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Are We American? Canadian Culture in North America
Annual Conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada
February 13-15, 2008
Highlight of the Presentation by Gilberto Gil
Max Valiquette, September 12, 2007
Symposium 2007 Preserving Aboriginal Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches, September 24 - 28, 2007
Canadian Culture and Digital Technology Forum, October 26-27, 2007
International Cultural Heritage Informatics (ICHIM) Meeting 2007
The Couchiching Summer Conference 2007
Metropolis Presents: Second Generation Youth in Canada
Canadians and Their Pasts: A New Research Project, April 17, 2007
Ignite: Youth Arts Forum, June 12-13, 2007, Toronto, Ontario
Multiculturalism Speakers Series, June 27th, 2007
The Independent Film and Television Alliance Production Conference, June 15th, 2007
CFTPA Prime Time Ottawa Conference
Interactive Screen: Cultural policy dispatches from Banff
Interactive Screen: Digital art dispatches from Banff
Cultural Policy Reporting from Vienna
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In Focus
Religious Diversity in Canada: Research Forum
February 2008
In Focus - Cultural Policy 101: European Perspective
Focus on Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Cultural Policy 101 Series
Arts and Youth: Canadian Youth Arts Programming and Policy
Community Arts in Rural Settings
Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
Three Big Questions
Facts and Figures
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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
Sustaining Butterflies: Methodology and Approach
From Cocoon to Flight: Transformations and Challenges
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The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006
Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006
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April 2005

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Collected here are all the documents and web sites found throughout Culture and Trade In Focus.

Also find additional information not included in other sections.

The Canadian Cultural Observatory welcomes suggestions for added content.


Event(s) Culture and Trade - Cultural Policies, Trade Liberalization, and Identity Politics: Testing the Limits of the State - May 12-14, 2006
2006-05-12 Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

International Flows of Selected Cultural Goods and Services, 1994-2003: Defining and Capturing the Flows of Global Cultural Trade

"This report is a collaborative effort by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the UNESCO Sector for Culture. It looks at cross-border trade in selected cultural goods and, for the first time, examines trade in selected cultural services."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005-12-15

Studies & Reports

Response to the On-line Discussion on the Promotion of Canadian Culture and Knowledge Abroad, June 29, 2005@

"Over the last few weeks policy planners at Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) have reviewed comments submitted by Canadians during the recent eDiscussion on Showcasing Canadian Culture and Know-how Abroad."
Creator(s): Foreign Affairs Canada | Date Published: 2005-06-29

Studies & Reports

Canada's International Policy Statement: A Role of Pride and Influence in the World@

"Canada's International Policy Statement - A Role of Pride and Influence in the World articulates a vision for Canada's global engagement. Our first comprehensive, integrated international policy framework, the Statement delivers on the Government's commitment to invest in our international role."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2005-04-20

Studies & Reports

Canada and the World Trade Organization (WTO)@

"The WTO administers the rules governing trade between its 146 Members. Established in 1995, the WTO provides its Members with a forum for trade negotiations; for the review of Members' trade policies and practices, and other technical assistance activities; and for settling disputes between them."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2005-03-09

Studies & Reports

Canada and the Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA)@

"The FTAA is a collaboration among 34 democratic governments in the Americas, including Canada, to ensure prosperity, democracy and free markets for goods and services in the hemisphere by 2005."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2005-02-10

Studies & Reports

International Network for Cultural Diversity Newsletter February 2005@

"Newsletter – February 2005 Volume 6 Number 2."
Creator(s): International Network for Cultural Diversity | Date Published: 2005-02

Studies & Reports

Essays on Culture and Trade@

"This thesis consists of three self-contained essays. The first two essays address the consumption of culture and are closely related in terms of the theoretical framework used. The third essay is a separate analysis of international trade and competition."
Creator(s): Ulrika Stavlot, Institute for International Economic Studies Stockholm University | Date Published: 2005-01

Studies & Reports

Intergovernmental Meetings of Experts of a Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expression@

"On the basis of the first preliminary draft convention produced during the meetings of independent experts and following the approval of the Executive Board (169 EX/40), the Director-General convene a series of intergovernmental meetings of experts (so-called Category II)."
Creator(s): UNESCO Culture Sector | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Quick Facts on the Value of Cultural Trade to the Canadian Economy@

Quick Facts
Creator(s): Canadian Cultural Observatory | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

U.S. Trade Policy and Canadian Culture: What Can be Accomplished Through Trade Negotiation?@

"For Canada, the so-called cultural industries (film, radio, television, book publishing, magazines, and sound recordings) represent the principal vehicles for Canadians to communicate among themselves: Canadians talking to Canadians. Many Canadians fervently believe that unless these sectors receive some form of protection from the economic behemoth to the south, a purely Canadian presence in these areas will cease to exist..."
Creator(s): William S. Merkin - Strategic Policy, Inc. | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Quick Fact from UNESCO@

Quick Facts
Creator(s): Canadian Cultural Observatory | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Quick Facts on Canadian Programs in Support of Exporters@

