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Home Research Themes In Focus La Francophonie
August 2004

Canadian Francophonie (In Focus)



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From a national perspective, la Francophonie is perceived as an opportunity to promote Canada’s linguistic duality. This heading covers policies and innovative solutions that have been developed to ensure the growth of the French fact in Canada and to stimulate the production of cultural events. Canadian Francophonie focuses specifically on actions taken and on policies developed to address the various issues pertaining to French in Canada. It includes statistics on the French fact and publications dealing with the state of the French language in the country.

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Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

New Canadian Perspectives - The Official Languages and the Economic Perspective

"Linguistic assimilation still takes place today. Some regions give more cause for worry than others. Some participants in the colloquium firmly stated that complete bilingualism is unrealistic. Others favoured greater emphasis on the Francophone presence in Quebec and willingly grant English near-exclusivity elsewhere in Canada."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-02-04

Studies & Reports

Follow-Up: Official Languages in the Canadian Sport System

"The purpose of the follow-up was to determine the extent to which Sport Canada had implemented the recommendations we had put to which Sport Canada had implemented the recommendations we had put forward in this study."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2003-06

Studies & Reports

Living in French in Quebec

"Québec’s efforts to preserve its identity and promote its culture and language have been accompanied by an opening up to the world, which over the past several decades has been greater than ever before. One important illustration of this openness is seen in the growing size of Québec’s."
Creator(s): Conseil supérieur de la langue française | Date Published: 2003-05

Studies & Reports

About Québec's language policy

"Throughout its history, Québec has adopted various legislative measures dealing with the status and use of French. However, only with the adoption of the Charter of the French language in 1977 did Québec witness the emergence of a full-fledged language policy."
Creator(s): Secrétariat à la politique linguistique | Date Published: 2003-04

Studies & Reports

Action Plan for Official Languages

"Both ambitious and realistic, the Action Plan described in this policy statement will, as its title indicates, truly provide new momentum for Canada’s linguistic duality."
Creator(s): Privy Council Office | Date Published: 2003-03-12

Studies & Reports

Perceived Threat to the French Language and Culture and Support for Bilingualism in Canada

"The poll is being released in conjunction with the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. One of the issues at the very center of the mandate of the Royal Commission was the security of the French language and the prospects for the implementation of national bilingualism. In the tables below we provide survey results on these issues from the most recent polls conducted by Environics."
Creator(s): Jack Jedwab and Chris Baker | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

The Single Window Networks of the Government of Canada

"The purpose of this study was to examine the federal government’s Single Windows initiative in order to determine the extent to which information on programs and services is equally accessible in both official languages and whether “single windows” serves to support the advancement of Canada’s official language minority communities, in line with the government’s commitment."
Creator(s): Paul Fortier and Marcel Charlebois | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Canadian Identity: Bilingualism, Multiculturalism and the Charter of Rights

"The survey of 2,002 Canadians 18 years of age and over looks at elements of Canadian identity."
Creator(s): Jack Jedwab and Chris Baker | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Un nouvel élan dans l'aménagement de la langue française au Québec

«De tout temps, par toutes sortes de stratégies et de tactiques, d'avancées et d'alliances, les Québécoises et les Québécois ont voulu, avec détermination et constance, non seulement sauvegarder l'usage de la langue française, mais aussi et surtout en étendre l'utilisation à tous les domaines de la vie collective pour en faire véritablement la langue officielle et la langue commune de tous les citoyens du Québec.»
Creator(s): Louise Beaudoin | Date Published: 2002-12-11

Studies & Reports

Survie du français à Montréal : Une politique linguistique plus ferme que jamais

«Des articles du journal Le Devoir ont récemment attiré l'attention des lecteurs sur l'aspect démographique de la relation entre la langue française et la langue anglaise dans l'île de Montréal. Les chiffres du dernier recensement confirment une tendance connue depuis le milieu des années 1980 : la proportion des francophones dans l'île de Montréal diminue.»
Creator(s): Louise Beaudoin | Date Published: 2002-12-11

