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All(34)Studies & Reports(12)
General Reference(4) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Presentations from the Cultural Inclusion Plenary Session of the National Economic Social Forum (NESF) Ireland

"The NESF’s Plenary Session on Arts, Culture and Social Inclusion was held on Wednesday 1st November 2006 in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham."
Creator(s): National Economic Social Forum (NESF) Ireland | Date Published: 2006-11-01

Studies & Reports

Charitable Giving in Canada and the US: The 2005 Generosity Index

"The Charitable sector depends on the generosity of Canadians to finance the provision of goods and services that might not otherwise be avilable to some of society's neediest citizens. The Fraser Institute's annual Generosity Index quantifies private generosity using donations data reported on personal income tax returns in Canada and the United States. As in previous years, the 2005 edition of this index shows that Canadians' propensity to give privately to charity is still far less than that of Americans."
Creator(s): Sylvia LeRoy and Milagros Palacios | Date Published: 2005-12

Studies & Reports

Motivations Matter - Findings and Practical Implications of a National Survey of Cultural Participation

"Those who wish to understand or expand cultural participation need to pay much greater attention to its diversity. Participation in arts and cultural events is not monolithic, though it is frequently discussed and acted upon as if it were. As one observer notes, "We often talk as if the 'arts' were a single thing.""
Creator(s): Francie Ostrower | Date Published: 2005-11-14

Studies & Reports

The Diversity of Cultural Participation - Findings From A National Survey

"Taking a broad and inclusive definition of culture, the survey asked a random sample of 1,231 Americans about their participation patterns, motivations, and experiences. As is typical of such surveys, we asked people about their participation during the previous 12 months. The major innovation of this study was that we also asked people a set of questions about their most recently attended event: what they attended, why, where, with whom, and what experiences they had. This provided types of motivations, venues, and experiences to particular types of arts attendance in order to determine what people wanted from a particular kind of arts event and whether they felt the event actually delivered. The survey therefore permits us, for instance, to go beyond knowing that a desire to socialize is a common motivation for arts attendance. We can now ask whether or not a desire to socialize is common for all attendance or has greater or lesser importance for those who attend specific kinds of arts events."
Creator(s): Francie Ostrower | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Charitable Giving and the Taxation of Estates (USA)

"My testimony focuses on the ways in which estate tax reform or repeal would affect charitable giving."
Creator(s): William G. Gale | Date Published: 2005-09-13

Studies & Reports

40 Years of Empirical Research on Arts & Cultural Participation and Artists: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go From Here?

"presentation... based on a comprehensive review of data sets identified by and, in many cases, available through CPANDA"
Creator(s): Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA), Princeton University | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Making Citizenship Work: Fostering European Culture and Diversity through Programmes for Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Civic Participation

"The Commission Communication of 10 February “Building our common Future: Policy challenges and Budgetary means of the Enlarged Union 2007-2013”, proposed developing European citizenship as a main priority for EU action, on the basis of an area of freedom, justice and security."
Creator(s): European Union | Date Published: 2004-09-03

Studies & Reports

Donors to Arts and Culture Organizations

"New Report Analyzes Donors and Donations in 2000 and changes since 1997."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2004-01

Studies & Reports

Diversity and Participation in the Arts - Insights from the Bay Area

"As the nation's ethnic and racial composition fundamentally shifts, the leading national source of data on arts participation has a critical shortcoming: it does not provide a clear picture of arts participation among Hispanics and people who aren't white. "
Creator(s): Carole E. Rosenstein | Date Published: 2002-10-30

Studies & Reports

Social Capital and the Non-Profit Sector in Canada: The Our Millennium Experiement

"The analysis of the national gift registry was undertaken to analyze this ‘social capital building’ in action. The report presents the findings of this analysis."
Creator(s): Sheri Torjman and Eric Leviten | Date Published: 2001-03-31

Studies & Reports

Cultural symbiosis : Cultural Participation and cohesive communities

"This presentation looks at the cultural participation in Canada with the positive externalities in mind."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 2000-11-24

Studies & Reports

Canada Compared : Cross-National Indicators of Citizen Engagement and Participation

