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Canadians and Their Pasts: A New Research Project, April 17, 2007
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Home Research Themes In Focus Indigenous Knowledge
February 2006

All Resources and Bibliographies (Indigenous Knowledge In Focus)

Indigenous Knowledge 'In Focus' Resources
Photograph: Courtesy of Racelle Kooy


All(35)Studies & Reports(28)
Guides & Case Studies(1)General Reference(6)
Photograph Courtesy of Racelle Kooy.jpg
Collected here are all the documents, best practices, Web sites and statistics found throughout Indigenous Knowledge In Focus.

Also find additional information not included in other sections.

The Canadian Cultural Observatory welcomes suggestions for added content.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

The Cultural Divide in Science Education for Aboriginal Learners

"Aboriginal people in Canada are sharply under-represented in science and engineering occupations; more can be done to increase the relevance of learning and engagement of Aboriginal students in science and technology."
Creator(s): Canadian Council on Learning | Date Published: 2007-02-01

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Knowledge In Focus

"The Department of Canadian Heritage entered into the exploration of Indigenous Knowledge and policy development with 2005’s National Gatherings on Indigenous Knowledge. In this production of In Focus, Aboriginal researchers, Yvonne Vizina and Racelle Kooy, examine benefits and challenges of developing policy concerning Indigenous Knowledge."
Creator(s): Racelle Kooy and Yvonne Vizina | Date Published: 2006-02-13

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Knowledge In Focus Bibliography

Indigenous Knowledge (IK) In Focus references and resources
Creator(s): Racelle Kooy and Yvonne Vizina | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

The Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Blueprint Strategy for British Columbia

"A successful Aboriginal cultural tourism industry will help to strengthen and preserve the cultural identity of Aboriginal people and communities throughout B.C., while creating new employment and economic development opportunities."
Creator(s): Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia (ATBC) | Date Published: 2005-12-09

Studies & Reports

Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans

"This Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) describes standards and procedures for governing research involving human subjects."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2005-10

Studies & Reports

National Gatherings on Indigenous Knowledge - Discussion Papers

"...the Relationship Between Indigenous Knowledge and: 1. Artistic Expression, 2. Intellectual and Cultural Properties, 3. Languages and Culture. Other areas of discussion included: 1. Customary Law and Intellectual and Cultural Properties, 2. Ethical Guidelines Concerning Indigenous Knowledge"
Creator(s): Caroline Anawak, Willie Ermine, Norman Fleury, Jaime Koebel, Rosemary Kuptana, Wayne Shinya, Christie Wiebe, Greg Young-Ing | Date Published: 2005-04-29

Studies & Reports

Article 8(j): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices

"Traditional knowledge refers to the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities around the world. Developed from experience gained over the centuries and adapted to the local culture and environment, traditional knowledge is transmitted orally from generation to generation."
Creator(s): Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity United Nations Environment Programme | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Knowledge: Foundations for First Nations

"This essay seeks to clarify the theoretical frameworks that have been developed to understand Indigenous knowledge, to provide some insight into the reasons for the tensions between Indigenous and Eurocentric ways of knowing, and to point out the challenges these conflicts bring to educational systems."
Creator(s): Dr. Marie Battiste, University of Saskatchewan | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Institutions of Higher Education: An examination of government policy@

"A Struggle for the Education of Aboriginal Students, Control of Indigenous Knowledge, and Recognition of Aboriginal Institutions"
Creator(s): Canadian Race Relations Foundation | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

A Holistic Framework for Aboriginal Policy Research

"The purpose of this paper is to provide a document to support Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers working in an Aboriginal context and to encourage them to adopt a holistic approach to Aboriginal policy research."
Creator(s): Carolyn Kenny | Date Published: 2004-10

Studies & Reports

Destinations: National Gathering on Aboriginal Cultures and Tourism - Documents

"engaging Aboriginal communities across Canada in a dialogue on the key issues relating to artistic expression, cultures and tourism, and traditional knowledge. These Gatherings will help to build and enhance policies, programs and services that are relevant to, and supportive of the needs of Aboriginal peoples."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage et al. | Date Published: 2004-06-25