Studies & Reports

À 20 ans, la Charte de la langue française nous ouvre l'avenir

«La Charte de la langue française était et est toujours l'expression de la ferme volonté des citoyens du Québec et du Gouvernement d'affirmer que le peuple québécois est et demeurera un peuple de langue française et de garantir l'usage et l'avenir de la langue française dans tous les domaines de la vie publique et privée.»
Creator(s): Secrétariat à la politique linguistique | Date Published: 2002-12-11

Studies & Reports

Santé en français - Pour un meilleur accès à des services de santé en français

«Présentation de la FCFA du Canada au Comité permanent des affaires sociales, sciences et technologie du Sénat.»
Creator(s): Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada | Date Published: 2002-09-09

Studies & Reports

Official Languages Legislation

"An Act respecting the status and use of the official languages of Canada."
Creator(s): Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Date Published: 2002-08-16

Studies & Reports

L'immigration dans les communautés francophones et acadiennes du Canada et la 7e partie de la Loi sur les langues officielles

«Présentation de Georges Arès, président de la FCFA du Canada, au Comité mixte permanent sur les langues officielles.»
Creator(s): Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Official Languages and Immigration: Obstacles and Opportunities for Immigrants and Communities

"The specific focus of this study are communities where an official language is spoken in a minority context and where there are currently too few immigrants compared with the national average. At present, this shortfall of immigrants is a major concern for Francophone minority communities."
Creator(s): Carsten Quell | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

The Use of the Official Language Minority Press by Federal Institutions

"For several years, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages has received many complaints about federal institutions’ failure to use the official language minority press when placing advertisements in official language majority newspapers. In spite of various measures taken with the institutions by successive Commissioners of Official Languages over the years, primarily through investigations and complaints, and in spite of the commitments made by institutions following these investigations, the problem persists."
Creator(s): Estelle Charron | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Official Language Requirements and Government On-Line

"The Government of Canada has made a commitment to be the most electronically connected government in the world by 2005. This important initiative, known as Government On-Line (GOL), will give Canadians faster, more convenient access to federal services and information in both official languages at a time and place of their choosing. "
Creator(s): Paul Fortier | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

A Senior Public Service that Reflects Canada's Linguistic Duality

"In the context of the change that the Public Service must go through so that linguistic duality may become an integral part of its culture, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages turned its attention to the linguistic characteristics that are essential for the federal government’s senior management."
Creator(s): Sylvie Mattar | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Introduction : La Charte de la langue française. Bilan, enjeux et perspectives

«La Charte de la langue française a constitué un objet de controverse : des positions souvent diamétralement opposées se sont affrontées. Cependant, cette situation semble maintenant être du passé, bien qu’il y ait encore des sursauts de controverses. La situation politique, économique et sociale des francophones a considérablement évolué depuis la publication de La politique québécoise de la langue française en 1977.»
Creator(s): Pierre Bouchard et Richard Y. Bourhis | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Official Languages on the Internet: Websites of Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations

"We argued in this study that the Internet is the catalyst for major linguistic, social, cultural and economic change, and that the Government of Canada has a critical role to play in ensuring that Canada's principle of linguistic duality is respected as the Internet continue to evolve. We stated that developing appropriate foreign policy is one of the federal government's key responsibilities in this regard."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports


"A strong majority of Canadians believe that English and French should be the official languages of Canada (76%)."
Creator(s): Jack Jedwab | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

French on the Internet: Key to the Canadian Identity and the Knowledge Economy

"Following this assessment, the study ventures into territory beyond the 1999 study, examining the current state of affairs with respect to the French language and the Internet. It reviews the numerous changes that have taken place in various Internet technologies and in the way people use this network of networks. On the basis of this status report, the Commissioner of Official Languages draws an overall judgment and develops a new series of recommendations."
Creator(s): Alain Clavet | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Immigration and the Vitality of Canada's Official Language Communities: Policy, Demography and Identity