"This paper provides a general overview of indicators relevant to cross-national comparisons of citizen participation."
Creator(s): Dennis Price | Date Published: 1998-09-27

Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

Creative America

"There are 38 million people working in the Creative Economy in the United States. We want the next President to recognize, nourish and celebrate creativity in America."
Lead Managing Organization: Creative America | Start Date: 2006

Projects & Programs

Community Partnerships Scoping Study - Community Cultural Development

"The Australia Council for the Arts is exploring the role of the arts in and with communities in Australia."
Lead Managing Organization: The Australian Council for the Arts (ACA) | Start Date: 2005-12-13

Projects & Programs

Practices that Work: Increasing Participation in the Arts

"While we observe continual growth in the production and exhibition of arts and culture, researchers at the Cultural Policy Center are studying whether there is corresponding and consistent public participation through marketing and promotional strategies"
Lead Managing Organization: Cultural Policy Centre - University of Chicago | Start Date: 205

Projects & Programs

Mapping Cultural Participation: A study of African American and Hispanic Participation in Chicago Cultural Institutions

"Thanks to a grant from the Joyce Foundation, a team of researchers at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies are working on a socio-economic map of the Chicago metropolitan area that will illustrate participation by race and ethnicity. "
Lead Managing Organization: Cultural Policy Centre - University of Chicago | Start Date: 2005

Projects & Programs

New Research Project into Participatory Arts in Scotland

"Take Part in an Exciting New Research Project into Participatory Arts In Scotland!"
Lead Managing Organization: Scottish Arts Council, The Mental Health Foundation and the National Programme for Improving Mental Health | Start Date: 2005-12-01

Projects & Programs

Beyond the State-Bounded Immigrant Incorporation Regime: Migrant Transnationalism in the Canadian Context and Economic Development in Migrants’ Homelands

"Transnational Migrant Communities: Their Potential Contribution to Canada's Leadership Role and Influence in a Globalized World"
Lead Managing Organization: North-South Institute | Start Date: 2004-08

General Reference

General Reference

Système de classification des activités de la culture et des communications du Québec (available in French only)

« Le Système de classification des activités de la culture et des communications du Québec répertorie tous les types d'établissements axés sur la création, la production, la diffusion ou la formation, dans les différents domaines de la culture et des communications, au Québec : arts visuels, arts de la scène, patrimoine, livre, cinéma, télédiffusion, etc. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique du Québec | Date Published: 2004-06-22

General Reference

Canada's Digital Collections

"Canada's Digital Collections in review provides some historical background and a selection of a few outstanding CDC projects for you to enjoy."
Creator(s): Government of Canada | Date Published: 2004-06-22

General Reference

ArtsSmarts… investing in a creative Canada

"ArtsSmarts is the largest education initiative in Canada dedicated to improving the lives and learning capacity of Canadian children by injecting arts into their academic programs."
Creator(s): Canadian Conference of the Arts | Date Published: 2004-03-25

General Reference

Éducart (available in French only)

«Ce site porte sur les modalités de l'intervention artistique en milieu scolaire et présente des textes réglementaires en vigueur et des adresses utiles.»
Creator(s): Centre de ressources de la Délégation au développement et à l'action territoriale | Date Published: 2003-12-23



Decima Survey Shows Satisfaction with Capital Region Canada Day 2006 Celebrations

In 2006, the National Capital Commission (NCC) Official Canada Day sites were estimated to have attracted 313,641 people.
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Hertiage, Decima Research | Date Published: 2007-06-15


Literacy and Digital Technologies: Linkages and Outcomes

"This paper investigates relationships between adult literacy skills and use of information and communications technologies (ICTs)."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 20051205


Taking Part: Arts Attendance, Participation and Attitudes in Scotland 2004 Volume 1 & Volume 2

"The survey - in two volumes - encompasses data on: attendance (type, reasons, likelihood of return etc); perception of value for money; participation (frequency, nature etc); viewing and listening habits; attitudes towards the arts; awareness of the Scottish Arts Council, and more."
Creator(s): Scottish Arts Council | Date Published: 2005-06


Consumer Spending on Culture in Canada, the Provinces and 15 Metropolitan Areas in 2003

"Canadian consumers spent $22.8 billion on cultural items in 2003."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research Inc. | Date Published: 2005-05-31


