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All(36)Studies & Reports(27)
General Reference(3) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Racial Inequality, Social Cohesion and Policy Issues in Canada

"The Institute for Research on Public Policy has just pre-released a chapter from a forthcoming book entitled Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada."
Creator(s): Jeffrey G. Reitz and Rupa Banerjee | Date Published: 2007-01-11

Studies & Reports

Making Connections: Social and Civic Engagement among Canadian Immigrants

"...examining different measures of social and civic engagement among the immigrant population and flagging areas of concern. In the report, social and civic engagement is broadly defined as 'the active connections between people that foster mutual respect and facilitate cooperative action."
Creator(s): Canada Council on Social Development (CSSD) and the Centre for Applied Social Research | Date Published: 2006-04

Studies & Reports

Presentation - A New Social Architecture

"In A New Social Architecture, a presentation to the Social Sustainability Sub-Committee of the External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities, Judith Maxwell, CPRN President, draws on CPRN's Family Network research to sketch out the skeleton of a new social architecture for Canada."
Creator(s): Judith Maxwell, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 2005-08-12

Studies & Reports

Portrait socioéconomique des régions du Québec - Édition 2005 (available in French only)

« Le document « Portrait socioéconomique des régions du Québec » présente, sur une base comparative, les 17 régions administratives du Québec ou de regroupements de celles-ci. »
Creator(s): Dévelopment économique, innovation et exportation Québec | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

The Opportunity and Challenge of Diversity: A Role for Social Capital?

"The main hypothesis underlying the Montréal conference was that the integration process for immigrants and the management of diversity more broadly is an area where the generation of networks of social contacts may potentially play a key role in achieving a number of desired outcomes."
Creator(s): Policy Research Initiative - Government of Canada | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

The Social Economy: Finding a Way Between the Market and the State

"What is today called the social economy, or social entrepreurship, includes some very old organizations such as credit unions, agricultural co-operatives, and the YMCAs. In this article, Nancy Neamtam describes an emerging cohort of young social entrepreneurs who are combining social goals and entrepreneurial strategies with brio."
Creator(s): Nancy Neamtam, Institute for Research on Public Policy | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Building Blocks for a New Social Architecture: The LEGO TM paradigm of an active society

"In many jurisdictions and regardless of the welfare regime to which they belong, social policy communities now often focus on “new social risks.” They also consider that these risks call for investments - in human capital, in lifelong learning, in early childhood services, in training, and so on – and this despite a clear preference for controlling if not reducing state spending."
Creator(s): Jane Jenson, Denis Saint-Martin, Départment de science politique Université de Montréal | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

The End of Parallel Lives? The Report of the Community Cohesion Panel

"The community cohesion agenda has developed in response to disturbances in northern towns in 2001 and the recognition that cohesion is a national issue."
Creator(s): Fiona Mactaggart | Date Published: 2004-07

Studies & Reports

Towards inclusion : arts and disability information booklet

"Strategic approach of increasing the quality of access for disabled people to the arts in Northern Ireland."
Creator(s): Arts Council of Northern Ireland | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Making citizenship Work: Fostering European culture and diversity through programmes for Youth, Culture, Audiovisual and Civic Participation

Announcement of the European Union for future programs from 2007 onwards
Creator(s): European Union | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Social cohesion, social capital and health: do strong networks make healthy societies?

"This workshop examined recent research on social determinants of health which increasingly considers social capital and social inequality as factors affecting population health."
Creator(s): Liudmila Kirpitchenko | Date Published: 2003-09-19

Studies & Reports

World Development Report 2003 Full Text

"World Development Report 2003 examines the relationship among competing policy objectives -- reducing poverty, maintaining growth, improving social cohesion, and protecting the environment -- over a 50-year horizon."
Creator(s): The World Bank Group | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Social Capital as a Health Determinant - How is it Defined?