"Historically, immigrants helped strengthen the position of the English-speaking population while the Francophone population relied primarily on natural increase for population growth. However, when the Francophone birth rate declined around the 1960s, immigration became important to Francophone population growth as well."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Francisation: Taking Stock

"This report takes stock of francisation initiatives and sets out a number of considerations on the topic, both specifically as part of the Pan-Canadian French as a First Language Project, as set out in the project proposal from the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada as well as in the broader context of minority francophone education in Canada."
Creator(s): Council of Ministers of Education - Canada | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

L’avenir de la langue française

«Jusqu’à une époque relativement récente, le français est resté la langue diplomatique et la communauté internationale s’en est enchantée. En 1905, le traité de paix russo-japonais fut rédigé en français. Tant il est vrai que notre langue, par sa clarté, par sa précision, apparaissait tel un instrument unique. L’abandon de cette tradition universelle est malheureusement le fait d’un Français, et l’un des plus grands : Georges Clemenceau. Il a voulu, pour rendre hommage à nos alliés britanniques et américains, que le traité de Versailles fût rédigé en français — et en anglais. Ce premier abandon peut être considéré comme étant à l’origine de beaucoup d’autres.»
Creator(s): M. Alain Decaux | Date Published: 2001-10-16

Studies & Reports

Les navetteurs et la dynamique des langues sur l'Île de Montréal

«L'île de Montréal constitue, d'une part, une entité supramunicipale et, d'autre part, en tant qu'étendue de terre entourée d'eau, elle forme une zone géographique significative. Pour qu'elle soit également un espace linguistique significatif, il faudrait que les interactions sociales entre ses seuls résidents y déterminent le statut des langues.»
Creator(s): Paul Béland, Louise Sylvain et Pierre Georgeault | Date Published: 2001-09

Studies & Reports

Language Issues in the Integration of the Americas

«This opinion begins with an explanation of the context surrounding the language-related issues on the inter-American scene, followed by a brief linguistic overview of the western hemisphere. Next, the language-related impacts of the various regional integration processes are presented, after which the question is raised of the responsibility of the heads of state and government of the Americas in the area of language diversity.»
Creator(s): Christine Fréchette | Date Published: 2001-03

Studies & Reports

Politique de la langue française : remplacer la coercition par la promotion

«Nous sommes conscients que la langue ne peut être laissée au jeu de la libre concurrence, qui la conduirait directement à sa mise au rancart. Sous cet aspect, nous croyons que l'intervention de l'État est indispensable à la préservation de l'espace francophone au Québec, comme dans le reste du Canada d'ailleurs.»
Creator(s): Conseil du patronat du Québec | Date Published: 2001-03

Studies & Reports

Le français, une langue pour tout le monde : rapport final de la Commission des États généraux sur la situation et l'avenir de la langue française au Québec

«L’état des lieux donnait à penser que la perception des uns et des autres au regard de la question linguistique au Québec était l’affaire des partis politiques, ou encore des seuls tribunaux, des organismes de la Charte de la langue française ou des fonctionnaires. La machine s’emballait au point qu’un peu tout le monde cherchait des boucs émissaires aux difficultés de la société québécoise à faire le point, 25 ans après l’adoption de la Charte de la langue française.»
Creator(s): Gouvernement du Québec | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

The Governance of Canada's Official Language Minorities: A Preliminary Study

"The general objective of this study is to offer a preliminary analysis of the effectiveness of governance with respect to the vitality and development of the official language minorities in Canada. Its analysis concerns one method of coordinating action, the Canada-community agreements. "
Creator(s): Linda Cardinal and Marie-Ève Hudon | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

National Report on Service to the Public in English and French: Time for A Change in Culture

"This report presents the results of all the follow-up studies, comparing them with the results of the original study. Above all, it describes the conditions that must be created for federal offices designated bilingual to succeed in consistently providing the service to which the public is entitled."
Creator(s): Syvie Mattar and Michel Gratton | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Rights, Schools and Communities in Minority Contexts: 1986-2002

"This study focuses on the specific school situation of minority Francophone communities. It describes the state of affairs that needs to be corrected, setting out objectives with regard to the target school population and proposing measures to attain these objectives."
Creator(s): Angéline Martel | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Le français, parlons-en