Quick Facts
Creator(s): Canadian Cultural Observatory | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)@

"The TRIPS Agreement, which came into effect on 1 January 1995, is to date the most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property."
Creator(s): World Trade Organization | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Cultural Effects of Trade Liberalization@

"The reality of global cultural difference challenges the goal of creating an integrated world trading system based on common rules and norms. For some advocates of trade liberalization, as represented by the expansive, post-Uruguay Round trade agenda, global cultural diversity represents an irritating distraction on the road to a rationally organized world economy."
Creator(s): Steve Suranovic and Robert Winthrop | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

WTO Electronic commerce@

"WTO members are exploring how electronic commerce should be dealt with in the context of the Uruguay Round Agreements and the WTO, within a work programme established by the WTO General Council on September 25, 1998."
Creator(s): World Trade Organization | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Meetings of Independent Experts for a Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions@

"Following the Organization's customary practice, the Director-General set up a multidisciplinary international group of 15 independent experts whose task was to submit to him suggestions and views on the elaboration of the preliminary draft convention."
Creator(s): UNESCO Culture Sector | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

General Agreement on Trade In Services - GATS@

"The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the first multilateral agreement covering trade in services. It was negotiated during the last round of multilateral trade negotiations, called the Uruguay Round, and came into force in 1995."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2004-12-01

Studies & Reports

Trade Agreements, Contracts Canada@

"Canada has signed a number of national and international agreements to eliminate trade barriers, facilitate the cross-border movement of goods and services, and increase investment opportunities for Canadian business."
Creator(s): Contracts Canada | Date Published: 2004-11-17

Studies & Reports

Approaches to Promoting and Protecting Cultural Industries: Lessons from Canada@

"Despite its vast size, Canada is a relatively small country whose population of 32 million lies mostly like reclining Chile along the border of the most powerful country on the face of the earth."
Creator(s): Pauline Couture | Date Published: 2004-10-29

Studies & Reports

The Broadcasting Position@

"It is not surprising that, the cultural industries, being among the fastest growing sectors in the world economy, are being shepherded into the WTO regime that currently applies to trade in goods."
Creator(s): Broadcasting Commission | Date Published: 2004-05-28

Studies & Reports

L’action de la France en faveur de l’Europe de la culture@

«Le ministre de la culture et de la coopération a présenté une communication sur la politique de la France dans le domaine de la culture.»
Creator(s): Conseils des ministres française | Date Published: 2004-04-07

Studies & Reports

Intellectual Property and International Trade@

"The paper begins with a brief survey of the relationship of copyright to Canadian cultural policy, and the status of culture in international trade agreements generally."
Creator(s): Susan Crean, B. Laurie Edwards and Marian D. Hebb | Date Published: 2004-03-11

Studies & Reports

Artistic Expression in a Corporate World: Do we need monopolistic control?@

"In the present economically dominated world order all kinds of protective measures have been considered as distortions of the glorified free trade and are therefore meant to be abolished."
Creator(s): Joost Smiers, Utrecht School of the Arts | Date Published: 2004-02

Studies & Reports

Is There a Distinct Theory of International Trade?@

"Economics is a social science dealing with human choices and evaluations resulting from them. Every branch of our social world is a result of human action. That is why we always have to concentrate on acting individuals, who choose means to achieve their subjective ends."
Creator(s): Mateusz Machaj, Ludwig von Mises Institute | Date Published: 2004-01-19

Studies & Reports

The Art of Export Marketing

"The purpose of this Guide is to provide information to assist artists in understanding and managing issues related to Export Marketing of Cultural Products and Services."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Canada and the North American Free Trade Agreement@

"In January 1994, Canada, the United States and Mexico launched the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and formed the world's largest free trade area."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2003-10-06

Studies & Reports

FTAA Draft Text, Canada's Positions and Proposals, and Frequently Asked Questions@

"Canada is committed in the FTAA negotiations to maintaining maximum flexibility to pursue cultural policy objectives. As is the case in Canada's existing bilateral trade agreements, Canada will be seeking a cultural exception that achieves this goal."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2003-10-01

Studies & Reports

Towards a Canadian Position on Trade in Cultural Goods and Services@

"The Government of Canada is seeking the opinions of Canadians on the scope, content and process for negotiations to establish the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and for anticipated negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO). International trade and investment are vital to Canada's economic well-being. One in three Canadian jobs are linked directly to trade, and exports alone represent 40 per cent of GDP."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2003-09-23

Studies & Reports

Statistics Canada: Culture Trade Survey@

"Culture trade is on the agenda at a number of bilateral and multilateral fora in which Canada participates, including the World Trade Organization and talks related to the Free Trade Zone of the Americas."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2003-07-09

Studies & Reports

New Strategies for Culture and Trade Canadian Culture in a Global World@

"As a nation, Canada has developed a vibrant cultural sector, with numerous cultural institutions, a diverse publishing industry, a talented music industry, a dynamic cultural new media industry and critically acclaimed film and television industries."
Creator(s): International Trade Canada | Date Published: 2003-04-16

Studies & Reports

Trade Team Canada Cultural Goods & Services@

"The cultural sector and the Government of Canada Government of Canada working together for stronger together for stronger international business opportunities."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Trade Routes: Opening Doors for Canadian Arts & Cultural Exports@

"Trade Routes provides Canada’s arts and cultural entrepreneurs with access to the full range of government trade programs and services that operate under the Team Canada Inc banner. It helps private and non-profit sector entrepreneurs to strategically increase their export capacity and sell in international markets."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Trade secrets: Marketing guide for artists exporting to the U.S.