Studies & Reports

Xats'ull and the BC Treaty Process

"In the early 1990’s, leaders of the Canim Lake Indian Band, Canoe Creek Indian Band, Soda Creek Indian Band, and Williams Lake Indian Band, decided to enter the B.C. Treaty Process through the Cariboo Tribal Council as a single First Nation known as Northern Secwepemc te Qelmucw (“NStQ”)."
Creator(s): Soda Creek First Nation | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Secwepemctsin – Language of the Secwepemc

"Secwepemctsin contains the cultural, ecological, and historical knowledge which includes: values, beliefs, rituals, songs, stories, social and political structures and spirituality of the people."
Creator(s): The George Manuel Institute | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights

"Canada is working both domestically and internationally as part of increasing efforts to identify effective means of preserving this traditional knowledge for future generations, promoting its broader adoption, and protecting it from unauthorized appropriation and commercialization."
Creator(s): Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Date Published: 2003-10-23

Studies & Reports

Traditional Medicine in Contemporary Contexts: Protecting and Respecting Indigenous Knowledge and Medicine

"The examination of traditional medicine includes articulating an Indigenous knowledge approach to understanding what traditional medicine is and why it historically existed outside dominant institutions, biomedical models, and Eurocentric paradigms."
Creator(s): Dawn Martin Hill, National Aboriginal Health Organization | Date Published: 2003-03-19

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development

"This report focuses on indigenous knowledge and practice systems, and their usefulness for finding pathways to sustainable development. It defines indigenous knowledge, examines its holistic nature and threats to its survival, looks at its practical value in some key development fields (learning, medicine, agriculture), and explores the perils of ignoring it."
Creator(s): Raymond Obomsawin | Date Published: 2002-10-31

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge and Environmental Management

"In recent years, a growing awareness among non-natives of the value of this traditional knowledge (TK) has increased efforts to link it with science, particularly in the area of environmental management."
Creator(s): Environment Canada | Date Published: 2002-10

Studies & Reports

First Nations Child and Family Services and Indigenous Knowledge as a Framework for Research, Policy and Practice

"This article is dedicated to First Nations children, youth and adults whose lives have been impacted by the child welfare system, the First Nations child and family service agencies and First Nations peoples whose continuing knowledge and commitment provide a foundation upon which to restore peace, harmony, and pride for all First Nations communities."
Creator(s): Marlyn Bennett, Cindy Blackstock | Date Published: 2002-06

Studies & Reports

Intellectual Property Rights, Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge: A Critical Analysis in the Canadian Context

"This approach also highlights a critical issue: the substance of IK is not the same for each Native community. To the extent IK is dependent on, or variable with the local environment and local living resources, the substance will be specific to the local area of the knowledge holders. In a biodiversity context, this places an important emphasis on ensuring the contribution of the appropriate knowledge holders."
Creator(s): Howard Mann, International and Environmental Law and Policy | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge

"The protection under intellectual property rights (IPRs) of traditional and indigenous knowledge (TK) has received growing attention since the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992."
Creator(s): Carlos M Correa | Date Published: 2001-11

Studies & Reports

A Community Guide to Protecting Indigenous Knowledge

"Aboriginal communities in Canada and elsewhere have the ability to do many of the tasks necessary to protect and control access to their IK. We believe a community-based model can provide a strong framework for these efforts. This guide is designed to help communities establish such a practical model."
Creator(s): Simon Brascoupé and Howard Mann | Date Published: 2001-06

Studies & Reports

Policy on Research, Publication Respectful Treatment of Indigenous Knowledge

"Indigenous peoples are, and should be recognized as, the primary guardians and interpreters of their cultures, arts and sciences, whether created in the past, or developed by them in the future."
Creator(s): Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy | Date Published: 2001-02-16

Studies & Reports

Demand for Aboriginal Tourism Product in the Canadian and American Markets

"This study is based on the the travel and motivation surveys. It indicates a marked interest for Aboriginal cultural tourism."
Creator(s): Aboriginal Tourism Canada | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Knowledge Conference, University of Saskatchewan

