Creating a group for your project or initiative can bring significant benefits, as outlined below. Read more...

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Share your work on-line
Culturescope Groups can post their material on-line, free of charge. Members of your group can contribute their knowledge and expertise to the rest of the group by posting content and participating in on-line discussions. While your group’s knowledge-sharing remains private, useful community information such as updates on projects and general news can be featured on the Culturescope Groups main page, and/or included within the public collection of Resources.

As more groups take advantage of the services offered through and more resources are posted on-line, access to new partnering opportunities will grow. Using content created and contributed by others, your group will be able to foster new working relationships and leverage available expertise.

No initial technology or membership costs
Initiating and participating in a group is a free service. All your group members need is access to the Internet. Both a Quick Start Guide and a Lesson Guide are available on-line to members wanting to familiarize themselves with the site.

An efficient way to work
Group members, who are dispersed over large geographic areas, will save on travel and communications costs. Meetings can be conducted on-line with contributions occurring at the convenience of members.

Create Your Group

ID: 5824 | Date Added: 2004-10-15 | Date Modified: 2006-03-13