"The work attempts to clarify the place of social capital among the social determinants of health."
Creator(s): Health Canada | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Citizenship Values & Social Cohesion

"This blue plate special presents the main points of presentations on the topic of citizenship values and social cohesion given by Dr Paul Reed (Carleton University) and Professor Neil Nevitte (University of Toronto)."
Creator(s): Maureen Williams | Date Published: 2002-11-01

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion: Updating the State of the Research

"In the last four years, since CPRN published Mapping Social Cohesion: The State of Canadian Research, there have been significant additions to the body of academic research and policy-related findings on social cohesion."
Creator(s): Caroline Beauvais, Jane Jensen, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 2002-07-12

Studies & Reports

Buying In or Dropping Out: The Public Policy Implications of Social Cohesion Research

"This paper is intended as a "primer" on the subject of social cohesion and as a summary of what we know about it so far."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte, Dick Stanley, Ravi Pendakur, Bruce Jamieson, Maureen Williams and Amanda Aizlewood | Date Published: 2002-02-11

Studies & Reports

Feature Columnist Communities: The Engines of Social Cohesion

"This article presents research completed by the Social Cohesion Network."
Creator(s): Maureen Williams | Date Published: 2001-12-01

Studies & Reports

Recognition of Foreign Credentials: A Survey of Recent Community and Research Projects (C. 1995-2001) Funded by the Multiculturalism Program, PCH

"This report summarizes more recently funded (c.1995-2001) activities of national, provincial, and community-based organizations as well as academic and organizational research projects."
Creator(s): Marilyn Smith | Date Published: 2001-10-01

Studies & Reports

Entering the Tribal and Acoustic World - Globally

"This paper explores the cultural policy implications."
Creator(s): Michael Cross | Date Published: 2001-04-01

Studies & Reports

Holding the Centre: What We Know About Social Cohesion

"Over the last four years, the Social Cohesion Network has made considerable progress on its horizontal research program."
Creator(s): Dick Stanley | Date Published: 2001-02-19

Studies & Reports

Do Borders Matter for Social Capital? Economic Growth and Civic Culture in U.S. States and Canadian Provinces

"This paper extends to North America the analysis in Helliwell and Putnam (1995) linking regional growth and social capital in Italian regions."
Creator(s): John F. Helliwell | Date Published: 2000-06-01

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion: A Dialectical Critique of a Quasi-concept?

"This study criticizes and deconstructs the concept of social cohesion."
Creator(s): Paul Bernard | Date Published: 2000-02-01

Studies & Reports

Mapping Social Cohesion: The State of Canadian Research

"Much clarification is needed before drawing any conclusions about the meaning of social cohesion and its contribution to collective well-being."
Creator(s): Jane Jensen, Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 1998-11-27

Studies & Reports

Rekindling Hope and Investing in the Future : Report of the Social Cohesion Network to the Policy Research Committee

"Provides a progress report on the first 18 months of the Social Cohesion Network's research activities, draws some preliminary conclusions and outlines the research priorities and next steps of the Network."
Creator(s): Social Cohesion Network | Date Published: 1998-11-01

Studies & Reports

Work for the Policy Researchers Conference: deck and speaking notes

"Preliminary results suggest that growing pressures on the middle-income group may be having an impact on social cohesion in Canada. This deck outlines the evolving Canadian Values: Exploring Income Fault-lines."
Creator(s): Andrew Leuty and Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 1997-11-18

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion: choice, challenge and change. (Deck)

"This blue plate special presents the main points of presentations on the topic of citizenship values and social cohesion given by Dr Paul Reed (Carleton University) and Professor Neil Nevitte (University of Toronto)."
Creator(s): M. Wernick et T. Herman | Date Published: 1997-11-18

Studies & Reports

Social Cohesion Research Workplan

"The cohesiveness of societies is being affected by globalization, technological and demographic pressures, the implications of which we are only beginning to understand."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte | Date Published: 1997-03-01


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Unsettled: Legal and Policy Barriers for Newcomers to Canada

