Rethinking Copyright
October 2004

Featured from October 2004 to April 2005

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Rethinking Copyright
It is largely accepted that effective copyright protection is key to the development of cultural content and the rapid expansion of the knowledge-based economy. Yet the question of what is effective, and how this translates to law, has been the subject of much debate over recent decades. Indeed, the modernization of copyright law is a work in progress.

This In Focus on copyright provides access to resources that frame the contemporary debate in Canada and abroad. It also provides contextual resources on the state of copyright in Canada for those seeking to address the important and complex public policy questions facing copyright modernization in the digital age.

Find resources relating to: Copyright Today – Canada, Copyright Today – International, The Digital Environment
ID: 5472 | Date Added: 2004-09-22 | Date Modified: 2007-09-11