«La situation de la langue française dans la grande région de Montréal exige que le gouvernement ait une préoccupation particulière pour les enjeux spécifiques qu’on y rencontre. L’accueil et l’intégration des immigrants à la communauté francophone y constituent des défis constants qu’on ne peut comparer à ceux d’une autre région.»
Creator(s): La Commission des états généraux sur la situation et l'avenir de la langue française au Québec | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Les enfants de la loi 101

«Une des mesures les plus importantes de l'adoption en 1977 de la Charte de la langue française, dite loi 101, aura été d'orienter dans leur quasi-totalité les enfants d'immigrants vers des réseaux scolaires francophones.»
Creator(s): Conseil supérieur de la langue française | Date Published: 2000-09

Studies & Reports

La recherche sur les communautés francophones minoritaires au Canada : essai d'interprétation

«Le champ de recherche sur les communautés francophones minoritaires au Canada a connu d'importants développements depuis les années 1980. À tel point qu'il est devenu impossible de rendre justice, dans le cadre d'un simple article, à tous ceux et celles qui y ont contribué. Aussi, ma contribution se veut-elle davantage un essai d'interprétation des grandes tendances de ce champ scientifique, plutôt qu'un inventaire systématique de la production.»
Creator(s): Fernand Harvey | Date Published: 2000-05-18

Studies & Reports

Les défis de la langue française à Montréal et au Québec au XXIe siècle : constats et enjeux

«Nul doute que, depuis 25 ans, le français a progressé au Québec, à en juger par l’augmentation de la connaissance de la langue officielle et, surtout, par son usage plus répandu chez certaines catégories de travailleurs, dans la vie des entreprises, dans les commerces et les services.»
Creator(s): Gouvernement du Québec | Date Published: 2000-04

Studies & Reports

Rapport final sur les passerelles linguistiques institutionnelles

«Dans un contexte de mondialisation des marchés et de marchés de plus en plus ouverts, que devient le français comme langue de travail? Comment sont gérées les langues de communication dans les entreprises québécoises qui ont des relations commerciales régulières à l'Extérieur de Québec?»
Creator(s): Gisèle Leduc | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

L'enseignement du français écrit au niveau universitaire

«La compétence linguistique, puissancielle et effective, résulte d'un lent processus de maturation — sans doute jamais complètement achevé — dont il apparaît difficile de délimiter avec précision et de mesurer avec justesse les phases successives de perfectionnement, même dans l'état actuel, pourtant avancé, de nos connaissances scientifiques sur la nature du langage humain.»
Creator(s): Yves Saint-Gelais | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Study of the Official Language Obligations of Federal Crown Agents in the Province of New Brunswick

"This study reviews the sufficiency of current administrative procedures applied by the federal Department of Justice in New Brunswick to ensure full compliance by Crown agents with official language obligations in the administration of justice."
Creator(s): Daniel Mathieu and Nathalie Dubois | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Official Languages in the Canadian Sports System

"In the fall of 1999, the Commissioner of Official Languages undertook a study of English and French in the Canadian sport system, in response to allegations that Frenchspeaking athletes could not develop to their full potential within existing programs."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2000

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Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Policy Options: The challenge of diversity in Canada and Quebec

"Micheline Labelle, a specialist in immigration and citizenship issues, surveys the way they accommodated the various manifestations of diversity, and the challenges that still confront them in terms of inequalities and the integration of new immigrants, especially the issue of recognition of degrees, and the financing of and access to settlement services and representation in the public sphere. "
Creator(s): Michelline Labelle | Date Published: 2005-04

Studies & Reports

Walking the Talk - Language of work in the Federal Public Service - Special Study

"French remains underused as a language of work within bilingual regions. These are the conclusions that emerge from recent studies from the Treasury Board Secretariat and from numerous complaints addressed to the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages."
Creator(s): Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

French on the Internet: Promotion Through Innovation

"This paper reports, therefore, on the follow-up to the 19 recommendations in the Commissioner’s special study of March 2002."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2004-03

