Create Your Group Guidelines

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How do I start a group and what steps do I need to consider before creating one?

Creating a group is simple and requires minimal effort. Click on the button labeled “Create a Group” at the top of the Culturescope Groups page and fill out the request form. You will then be contacted in order to complete the application and guide you through the start-up process.

Before initiating a group, you should determine what your group will achieve on-line. Projects and initiatives with specific goals are generally more successful. The following list of questions can be used to guide your thinking and help you plan your approach.
  1. What is the goal and projected outcome of the group? The more specific the goal, the greater the chance of success and the more likely that your group members will want to contribute regularly. Remember you can add new goals at any time.

  2. Who will be invited? What are the guidelines for accepting members? Will you allow interested members of the public to contribute or is your group restricted to a specific target audience? This must be established, documented, and filed with the Observatory before your group is set-up. We suggest that this be one of the first documents you post within your group.

  3. Are you and your colleagues ready to move your work to an on-line environment? Group leader(s) should undergo a diligent evaluation of the organizational readiness of their proposed group. Once group leaders are satisfied that they are ready to move forward, the leader(s) should spend some time familiarizing themselves with the site and how its tools function.

  4. Who will look after the administration of the group? This person will become the primary point of contact for members should they have any questions, technical or otherwise. Ideally, the group should designate a leader before any work is begun on-line. The leader should also be prepared to lead conversations and steer work in the proper direction, essentially occupying the role of moderator/facilitator. Will the leader be the only administrator or will administrative duties be shared? Groups may want to consider posting a code of conduct to the group space.

  5. Who will be the leader? Will there be one or many? Who will be responsible for monitoring the progress of the group and determining whether members are adhering to group standards and meeting timelines, if necessary? Who will be responsible to follow-up with group members if contributions slow or stop? It is important to establish roles and responsibilities quickly and clearly.

  6. Will the group leader(s) provide basic training?

  7. What will your group be called? The Observatory can always modify the name of your group once it has been created, but to avoid confusing your members at a later stage, we suggest you adopt a name that is easy to remember and clearly describes your group.

Create Your Group

ID: 5826 | Date Added: 2004-10-15 | Date Modified: 2006-04-07