PARC) is a groundbreaking collaborative project created to improve and coordinate the way performing arts organizations gather information on our sector."
Creator(s): Performing Arts Research Coalition | Date Published: 2004-05-13

General Reference

"Welcome to, the site about all things ballet and dance in the world & the UK in great depth."
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2004-02-20

General Reference

Ballet Alert

"Ballet Alert! Online is devoted to classical and neoclassical ballet. On this site, you'll find information about dancers, companies, and ballets. Welcome!"
Creator(s): Ballet Alert | Date Published: 2004-02-20

General Reference

Opera News Online

"OPERA NEWS magazine is the only choice if you want to put your message before over 300,000+ up-scale opera fans, dedicated to this most grand of art forms and dedicated, as well, to the many other finer things in life. According to our most recent reader survey, OPERA NEWS readers buy luxury cars, travel, have impressive investment portfolios, etc."
Creator(s): Opera News Online | Date Published: 2004-02-20

General Reference

SIBMAS International Directory of Performing Arts Collections and Institutions

"The SIBMAS International Directory of Performing Arts Collections and Institutions lists over 7000 international institutions with material relating to the performing arts (theatre, opera, music, ballet, film, circus, radio, television, cabaret, pantomime)."
Creator(s): SIBMAS International Directory of Performing Arts Collections and Institutions | Date Published: 2003-12-17

General Reference

ACTRA Performers Unions & Professional Associations Industry Links

"Industry Links to the Performing Arts."
Creator(s): ACTRA | Date Published: 2003-12-15

General Reference

On the Move: The Performing Arts Travellers Toolkit

"On-The-Move is a web site dedicated to information about international activities, projects and their funding, in the areas of theatre, dance, music and other performing arts disciplines. It is intended for artists and performing arts professionals from the European Union and its surrounding countries."
Creator(s): On the Move: The Performing Arts Travellers Toolkit | Date Published: 2002-07

General Reference

Internet Broadway Database

"IBDB was created by the Research Department of League of American Theatres and Producers, the national trade association for Broadway."
Creator(s): Internet Broadway Database | Date Published: 2001

General Reference

Canadian Music Centre

"The Canadian Music Centre exists to stimulate the awareness, appreciation and performance of Canadian Music."
Creator(s): Canadian Music Centre



Performing Arts

"Statistics Canada survey data and analysis covering the topic of not-for-profit performing arts in Canada."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-04-18


Show Attendance - Québec

"Show attendance."
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2006-01-13

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

The World Intangible Cultural Heritage “Nogaku Theater”

"These traditional Japanese performing arts are the world's oldest extant professional theater and have been designated a World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. "
Creator(s): The Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Les expositions d’art contemporain dans les centres d’artistes en arts visuels au Québec

«Ce numéro s’intéresse aux expositions d’art contemporain présentées par les centres d’artistes en arts visuels.»
Creator(s): Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec | Date Published: 2004-07

Studies & Reports

The Impact of Folk Festivals

"This report is based on a major independent research study undertaken by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre. 4,294 adult festival goers completed short questionnaires at a range of six different folk festivals in England during July, August and September 2002. A further representative, weighted sample of 450 of these adults then completed long questionnaires during October 2002."
Creator(s): Arts Council England | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Income Management Benchmarking and Best Practices Study

"Improving all aspects of income management -- obtaining better results from marketing and fundraising efforts -- is a challenge faced by all not-for-profit performing arts organizations. This study is a first-time effort to identify Income Management benchmarks and to examine the best practices being used by 24 performing arts organizations to improve their Income Management processes and obtain better results."
Creator(s): Centre for Cultural Management, University of Waterloo and Ontario Arts Council | Date Published: 1997-11

General Reference

ArtsSmarts… investing in a creative Canada

"ArtsSmarts is the largest education initiative in Canada dedicated to improving the lives and learning capacity of Canadian children by injecting arts into their academic programs."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2004-03-25

General Reference

Arrimage : Corporation culturelle des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (available in French only)

« Fondée en décembre 1989, Arrimage a une mission de concertation, de soutien et de planification en matière de développement des arts et de la culture, de consultation et de représentation des intérêts des artistes et des organismes culturels et artistiques et de promotion des réalisations de ces milieux. »
Creator(s): Arrimage : Corporation culturelle des Îles-de-la-Madeleine | Date Published: 2004-01-05


Media Salles

"An initiative of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government. Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level."


Canadian Actors' Equity Association

"Canadian Actors' Equity is the professional association of performers, directors, choreographers, fight directors and stage managers in English Canada who are engaged in live performance in theatre, opera and dance."


Dance UK

"Dance UK works with and on behalf of dance."



"Dance/USA, the national service organization for professional dance, seeks to advance the art form of dance by addressing the needs, concerns, and interests of professional dance."


Independent Theatre Council (ITC)

"Established in 1974, the Independent Theatre Council (ITC) has 500 members across the performing arts."


National Arts Centre

"Focusing on artistic excellence, diversity, and youth, the National Arts Centre has played an important role in the development of almost all Canadian artists."


International Society for the Performing Arts Foundation

"ISPA is a not-for-profit international organization (founded 1949) of over 600 executives and directors of concert and performance halls, festivals, performing companies, and artist competitions; government cultural officials; artists' managers; and other interested parties with a professional involvement in the performing arts from more than 50 countries in every region of the world, and in every arts discipline."


Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians

"OCSM/OMOSC is a conference of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM), that represents Canada's professional symphony musicians."