Studies & Reports

Qualitative Study of Official Language Minority Communities

"Industry Canada retained the services of COMPAS to conduct a qualitative study of public opinion for the purpose of assisting in the implementation of its action plan for section 41 (Part VII) of the Official Languages Act One of the study’s goals was to help the Department to better understand the needs of the official language minority communities (OLMCs). "
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002-02

Studies & Reports

Francophone Minorities: A ssimilation and Community Vitality (2nd Edition)

"This publication will attempt to explore the concepts of assimilation and community vitality, as well as the statistical evidence regarding the vitality of the Francophone communities outside Quebec. It will also seek to highlight trends and attempt to clarify certain issues related to the current demographic reality of Francophone communities outside Quebec."
Creator(s): O'Keefe, Michel | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Special Study: The Government of Canada and French on the Internet

"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms establishes the equality of status of the two official languages and Part VII of the Official Languages Act confirms the responsibility of all federal departments and agencies to enhance the vitality of the official language communities."
Creator(s): The Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Date Published: 1999-08

Studies & Reports

Francophone Minorities: Assimilation and Community Vitality (1st Edition)

"Linguistic assimilation is a phenomenon that is still poorly understood by the general public but one that generates a good deal of discussion, frequent emotion and occasional alarmist remarks. [T]his publication [...] tries to bring a certain ‘objectivization’ to the phenomenon of the linguistic assimilation of the Francophone minorities in Canada."
Creator(s): O'Keefe, Michel | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

The Canadian Experience in the Teaching of Official Languages

"The Symposium whose Proceedings are presented here took place under the auspices of the Department of Canadian Heritage on May 22 and 23, 1996, at the Conference Centre in Ottawa. Its title—and hence its theme—was Symposium on the Canadian Experience in the Teaching of Official Languages."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997

Studies & Reports

Francophones in Canada: A Community of Interests

"The ties that bind Francophones from across Canada take many forms, from the more traditional family and kinship networks to the electronic communication networks."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage; Guindon, René; Poulin, Pierre | Date Published: 1996

Studies & Reports

The Comparative Advantages of Bilingualism on the Job Market

"The survey of studies analysis second-language immersion and debates surrounding these programs in Canada."
Creator(s): Ghislain Savoie | Date Published: 1995-05-15


Statistics - Population by Mother Tongue and Age Groups, 2001 - New Brunswick

"These tables contain statistical information related to the Population by Mother Tongue and Age Group."
Creator(s): Department of Finance - New Brunswick | Date Published: 2002


Statistics - Population by Mother Tongue and Age Groups, 1996 - New Brunswick

"These tables contain statistical information related to Mother Tongue and Age Group."
Creator(s): Department of Finance - New Brunswick | Date Published: 2002


Statistics - Population by Knowledge of Official Languages and Sex, Showing Age Groups, 2001 - New Brunswick

"These tables contain statistical information related to Population by Knowledge of Official Languages and Sex, presented by Age Group."
Creator(s): Department of Finance - New Brunswick | Date Published: 2001


Statistiques - Immigration, langue et origine ethnique (thème 3) - Québec (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives à l'immigration, langue et origine ethnique. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2000-02-07


Statistiques - Immigration, langue et origine ethnique - Régions administratives du Québec (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives à l'immigration, langue et origine ethnique par régions administratives du Québec. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2000-01-28


Statistics - Population by Knowledge of Official Languages and Sex, Showing Age Groups, 1996 - New Brunswick

"These tables contain statistical information related to Population by Knowledge of Official Languages and Sex, presented by Age Group."
Creator(s): Department of Finance - New Brunswick | Date Published: 1996


Office of Francophone Affairs

"Created under the French Language Services Act, the Office is the Ontario Government's main source of expertise on francophone affairs and French-language services."


Institut de la statistique du Québec

"The mission of the Institute is to provide reliable and objective statistical information on the situation of Québec as regards all aspects of Québec society for which such information is pertinent."




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