"This publication, commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's (DFAIT) Arts and Cultural Industries Promotion Division, is meant to assist Canadian makers of high-end, one-of-a-kind contemporary crafts who wish to sell at the wholesale level in the U.S. whether they are seasoned exporters or are looking at the American market for the first time."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2002-10-29

Studies & Reports

25 Questions and Answers to Explore Key Concepts and Ideas Related to Culture and Trade in the Context of Development@

"Over the past 50 years, the general world economic trend has been towards open markets: world exports increased from 8% to 27% of world GDP between 1950 and 1998."
Creator(s): UNESCO Culture Sector | Date Published: 2002-08-22

Studies & Reports

Beyond Economics: Developing Indicators of the Social Effects of Culture@

"This blue plate special presents the main points of presentations on the topic of citizenship values and social cohesion given by Dr Paul Reed (Carleton University) and Professor Neil Nevitte (University of Toronto)."
Creator(s): Dick Stanley | Date Published: 2002-06-01

Studies & Reports

Rhetoric and Reality - The Debate Over Trade and Culture@

"The purpose of this article is to assess where Canada and a number of other countries stand in the debate over the treatment of trade in the cultural industries. There is some complexity bordering on confusion over Canada’s position as it shows more than one face to the world."
Creator(s): Christopher Maule, Carleton University | Date Published: 2002-01-21

Studies & Reports

Export Marketing of Cultural Products and Services: Web Resources

"This list is regularly updated on"
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Export Marketing of Cultural Goods and Services: Competency Profile

"This document presents the outcomes of an occupational analysis pertaining to export marketing of cultural products and services."
Creator(s): Cultural Human Resources Council | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Indian Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Annual Reports - 2001-2002 # 3@

"The entertainment sector, especially Film Sector, has promising potential. Film sector provides employment, directly and indirectly to about 5 million people. Film exports have shown phenomenal growth in the last three years. This sector has the need for sources of investment through institutionalized financing channels."
Creator(s): Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

An Overview of issues for the Conference on Trade and Culture held November 28, 2001

"The purpose of this background note is to set out the main areas that merit further examination, a number of which will be the addressed in detail at this conference."
Creator(s): Christopher Maule | Date Published: 2001-11-28

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

GATS: A Growing Threat to Cultural Policy An analysis of the impact GATS and the WTO may have on the cultural sector

"An analysis of the impact GATS and the WTO may have on the cultural sector."
Creator(s): Garry Neil | Date Published: 2003-05-03

Studies & Reports

Cultural Heritage, Identity and Belonging among Transnational ‘Communities’ and Globalization: Emerging Issues & Challenges

"This paper is more in the nature of a series of reflections/questions concerning the developing issues & challenges, particularly from a policy perspective, in the ‘developed’ or ‘industrially advanced’ societies of Western Europe (WE) on the one hand and the immigrant-receiving ones of North America, Australia and New Zealand (NAANZ) on the other."
Creator(s): Dhiru Patel, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-11-21

Studies & Reports

The Arts and Canada's Cultural Policy

"Cultural policy is the expression of a government’s willingness to adopt and implement a set of coherent principles, objectives and means to protect and foster its country’s cultural expression. The arts are the very foundation of this expression."
Creator(s): Parlimentary Research Branch | Date Published: 1999-10-15

Studies & Reports

Modern Technology, Identity and Culture: The South Asian Diasporas

"The primary purpose of this paper is to explore very briefly and in a broad way a relatively unchartered area: the role modern technology, particularly in transportation and communications, plays in cultural heritage and ethnic identity maintenance (or change) among specific groups, using overseas South Asian groups as a case in point."
Creator(s): Dhiru Patel, Canadian Identity Sector, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999-06-01

Studies & Reports

Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Context of Economic Integration of the Americas

"The interpenetration of cultures through communications networks and freer trade presents Canada with both risks and opportunities. The strong cultural presence of the United States in Canada has always set us a challenge, one that we have met by taking linguistic multicultural and cultural measures that have contributed to the preservation of our linguistic and cultural diversity."
Creator(s): Parlimentary Research Branch | Date Published: 1997-08


Culture Goods Trade

"Statistics Canada integrated data and analysis covering the topic of international trade in culture goods - culture goods trade estimates."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-06-25


International Trade

"Cultural Sector's Economic Contribution to Canada - International Trade."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2002-06


International Network for Cultural Diversity

"The International Network for Cultural Diversity (INCD) is a world wide network of artists and cultural groups dedicated to countering the homogenizing effects of globalization on culture."




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