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All(24)Studies & Reports(17)
General Reference(5) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.



International Journal of Citizenship Teaching and Learning (IJCTL)

"The International Journal of Citizenship and Teacher Education aims to advance the understanding of academic and professional issues within education that relate to social, moral, political, cultural and economic considerations."
Creator(s): citizED | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Canadian Football and the Grey Cup

"Every autumn, millions of football fans in Canada and around the world hunker down on their couch to watch the Canadian Football League’s Eastern and Western division champions compete for the ultimate prize: the Grey Cup title."
Creator(s): | Date Published: 2007-11

Studies & Reports

Economic Integration of Immigrants' Children

"This study, in the October 2007 edition of Perspectives on Labour and Income, focuses on second-generation Canadians aged 17 to 29—young men and women born in Canada to two immigrant parents between 1967 and 1982."
Creator(s): Boris Palameta, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-10-29

Studies & Reports

Social Capital as a Public Policy Tool - Project Conclusion

"The PRI has released the final publications from its social capital project. What is social capital? Who benefits – and who does not? Is there a role for government? How can we measure it?"
Creator(s): Policy Research Initiative | Date Published: 2007

Studies & Reports

Quality of Life in Canada: A Citizens' Report Card

A national portrait of Canadian's quality of life
Creator(s): Canadian Policy Research Network | Date Published: 2006-09-02

Studies & Reports

Québec's international policy; working in concert

"Minister of International Relations Monique Gagnon-Tremblay will launch Québec’s new international policy today. The document is entitled Québec’s International Policy: Working in Concert."
Creator(s): Government of Québec | Date Published: 2006-05-24

Studies & Reports

Social Networks and Secondary Migration of New Immigrants to Canada

"Immigrants in Canada are highly concentrated in some cities and regions. In 2001, 39% of all immigrants were living in one metropolitan area, Toronto; 14% were found in Vancouver and 12% in Montreal."
Creator(s): René Houle (Statistics Canada / CRISP RDC, University of New Brunswick) | Date Published: 2006-05

Studies & Reports

Unsettled: Legal and Policy Barriers for Newcomers to Canada

"A new research study concludes that Canadian social policy is undermining the success of newcomers to this country, hampering their access to employment and vital services and creating a web of discrimination that makes it harder for immigrants to settle here, even though they are more educated and more skilled than their predecessors. The research study was conducted as part of the Community Scholar in Law Reform Project, a joint initiative of Community Foundations Canada and the Law Commission of Canada. The project was launched last year after both organizations identified a lack of comprehensive research regarding the impact of legal and policy barriers on the settlement of immigrants. "
Creator(s): Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Semiotic Disobedience, A Digital Report From The Counter-Publics Working Group

"A Digital Report From The Counter-Publics Working Group."
Creator(s): Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Cultural challenges in post communist Albania

"This article will treat the present-day challenge of overcoming a heritage of totalitarian culture, developed during 50 years of isolation under one of the most severe communist regimes in the world, with which Albanian culture is currently presented."
Creator(s): Policies for Culture | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Foundation Funding for the Humanities: An Overview of Current and Historical Trends

"The humanities serve the critical role of developing and preserving human thought and culture. Yet their importance can often be underestimated in a society distracted by mass entertainments and the next SUV."
Creator(s): The Foundation Center in cooperation with The American Academy of Arts & Sciences | Date Published: 2004-06

Studies & Reports

Shared Citizenship Reading List

"A list of suggested reading papers done by SRA on the subject of Shared Citizenship."
Creator(s): Strategic Research and Analysis | Date Published: 2003-08-28

Studies & Reports

Canadian Cultural Policy, Maclean’s Magazine and the Coverage of the Death of Pierre Trudeau

"This paper focuses on the coverage of the death and funeral of Pierre Trudeau in Canada's national Anglophone news magazine. In addition to examining the specific nature of that coverage, it seeks to locate it within the discourse of celebration which the magazine frequently deploys in it construction of Canadian-ness.
Creator(s): David Hutchison, Glasgow Caledonian University | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

Value Change and Governance in Canada edited by Neil Nevitte (Summary)

"This Blue Plate Special is a brief summary of Neil Nevitte's book entitled "Value Change and Governance in Canada."
Creator(s): Policy Research Initiative’s “Trends” Project | Date Published: 2002-05

Studies & Reports

The Political Voice of Canadian Regional Identities

"Individual Canadians, like individuals everywhere, have many group affiliations, loyalties and attachments that help to define their sense of who and what they are personally but also their sense of belonging to a larger "collectivity" which comes from shared interests, concerns, historical legacies, meaningful symbols and cultural understandings."
Creator(s): The Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Beyond Nationalism: Identity and Attachment in a Post-modern World

"This study identifies and describes programs and initiatives in other countries which serve to respond to the challenge of strengthening national identity."
Creator(s): Roger Butt, Terrence Cowl and Karim Karim | Date Published: 1997-04-01

Studies & Reports

Strengthening and Celebrating, Canada for the New Millennium, For the Planning Period: 1997 - 1998 to 1999 - 2000

"The Canadian Heritage Portfolio, comprising the Department of Canadian Heritage, seven departmental agencies and ten Crown corporations, has developed a strategic approach, Strengthening and Celebrating Canada for the New Millennium, for the period 1997-98 to 1999-2000."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 1997

Studies & Reports

National Symbols and National Identity : An International Comparative Review

"The study identified various models of state involvement with national symbols, ranging from the educational/promotional approach of Canada and Australia to the more regulatory approach of the United States."
Creator(s): Roger Butt | Date Published: 1996-03-30