"A new research study concludes that Canadian social policy is undermining the success of newcomers to this country, hampering their access to employment and vital services and creating a web of discrimination that makes it harder for immigrants to settle here, even though they are more educated and more skilled than their predecessors. The research study was conducted as part of the Community Scholar in Law Reform Project, a joint initiative of Community Foundations Canada and the Law Commission of Canada. The project was launched last year after both organizations identified a lack of comprehensive research regarding the impact of legal and policy barriers on the settlement of immigrants. "
Creator(s): Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Creating a More Inclusive Voluntary Sector: A Focus on Diversity

"Given New Brunswick's multicultural environment, a voluntary sector that reflects the ethnicity of its communities will greatly increase the effectiveness of non-profit organizations that serve all sectors of the population."
Creator(s): Policy Link N.B. and the John Howard Society of Greater Moncton Inc. | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Gifts of the Muse: Reframing the Debate About the Benefits of the Arts

"RAND Study Says Arts Policy Should Focus On Building Individual Appreciation of the Arts."
Creator(s): RAND Corporation | Date Published: 2005-02-15

Studies & Reports

Pour mieux vivre de l'art - Plan d'action pour l'amélioration des conditions socioéconomiques des artistes

« Le portrait socioéconomique des artistes, rendu public le 24 février 2004, faisait la démonstration que plusieurs artistes et créateurs subsistent dans une précarité économique ou occupent un double emploi pour arriver à vivre décemment. On y remarque aussi d’importantes fluctuations de revenus. »
Creator(s): Ministère de la Culture et des Communications - Gouvernement du Québec | Date Published: 2004-06

Studies & Reports

Official Languages in Canada; Changing the Language Landscape

"The purpose of this book is to present an overview of the accomplishments of the Canadian model of official bilingualism, based upon the coexistence of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians and upon a partnership between federal and provincial governments in serving citizens' needs and interests."
Creator(s): Stacy Churchill | Date Published: 2004-02-04

Studies & Reports

Francophone Minorities: A ssimilation and Community Vitality (2nd Edition)

"This publication will attempt to explore the concepts of assimilation and community vitality, as well as the statistical evidence regarding the vitality of the Francophone communities outside Quebec. It will also seek to highlight trends and attempt to clarify certain issues related to the current demographic reality of Francophone communities outside Quebec."
Creator(s): O'Keefe, Michel | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

A Profile of the Providers of Training in English or French as a Second Language

"This report presents findings of the 1998 survey of Providers of Training in English or French as a Second or Foreign Language in Canada. The purpose of the survey was to gather information at the Canada level and, where possible, at the regional level on the size of the industry, its characteristics and the role played by foreign students."
Creator(s): Training and Continuing Education Section, Centre for Education Statistics, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Young Candian in a Wired World (YCWW)

"Initiated in 2000 by the Media Awareness Network (MNet), Young Canadians in a Wired World (YCWW) is the most comprehensive and wide-ranging study of its kind in Canada. The research project tracks and investigates the behaviours, attitudes, and opinions of Canadian children and youth with respect to their use of the Internet."
Creator(s): Media Awareness Network (MNet) | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Cultural Policies and Cultural Practices : Exploring Linkages Between Cultural and Social Change

"The theme of the Canadian Cultural Research Network (CCRN) Colloquium, "Cultural Policies, Cultural Practices and Social Change: Exploring the Links Between Culture and Social Change," was chosen in collaboration with the organisers of the 1998 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada."
Creator(s): Canadian Cultural Research Network | Date Published: 1999-01-05

Studies & Reports

Francophone Minorities: Assimilation and Community Vitality (1st Edition)

"Linguistic assimilation is a phenomenon that is still poorly understood by the general public but one that generates a good deal of discussion, frequent emotion and occasional alarmist remarks. [T]his publication [...] tries to bring a certain ‘objectivization’ to the phenomenon of the linguistic assimilation of the Francophone minorities in Canada."
Creator(s): O'Keefe, Michel | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Francophones in Canada: A Community of Interests

"The ties that bind Francophones from across Canada take many forms, from the more traditional family and kinship networks to the electronic communication networks."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage; Guindon, René; Poulin, Pierre | Date Published: 1996




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