Conference papers "Rekindling Traditions: Cross-Cultural Science & Technology Units; Descartes Meets the Isangoma (Diviner): The Encounter Between Modern and Indigenous Knowledge Systems beyond Colonialism and Apartheid; Sacred Water Sites and Indigenous Healers in Southern Africa: The Need to Protect Knowledge, Nature, and Resources; ..."
Creator(s): Glen Aikenhead, Tony Balcomb, Penny Bernard, Dr. R.S. Chaphole, Erika Haug, Karibae John Kawowo, Morgege Mosimege, Jane Mufamadi, Grace Nkumane, Ositle Ntsoane, Ivon Pereira, Leanne Simpson | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Silarjualiriniqu - Inuit in Global Issues: Talking to the Commission for Sustainable Development

"To many nations, the Arctic is an industrial frontier. We use the commission to show that it is also a homeland in which sustainable development is the guiding philosophy. We tell the commission about the promise and practice of land-claim and self-government arrangements and suggest which experiences may be transferable to other parts of the world."
Creator(s): Inuit Circumpolar Conference (Canada) | Date Published: 2000-06

Studies & Reports

Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Project Planning and Implementation

"The ultimate aim of the Guidelines is to help develop a framework within which affected indigenous peoples can expect to receive information that will allow them to choose, on an appropriate collective basis through free and prior informed consent, whether a development project should go ahead."
Creator(s): Alan R. Emery | Date Published: 2000-02

Studies & Reports

Demand for Aboriginal Culture Products in Key European Markets 2000@

"The purpose of this study is to examine the demand for Canada’s Aboriginal Culture products in key European markets."
Creator(s): Canadian Tourism Commission, Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Enabling the Autumn Seed: Toward a Decolonized Approach to Aboriginal Knowledge, Language, and Education

"Aboriginal communities continue to suffer the effects of colonization and imperialistic policies that erode the base of Indigenous knowledge necessary for the healing and development of Aboriginal peoples."
Creator(s): Dr. Marie Battiste | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and Science Versus Occidental Science

" stimulate enlightened discussion about the definition, mechanisms and purpose of traditional knowledge (TK) and occidental science. It aims to provide both a clearer understanding of TK from an Aboriginal perspective and a more objective view of modern science."
Creator(s): Stephen J. Augustine | Date Published: 1997-10

Studies & Reports

The Ethics of Research with Indigenous Peoples

"The Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre (IPHRC) in Saskatchewan responded to the call and is pleased to announce the release of their Report of the Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre to the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE)"
Creator(s): Indigenous Peoples' Health Research Centre | Date Published: 07-2004

General Reference

General Reference

Bibliography: In Focus Indigenous Knowledge

Indigenous Knowledge
Creator(s): Knowledge Centre, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2006-03-09

General Reference

Dust Echoes

"Indigenous Australians are the custodians of important cultural understandings. We have been gifted with sacred artistic skill. We welcome the opportunity to share our culture, respectfully. Through its proper sharing, people will come to know who we are, and accept the truth of our ancestry."
Creator(s): Dust Echoes | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

"Discussions to establish the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples began in the late 1980s... Indigenous peoples and others in the Working Group on Indigenous Populations felt that the structures of the United Nations were not well-suited to consider issues of concern to indigenous peoples comprehensively."
Creator(s): United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Uts'am / Witness

"Being called to 'witness' in the Coast Salish tradition is a sacred honour. Bearing witness by a 'hired' Speaker carries responsibilities and duty. As a witness they are to listen and watch the 'work' that is going to take place. They are to carry the message back to their home community."
Creator(s): Roundhouse Community Centre and the Squamish Nation | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Aboriginal Tourism Australia

"Aboriginal Tourism Australia (ATA) is the primary national organisation for Indigenous tourism within Australia. It provides leadership and a focus for the development of Aboriginal tourism, consistent with Aboriginal economic, cultural and environmental values."
Creator(s): Aboriginal Tourism Australia | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

toi iho

"toi iho™ has also been designed to authenticate exhibitions and performances of Maori arts by Maori artists. The creation of the mark was facilitated by Te Waka Toi, the Maori arts board of Creative New Zealand, in consultation with Maori artists."
Creator(s): toi iho | Date Published: 2005

