Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007


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Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models

Table of Contents


The Changing Nature of Book Production

The Book (and the universe of books) Transforming

Marketplace Organization

For Future Consideration

All Resources


Feature developed by Rowland Lorimer,
Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing,
Simon Fraser University

This paper was originally presented by Dr. Rowland Lorimer, of the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing at Simon Fraser University, at the January 11, 2007 In Focus Speakers’ Series Workshop on Digital Transformations.

Dr. Paul Théberge, Canadian Research Chair in Music and Interdisciplinary Studies at Carleton University, presented a paper on the sound recording industry at the same workshop. "Digital Transformations: Toward a New Form of Musical Culture" is published online as a companion piece in the "Digital Transformations" In Focus Series.

Special thanks to Dr. Nadia Laham, Manager, Canada Magazine Fund, Cultural Industries Branch, Canadian Heritage, and Dr. William Straw, Associate Professor, Department of Art History and Communications Studies, McGill University for their collaboration in the development of “Digital Transformations: Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models.”

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Policy Research Group of the Department of Canadian Heritage Planning and Research Branch, which helped make this event possible.

The views and opinions in this paper reflect those of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions of the Department of Canadian Heritage or the Government of Canada.
ID: 12796 | Date Added: 2007-01-04 | Date Modified: 2007-09-18