Statistiques - Taux de participation de la population de 15 ans et plus à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage, Québec, 1986, 1992 et 1998 (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives au taux de participation de la population de 15 ans et plus à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2003-04-28


Statistiques - Durée moyenne par participant du temps consacré à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage, population de 15 ans et plus, Québec, 1986, 1992 et 1998 (available in French only)

« Les tableaux présentent des données statistiques relatives à la durée moyenne par participant du temps consacré à certaines activités culturelles selon la langue d'usage. »
Creator(s): Institut de la statistique Québec | Date Published: 2003-04-28


Les habitudes culturelles des Québécois et des Québécoises (available in French only)

« La dernière enquête sur les pratiques culturelles, menée par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCC) en 1999, nous permet de tracer l'univers des loisirs culturels des Québécois et des Québécoises. Voici quelques éléments qui nous font comprendre comment ceux-ci vivent durant leur moment de loisir. »
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2001-10


Benchmarking adult literacy in North America: an international comparative study

"The International Adult Literacy Survey was a 22-country initiative conducted between 1994 and 1998."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2001-02-08


Les pratiques culturelles des Québécoises et des Québécois, 1999 - Dossier statistique (available in French only)

« Ce dossier statistique livre les données de la dernière enquête sur les pratiques culturelles des Québécoises et des Québécois, menée en 1999 par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications. »
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2000-12


Exchanges Canada Focus Group Findings

"This note summarizes the findings of ten focus groups held October 3rd to October 5th with recent participants in a number of Exchanges Canada programs. The purpose of the groups was to obtain feedback from participants on their experiences, including the relevance of the programs and the impacts the programs had."
Creator(s): Ekos Research Associates Inc. for the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-11-07


Arts & Heritage Participation Survey

"To assist in its policy and program development, the Arts and Heritage Sector of the Department of Canadian Heritage required a survey of the Canadian public to examine Canadians' participation in arts and heritage activities, including those at the community level. The current research project also included an examination of some values and motivations attached to participation, including quality of life aspects, identity components, and others."
Creator(s): Environics Research Group Ltd. for the Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2000-09


Participation in Cultural Activities, 1992-1998

"Participation in Cultural Activities, 1992-1998."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2000


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Impact of Arts-Related Activities on the Perceived Quality of Life (Working Paper Second Draft, September 2007)

"In October and November 2006, questionnaires were mailed out to residents of five British Columbia communities that had shown some interest in participating in the study, namely, Comox Valley, Kamloops, Nanaimo, Port Moody and Prince George. A random selection of 2000 households in each community received questionnaires, making a total of 10,000 distributed."
Creator(s): Alex C. Michalos and P. Maurine Kahlke, Institute for Social Research and Evaluation, University of Northern British Columbia | Date Published: 2007-09-24

Studies & Reports

Arts and Quality of Life Survey, October 2006

"In this survey, we refer to arts in a very broad sense to include such things as music, dance, theatre, painting, sculpture, pottery, literature (novels, short stories, poetry), photography, quilting, gardening, flower arranging, textile and fabric art."
Creator(s): Institute for Social Research and Evaluation, University of Northern British Columbia | Date Published: 2006-10

Studies & Reports

Making Connections: Social and Civic Engagement among Canadian Immigrants

"...examining different measures of social and civic engagement among the immigrant population and flagging areas of concern. In the report, social and civic engagement is broadly defined as 'the active connections between people that foster mutual respect and facilitate cooperative action."
Creator(s): Canada Council on Social Development (CSSD) and the Centre for Applied Social Research | Date Published: 2006-04

Studies & Reports

Canada Online! 2004

"[A] representational survey of Canadians that provides data and analysis for ongoing research in the area of internet use and non-use patterns. The study explores the behaviour and attitudes of both users and non-users and the economic, cultural, and social implications of the internet in Canada, in comparative perspective."
Creator(s): The Canadian Internet Project | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Abstract of Study on Private Funding of Culture

"This report beings with a description of the private sector's involvement and contribution to cultural funding, as well as the initiatives and mechanisms set up to promote this involvement."
Creator(s): Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