Orchestras Canada

"Orchestras Canada is the national service organization for all Canadian orchestras. Our member organizations include major symphony orchestras, regional professional and chamber orchestras, semi-professional, community, university and youth orchestras as well as ensembles, presenters and music educators."


Professional Association of Canadian Theatres

"PACT is a member-driven organization that serves as the collective voice of professional Canadian theatres. For the betterment of Canadian theatre, PACT provides leadership, national representation and a variety of programs and practical assistance to member companies, enabling members to do their own creative work."


Performance Creation Canada (PCC)

"Performance Creation Canada is a nationwide network dedicated to the nourishment, management and study of performance creation in Canada, and the ecology in which it flourishes."


Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada

"SOCAN is the Canadian copyright collective for the public performance of musical works. We administer the performing rights of our members (composers, lyricists, songwriters and their publishers) and those of affiliated international societies by licensing the use of their music in Canada."


Teesri Duniya Theatre

"Teesri Duniya Theatre ["third world" in Hindustani] was founded in 1981 to respond to the artistic needs of actors of South Asian descent living in Canada."


American Association of Community Theatre

"The American Association of Community Theatre (AACT) is the national voice of community theatre, representing the interests of its members and over 7,000 theatres across the U.S. and with the armed forces overseas. AACT offers a wide range of member benefits and services."


Associated Designers of Canada

"The Associated Designers of Canada (ADC) is a national, not-for-profit arts service organization and professional association dedicated to promoting and protecting the interests of set, costume, lighting and sound designers working within the performing arts in Canada."


Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts (ANDPVA)

"The Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts (ANDPVA) was established 1972 by the late Cree Elder James Buller, at a time when presentation and employment opportunities for aboriginal artists were limited."


Association for Canadian Theatre Research

"The Association's membership consists of theatre professionals, scholars, students and other interested individuals."


Canadian Arts Presenting Association

"The Canadian Arts Presenting Association/L'Association canadienne des organismes artistiques (CAPACOA) is a federally incorporated non-profit association serving the live touring industry in Canada."


Canadian Society for Education through Art

"The Canadian Society for Education through Art, a voluntary association founded in Quebec City in 1955, is the only Canadian national organization that brings together art educators, gallery educators and others with similar interests and concerns."


Council for Dance Education and Training

"The Council for Dance Education and Training (CDET) promotes excellence in dance education and training."


Educational Theatre Association

"The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) is an organization for theatre educators, artists, arts advocates and anyone else involved in theatre as a life-long learning activity."


All About Jewish Theatre

"The Global Website to promote and enhance Jewish Theatre and Performing Arts Worldwide"


Dancer Transition Resource Centre

"The mandate of the Centre is to help dancers make the necessary transitions into, within, and from professional performing careers."


Opera America

"The Service Organization Supporting the Creation, Presentation, and Enjoyment of Opera."


"The voice of opera in Canada."


Theatre Planning Network

"Theatre Planning Network is a registered non-profit organisation of human network, working for promoting performing arts in Japan and abroad, and developing its infrastructure."


Theatre Communications Group

"To strengthen, nurture and promote the not-for-profit professional American theatre."


Association of Performing Arts Presenters

"With over forty years as an active arts service organization, the Association of Performing Arts Presenters (Arts Presenters) is the nexus for the performing arts community and the innovators in the field."


Conseil des Métiers d'art du Québec

« Aujourd’hui, le Conseil des métiers d’art regroupe plus de 700 artisans professionnels et 200 membres associés sur une base volontaire. »


SODEC : Société de développement des entreprises culturelles

« La SODEC est une société d'État qui relève du ministre de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. Elle soutient l'implantation et le développement des entreprises culturelles, y compris les médias, dans toutes les régions du Québec. »


Le Conseil québécois du théâtre (CQT)

« Le Conseil québécois du théâtre se veut le porte-parole de l’ensemble du milieu théâtral professionnel au Québec. »


Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec

« L’Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec (APASQ) regroupe et représente des concepteurs de décors, de costumes, d’éclairages, de son, de marionnettes, d’accessoires, des assistants metteurs en scène, des régisseurs, des directeurs techniques et de production, les peintres de décors, les assistants concepteurs de décors et de costumes. »


Association québécoise des éducatrices et éducateurs spécialisés en arts plastiques (AQÉSAP)

« Par ses activités, l'AQÉSAP désire regrouper les personnes engagées dans l'organisation et dans l'enseignement des arts plastiques au Québec. »


Association québécoise des auteurs dramatiques (AQAD)

« Présentation de l'AQAD Comment devenir membre L'ASSOCIATION QUÉBÉCOISE DES AUTEURS DRAMATIQUES est une société à but non lucratif. Sa mission est de défendre les droits et les intérêts moraux, sociaux, économiques et professionnels des auteurs dramatiques, des librettistes, des adaptateurs et des traducteurs francophones, québécois et canadiens. »

Legislation & Regulations

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act

"An Act to establish an indemnification program for travelling exhibitions."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Regulations

"An Act to establish an indemnification program for travelling exhibitions."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

National Arts Centre Act

"An Act to establish a corporation for the administration of the National Arts Centre."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Legislation & Regulations

Status of the Artist Act

"An Act respecting the status of the artist and professional relations between artists and producers in Canada."
Creator(s): Department of Justice Canada | Date Published: 2005-08-09

Newsletter(s) & Bulletin(s)

On the Move : News and Announcements

On the Move : News and Announcements
Creator(s): On the Move: The Performing Arts Travellers Toolkit




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ID: 9749 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-11-06 Important Notices