Guides & Case Studies

Guides & Case Studies

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Indicators

"CSIN's 23rd Learning Event on Traditional Ecological Knowledge Indicators drew unprecedented interest, with an emphasis on First Nations, federal government departments and provincial governments. This rare opportunity for interaction among different perspectives was eagerly taken up during the 2 hour discussion, as participants offered analysis, critique and resources."
Creator(s): Canadian Sustainability Indicators Network (CSIN) | Date Published: 2007-02-27


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

"The Land We Live on is our Home": The 'Gameti Ko' Project Second Community-led Workshop

"...the real essence of the project, in the eyes of the elders, is to formally link a modern home, their homeland, and their traditional ways."
Creator(s): Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Frequently Asked Questions about Intangible Heritage

"Intangible heritage concerns both natural and cultural resources."
Creator(s): Amar Galla - Chair, ICOM-ASPAC | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Indigenous Language Codification: Cultural Effects

"As many indigenous communities in North America and elsewhere begin to develop language revitalization programs, they inevitably must face the decision of whether or not to incorporate written forms of their historically oral languages into their efforts."
Creator(s): Brian Bielenberg | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Documenting and Maintaining Native American Languages for the 21st Century: The Indiana University Model

"The five papers collected here describe the history of the Arikara Language Project and its implementation in the White Shield School in North Dakota, the Nakoda Language Program at Fort Belknap College in Montana, and the development of tools at the American Indian Studies Research Institute at Indiana University for computer language documentation and the creation of curriculum materials for these and other projects."
Creator(s): Douglas R. Parks, Julia Kushner, Wallace Hooper, Francis Flavin, Delilah Yellow Bird, Selena Ditmar | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Maintaining and Renewing Native Languages

"This article reviews research on maintaining and renewing American Indian languages."
Creator(s): Jon Reyhner of Northern Arizona University, Edward Tennant of Educational Research Associates, The Bilingual Research Journal | Date Published: 1995-05

Projects & Programs

Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage in Indonesia - A Pilot Project on Oral Tradition and Language Preservation

"This paper describes approaches to cultural heritage conservation and protection that emphasize local community participation and give greater attention to “Indigenous Knowledge” (IK)."
Lead Managing Organization: UNESCO Jakarta, Indonesia | Start Date: 2003

General Reference

First Nations Languages

"First Nations Languages web site"
Creator(s): Xwi7xwa Library, University of British Columbia Library | Date Published: 2006-01-11

General Reference

First Nations: Language websites

"Large listing of language-related links"
Creator(s): First Nations SchoolNet, Industry Canada | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

FirstVoices: Language Archive

"Our FirstVoices Language Archive, launched in June of 2003, is used by many groups to record and archive their native languages."
Creator(s): First Peoples' Cultural Foundation | Date Published: 2003

General Reference

Indigenous Voices

"This section contains all oral histories, video clips and learning resources in these various Métis heritage languages."
Creator(s): The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture | Date Published: 2003

Guides & Case Studies

Teaching Indigenous Languages

"This web site is an outgrowth of a series of annual conferences started in 1994 at Northern Arizona University focusing on the linguistic, educational, social, and political issues related to the survival of the endangered Indigenous languages of the world."
Creator(s): Northern Arizona University | Date Published: 2006


Aboriginal Tourism Canada

"Aboriginal Tourism Canada, formerly Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada, is a partnership of business and government whose goal is to create opportunities for the growth of Aboriginal tourism."


Woodland Cultural Centre, A Native American Indian Centre of Excellence: Aboriginal Languages

"It is the goal of the Centre to preserve, promote and enhance the heritage of First Nations, to document current issues and events and to provide interpretation through a First Nations perspective."


Native Planet

"Native Planet is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the empowerment of indigenous peoples and preservation of world ethnic cultures."




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