The Role of the Social Economy in Strengthening New Media

"The research was conducted by a team of staff and contractors in the Canadian Community Economic Development Network from February to June 2004. A review of existing research and literature was carried out on the nature and typology of the social economy and its relationship to new media."
Creator(s): Rupert Downing, Canadian Community Economic Development Network | Date Published: 2004-08

Studies & Reports

National Summit on Innovation and Learning

"The aim of this report is to summarize the objectives, proceedings, and major outcomes of the National Summit on Innovation and Learning, held on November 18–19, 2002, at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, in Toronto, Ontario."
Creator(s): Human Resources Development Canada | Date Published: 2004-06-15

Studies & Reports

Making citizenship Work: Fostering European culture and diversity through programmes for Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Civic Participation

Announcement of the European Union for future programs from 2007 onwards
Creator(s): European Union | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

U.S Cultural Policy - Its Politics of Participation, Its Creative Potential

"In this paper I suggest a reframing of the discourse around American cultural policy. Embracing Evan Alderson’s definition of cultural policy as a “system of arrangements,” I aim to shed light on who is participating in the discourse."
Creator(s): Roberto Bedoya - National Performance Network | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Creative Investments in New Orleans: Cultural Policy at the Grassroots, December 11-12, 2003: Forum Summary

"The meeting examined and advanced the policy goals of the creative industries."
Creator(s): Center for Arts and Culture and Creative Industries | Date Published: 2003-12-11

Studies & Reports

Balancing Objectives in Cultural Policy

"Panel 1- Balancing Objectives in Cultural Policy, Presented during the Second World Summit of Arts and Culture, November 2003 in Singapore."
Creator(s): Sydney Bartley | Date Published: 2003-11

Studies & Reports

Global Trends: Arts, People & Policy

"Keynote 1: Global Trends: Arts, People & Policy, Presented during the Second World Summit of Arts and Culture, November 2003 in Singapore."
Creator(s): Ho Kwon Ping | Date Published: 2003-11

Studies & Reports

Culture & Heritage - Connecting Canadians through Canada's Stories

"The federal government's programs and policies are designed to make sure that our children and their children can see, hear and watch themselves and their realities in magazines, on the Web pages, in the stories told through music and in the dance of our Canadian artists."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-05-14

Studies & Reports

National Film Board of Canada - Action Plan 2002-2005

"Implementation of Sections 41 and 42 of the Official Languages Act."
Creator(s): National Film Board of Canada | Date Published: 2003-03

Studies & Reports

Access and the Cultural Infastructure

"As the repository for the collective history of creative endeavor and a source of inspiration for tomorrow’s thinkers and artists, the cultural infrastructure is a complex system of relationships among individuals and public, private, for-profit and not-for-profit institutions."
Creator(s): Allison Brugg Bawden | Date Published: 2002-11

Studies & Reports

America's Cultural Capital: Recommendations for Structuring the Federal Role

"This paper, the first in the series, focuses on four structural recommendations that are intended to improve federal policymaking in these areas. The Center offers these for discussion, debate, and further refinement."
Creator(s): Center for Arts and Culture | Date Published: 2001-03

Studies & Reports

Culture as Confrontation - Principles on Cultural Policy in 2001-2004

"The political priorities of Dutch cultural policy from 2000 to 2004 are laid out in the publication entitled 'Culture as Confrontation'. The main themes are planning, e-culture, cultural entrepreneurship, acquisition and exhibition of cultural assets, youth, cultural diversity and improved programming."
Creator(s): Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Conceptual Framework for an Analysis of Citizenship in the Liberal Democracies - Volume I

"The study places special emphasis on the room allowed for differential identities within national identity."
Creator(s): France Gagnon and Michel Pagé | Date Published: 1999-05-31

Studies & Reports

Status report : minority-language educational rights : the implementation of Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

"This study deals with the current situation in Canada with respect to minority-language instruction and the management of educational facilities by official-language minority groups."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1999

General Reference

Canadian Internet Project

"The Canadian Internet Project / Projet Internet Canada (CIP) is a representational survey of Canadians that provides data and analysis for ongoing research in the area of internet use and non-use patterns. The study explores the behaviour and attitudes of both users and non-users and the economic, cultural, and social implications of the internet in Canada, in comparative perspective."
Creator(s): Canadian Internet Project | Date Published: 2006