General Reference

General Reference

Migrant Integration Policy Index

"Europe's integration policies at your fingertips."
Creator(s): Integration Index | Date Published: 2007

General Reference

World Values Survey

"The World Values Survey is a worldwide investigation of sociocultural and political change. It has carried out representative national surveys of the basic values and beliefs of publics in more than 65 societies on all six inhabited continents, containing almost 80 percent of the world's population."
Creator(s): World Values Survey | Date Published: 2005-11

General Reference

Culture & Heritage - Making Room for Canada's Voices

"In Canada, we have tried to strike a balance that allows us to participate fully in the global culture, while at the same time ensuring that our unique voice is not drowned out in the process."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Culture Populaire, Connaissance et Critique (CPCC) (available in French only)

«Le CPCC se veut un lieu de recherche et de réflexion critique sur différentes facettes de la culture populaire, notamment dans ses articulations aux médias et, plus largement, aux rapports sociaux et aux relations de pouvoir qui la traversent et qu'elle informe. L'accent y est mis tant sur les pratiques et les produits culturels que sur leurs processus de production et de diffusion que de consommation et de réception.»
Creator(s): University of Montreal | Date Published: 2005

General Reference


"Web site, focusing on politics, culture and related issues in a global world."
Creator(s): openDemocracy



Canadians Relating to their Heritage

"This national survey on how Canadians relate to their heritage was commissioned by Canadian Heritage to build a representative, quantitative picture of a set of factors helpful for understanding Canadians’ points of view when it comes to heritage."
Creator(s): Les Etudes de Marche Createc + for Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2001-01


Also Related

Related Materials


Proclamation of Masterpieces 2001 - 2003 - 2005

"UNESCO wished to extend protection to intangible cultural heritage, fragile and perishable but essential for communities’ cultural identity. The lists aside and the world map allow you to browse among the 43 proclaimed masterpieces and to consult detailed information, diaporamas and videos on each of them."
Creator(s): UNESCO | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

The Global Cultural Commons after Cancun: Identity, Diversity and Citizenship

"Thanks to new information technologies, movies, television programs and music are consumed by a worldwide audience. Magazines, books and newspapers are sold around the globe. Many experts are rethinking the challenges posed by cultural diversity, as research continues to show that in a hyper-democratic age, technology diffuses power downwards and towards the margins"
Creator(s): Daniel Drache ( and Marc D. Froese | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Just Showing Up: Social and Cultural Capital in Everyday Life

"This paper is intended to be a synthesis of current knowledge about social and cultural capital and their relationship to questions of citizenship. Prepared for the “Accounting for Culture: Examining the Building Blocks of Cultural Citizenship” Colloquium."
Creator(s): M. Sharon Jeannotte, Strategic Research and Analysis (SRA), Strategic Policy and Research, Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-07

Studies & Reports

Canada's Place in World Affairs

"Young Canadians traveling through Europe are usually easy to recognize. Most of them are seen hiking along with the Canadian flag, the unmistakable red maple leaf, attached to their knapsack. They know why: to be identified as a Canadian often facilitates their reception in nearly all foreign countries."
Creator(s): The Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University | Date Published: 2001

Studies & Reports

Citizens versus Consumers: Connections to What?

"Recent research on cultural diversity, cultural identity and cultural pluralism."
Creator(s): Greg Baeker | Date Published: 2000-05-26

Studies & Reports

International Comparative Review of Citizenship and Identity Youth Policies & Programming

"The research has demonstrated a trend toward a focus on young people as a major target group for public policy."
Creator(s): Roger Butt and Barbara Motzney | Date Published: 1994-09-30

Projects & Programs

World Culture Project

"Examine the crucial role culture, cultures, and Canadian culture are capable of playing in the world of the future."
Lead Managing Organization: D. Paul Schafer, Director | Start Date: 1989

General Reference

Atlantic Canada Portal

"Designed to support research relating to the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, the Atlantic Canada Portal is a collaborative effort of the Electronic Text Centre and the Canada Research Chair in Atlantic Canada Studies, both based at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada."
Creator(s): Atlantic Canada Portal (ACP) | Date Published: 2005

General Reference

Guide to Canadian Heritage financial support programs 2002

"Canadian Heritage works directly with Canadian citizens in a variety of ways. One major service is provided through the support programs of the Department, which include grants, bursaries, tax credits and other means."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2004-06-16

General Reference

Le Centre régional d'éducation permanente et d'action culturelle (CREPAC) (available in French only)

«Le Centre régional d'éducation permanente et d'action culturelle (CREPAC) d'Aquitaine, association, regroupe les Ligues de l'enseignement des cinq départements d'Aquitaine et la Ligue française de l'enseignement et de l'éducation permanente.»
Creator(s): Le Centre régional d'éducation permanente et d'action culturelle (CREPAC) | Date Published: 2004-01-06

General Reference

2003 Financial Support Programs

"The Department contributes to the growth and development of Canadian cultural and sporting life, the promotion of a fairer and more equitable society, the nation’s linguistic duality and multicultural character, and more."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-11-06


The Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship

"Ethnicity is now seen as a major feature of the social structure, personal identity, transnational networks and political conflict across the world. It is seen by some as challenging existing social hierarchies and conceptions of citizenship, and by others as introducing a new tribalism and threatening democracy and economic development."


Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

"The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada is the voice of Canada's universities"


Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association

"The Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA) is a professional association that promotes research, publication and teaching in Sociology and Anthropology in Canada."




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