General Reference

Growing Up in Cities

"Most Canadians live in cities, and many of these citizens are children and young people, but few of our cities are child-youth friendly. Growing Up in Cities Canada (GUICC) is a program about increasing child and youth involvement in cities."
Creator(s): Growing Up in Cities | Date Published: 2005-12-14

General Reference


"MaiLOUT is the only national magazine featuring and celebrating all aspects of participatory and community arts. It started 14 years ago in the Midlands before 'going nationwide' in 1991, with a new issue every two months."
Creator(s): MaiLOUT | Date Published: 2004-06-01

General Reference

European Cultural Foundation

"The European Cultural Foundation is an independent, non-governmental organization. It was founded to ‘promote cultural and educational activities and research of a multinational nature and European character."
Creator(s): European Cultural Foundation


La pratique culturelle au Québec en 2004 - recueil statistique (available in French only)

«Le présent recueil statistique renferme les données les plus récentes sur les habitudes de consommation culturelle des Québécoises et des Québécois. Les données proviennent de l'enquête quinquennale 2004 menée par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications sur les pratiques culturelles.»
Creator(s): Culture et Communications Québec | Date Published: 2005-11-04


Music Education "State of the Nation" Benchmark Study

"The survey was created through the input of many seasoned educators across the country and guided in its execution with the professional expertise of the Hazelton Group. As the methodology indicates, 8000+ surveys were sent out across the country with an overall response rate of 8%, ranging from a provincial high of 16.1% and to a low of 5.8%."
Creator(s): The Coalition for Music Education | Date Published: 2005-05-25


International Adult Literacy Survey

"The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) was a seven-country initiative conducted in the fall of 1994. Its goal was to create comparable literacy profiles across national, linguistic and cultural boundaries."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2005-03-24


Alberta Advanced Education Statistics and Research

"The department compiles regular updates on the following advanced education statistics and demographic information in Alberta."
Creator(s): Alberta Government | Date Published: 2005


Towards Excellence A Report on Education in the Northwest Territories

"This fifth edition of Towards Excellence: A Report on Education in the NWT provides a profile of education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 for the school year 2002 to 2003."
Creator(s): Northwest Territories Education, Culture and Employment | Date Published: 2004-11


Manitoba - Statistiques scolaires (available in French only)

« Données statistiques sur le nombre des inscriptions pour chacun des programmes scolaires, soit les programmes de français langue première, français langue seconde – immersion et français de base. »
Creator(s): Manitoba - Ministère de l'Éducation | Date Published: 2004-09-30


Adult Education and Training Survey, documentation and data files

"The Adult Education and Training Survey (AETS) is Canada's most comprehensive source of data on individual participation in formal adult education and training. It is the only Canadian survey to collect detailed information about the skill development efforts of the entire adult Canadian population."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2004-05-27


The digital divide in Canadian Schools: factors affecting student access to and use of information technology

"Parts of this paper are based on analysis of micro-data from Statistics Canada. The paper was commissioned by the Canadian Education Statistics Council (CESE), a partnership between Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), for the 2002 Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda Symposium on Information Technology and Learning."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada, Dianne Looker and Victor Thiessen | Date Published: 2003-06


Consumer Spending on Culture in Canada, the Provinces and 13 Municipal Regions in 2001

"This report examines the spending of Canadians on cultural activities, goods and equipment, including art supplies and musical instruments, art works and events, home entertainment, movie theatre admissions, photographic equipment and services, and reading material."
Creator(s): Hill Strategies Research | Date Published: 2003-03


A Statistical Profile of Education and Training in Manitoba 1998/99 to 2002/03

"This document provides statistical information on Manitoba's elementary/secondary and post-secondary education systems, as well as training programs offered across the province."
Creator(s): Manitoba Department of Education, Citizenship and Youth | Date Published: 2003


Economic Impact

"Cultural Sector's Economic Contribution to Canada - Economic Impact."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2002-06


Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating

"This report offers highlights from the National Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating (NSGVP) which was undertaken to better understand how Canadians support individuals and communities on their own or through their involvement with charitable and nonprofit organizations."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2001-08-17


Education for All Year 2000 Assessment: Statistical Document

"A first insight into the state of the world's education in 2000 and the progress made since 1990. The document and its accompanying CD-ROM present global, regional and national education indicators in six key areas: the demand for education, early childhood programmes, primary education, education finance, teachers, and literacy."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2000


Consumer participation in culture activities and events

"Statistics Canada survey data and analysis on Canadians' participation in culture activites and events including reading, listening to music, going to the movies, attending live performing arts, etc."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 1999-11-09


Canadian Education Association

"CEA initiates and sustains dialogue throughout the country influencing public policy issues in education for the ongoing development of a robust, democratic society and a prosperous and sustainable economy."


City Lore

"City Lore was founded in 1986 to produce programs and publications that convey the richness of New York City's cultural heritage. Increasingly our many efforts embrace national audiences as well."


Community Foundations of Canada

"Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is the membership organization for Canada's vibrant and growing network of 153 community foundations."


Culture Montréal

"Culture Montréal is an independent non-profit organization, bringing together people from all backgrounds interested in promoting culture in all its forms as an essential element of Montreal's development."


Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society

"IMPACS, the Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society, is a Canadian charitable organization committed to the protection and expansion of democracy and to strengthening civil society. IMPACS believes that a strong democracy requires three key elements, and our work supports our efforts to create an environment in which democratic values can thrive."


The 411 Initiative For Change (411)

"The 411 Initiative For Change uses contemporary arts and culture as tools to raise public awareness and foster social change... undertakes public education and the promotion of civic participation of young people on social issues that frame their development within their communities; it works to build and strengthen the national action movement on common global issues, in their domestic and international contexts."


European Festivals Association (EFA)

"The aim of EFA is to promote the highest ideas and significance of festivals through common publicity and by any appropriate means to maintain and develop high artistic quality of festivals and their important role in the international cultural cooperation."


Banff New Media Institute

"The Banff Centre is a globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility."


Canadian Society for Education through Art

"The Canadian Society for Education through Art, a voluntary association founded in Quebec City in 1955, is the only Canadian national organization that brings together art educators, gallery educators and others with similar interests and concerns."


National Center for Charitable Statistics

"The National Center for Charitable Statistics is the national clearinghouse of data on the nonprofit sector in the United States. NCCS is a program of the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy (CNP) at the Urban Institute."


Trudeau Foundation

"The Trudeau Foundation establishes a unique dialogue between outstanding scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and creative individuals with an interest in issues of public policy in government, the professions, business, the arts, and the voluntary sector."


YOCOMM - Commonwealth Youth

" is a pan-commonwealth youth network which was set up by commonwealth youth to facilitate sharing of information relevant to youth across the 53 countries of the commonwealth."


Centre de recherche sur l'intermédialité (CRI) (available in French only)

« Le Centre de recherche sur l'intermédialité (CRI) a été créé dans le courant de l'année universitaire 1996/1997, et reconnu officiellement le 18 décembre 1997 par le vice-rectorat à la recherche de l'Université de Montréal. »


Conseil de la culture de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue

« Le Conseil de la culture de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (CRCAT) est un organisme sans but lucratif. Son financement provient majoritairement de subventions du ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. »


Association québécoise des éducatrices et éducateurs spécialisés en arts plastiques (AQÉSAP)

« Par ses activités, l'AQÉSAP désire regrouper les personnes engagées dans l'organisation et dans l'enseignement des arts plastiques au Québec. »

Quick Facts

Saskatchewan Arts and Culture Sector Quick Facts

"A selection of facts about the arts and culture sector."
Creator(s): Saskatchewan Arts Alliance | Date Published: 1998-10




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There are event(s) on this day.
no event(s)
There are event(s) on this day.
no event(s)
There are event(s) on this day.
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
There are event(s) on this day.
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
There are event(s) on this day.
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
no event(s)
There are event(s) on this day.
no event(s)
no event(s)
There are event(s) on this day. is a service of the Canadian Cultural Observatory and its partners.
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Some of the material available in the resource collection originates with an organization not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available on this site in the language in which it was written.
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 9760 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2007-06-15 Important Notices