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Metropolis Presents: Second Generation Youth in Canada
Canadians and Their Pasts: A New Research Project, April 17, 2007
Ignite: Youth Arts Forum, June 12-13, 2007, Toronto, Ontario
Multiculturalism Speakers Series, June 27th, 2007
The Independent Film and Television Alliance Production Conference, June 15th, 2007
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To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
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Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
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All(49)Studies & Reports(33)
General Reference(10) 
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census

"Statistics Canada releases the first analysis of data on Aboriginal peoples from the 2006 Census. New data from the 2006 Census show that the number of people who identified themselves as an Aboriginal person has surpassed the one-million mark."
Creator(s): Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2008-01-15

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Languages in Canada: Emerging Trends and Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition

"Aboriginal people are confronted with the fact that many of their languages are disappearing. Over the past 100 years or more, at least 10 once-flourishing languages have become extinct."
Creator(s): Mary Jane Norris, Statistics Canada | Date Published: 2007-05-15

Studies & Reports

Results of Survey of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit People in Urban Areas

"A 2006 Ekos Research survey involved almost 2000 Aboriginal people in urban areas in Canada."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage, Ekos | Date Published: 2007-03-13

Studies & Reports

The Importance of Sustainable Aboriginal Cultures: Defining Aboriginal Trade Issues in the context of International Trade Regulation

"The objective of this study is to identify and discuss Aboriginal trade issues as they arise in the context of international trade. "Aboriginal trade issues" are defined as those aspects of international trade regulation that might promote or erode the sustainability of Aboriginal cultures both at home and abroad."
Creator(s): Charles M. Gastle | Date Published: 2006-09-14

Studies & Reports

Final Report of the All Chiefs' Task Force on the Future of the First Nations University of Canada

"The findings and recommendations discussed in the Final Report are organized in nine major areas: events leading to establishment of the Task Force; governance; management; planning; communications and relationships; fiscal arrangements; academic freedom; University reputation and pride; and, recruitment, retention and alumni."
Creator(s): All Chiefs' Task Force | Date Published: 2005-11-29

Studies & Reports

"The Land We Live on is our Home": The 'Gameti Ko' Project Second Community-led Workshop

"...the real essence of the project, in the eyes of the elders, is to formally link a modern home, their homeland, and their traditional ways."
Creator(s): Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) | Date Published: 2005-11

Studies & Reports

Exploring Options for Métis Governance in the 21st Century

"...the Institute On Governance (“IOG”) and JTM Consulting Inc. conducted this research study with the following purpose: to review existing Métis Nation governance structures in Canada and explore options for their future development in order to stimulate thinking among Métis and across governments."
Creator(s): Jason Madden, John Graham and Jake Wilson | Date Published: 2005-09

Studies & Reports

Finding Their Voice: Civic Engagement Among Aboriginal and New Canadians

"Encouraging the next generation of Canadians to take on leadership roles in this country is a challenge for decision-makers who eventually must “pass the torch”. However, the special experiences and values of Aboriginal and new Canadians mean that different methods of engagement must be found. "
Creator(s): The Centre for Research and Information on Canada (CRIC) | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Culture in the Digital Age

"As the digital age continues to change Canada’s social, political, and economic landscapes, Aboriginal peoples are responding."
Creator(s): Marcia Nickerson, Head of the KTA Aboriginal Practice Group, and Jay Kaufman, Principal in the KTA Consulting and KTA Centre for Collaborative Governance, Aboriginal Voice | Date Published: 2005-07

Studies & Reports

Tribal Consultation: Best Practices in Historic Preservation

"In order to provide the reader with some indications and effective methods of meaningful consultation, this project bypassed anecdotal experiences in favor of surveying a large body of Agencies and Tribes for their empirical experiences in consultations they deemed to be successful."
Creator(s): National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO) | Date Published: 2005-05

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Institutions of Higher Education: An examination of government policy

"A Struggle for the Education of Aboriginal Students, Control of Indigenous Knowledge, and Recognition of Aboriginal Institutions"
Creator(s): Canadian Race Relations Foundation | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable: Sectoral Follow-up Sessions

"This website has been developed to provide Canadians with information and documentation resulting from the Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable and related follow-up activities to this historic event. The Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable held in Ottawa on April 19th, 2004 represented an unprecedented opportunity for members of the Federal Cabinet, Senate and House of Commons to engage with Aboriginal leaders from across the country."
Creator(s): Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

The Landscape - Public Opinion on Aboriginal and Northern Issues

"On April 19th 2004, Prime Minister Paul Martin brought together over 40 members of the Federal Cabinet, Senate and House of Commons in a roundtable discussion with 70 Aboriginal leaders from across the country."
Creator(s): Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Date Published: 2004

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal cultures and the tourism industry

"Linkages already exist between Aboriginal culture and tourism, both in practice and in theory."
Creator(s): Mitchell Karhakeron Diabo | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Cultural Tourism: Promoting Your History to the World

"Many indigenous peoples around the world have inherited rich cultural traditions that date back thousands of years or have extraordinary natural and man-made monuments in their midst. Foreign travellers are drawn to these communities because they know that they will find sites of great historical significance, or be awed by extraordinary dance or music performances."
Creator(s): Barbara Hager | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Ecotourism Can Benefit Your Culture, Here’s How!

"John Hickes, co-owner of Sila Lodge, discusses the unique relationship between ecotourism and the support, celebration, sustainability, and promotion of aboriginal cultures, using examples from Sila and Bathurst Inlet Lodge, two world-class tourism operations located in Nunavut."
Creator(s): John Hickes | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

The Aboriginal Heritage Garden: A First Nation Analysis

"This document was prepared so the reader may appreciate the many opportunities that the Aboriginal Heritage Garden presents."
Creator(s): Tim Dedam | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Tourism, Culture, and Communities

"This session will explore how culture is affected and/or impacted by tourism, challenges and opportunities of tourism on Aboriginal communities. "
Creator(s): Trina Mather-Simard | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Traditions and Marketing Strategies for Developing Tourism with Cultural Integrity

"Keeping the cultures alive while maintaining the most values aspects of that culture has been a struggle for every Indigenous Nation that has ever encountered an outsider or television or new technology."
Creator(s): Beverley O'Neil | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Sport, Culture & Tourism

"This discussion paper will provide you, the audience with some background to the importance of Aboriginal sport, culture and tourism and the issues and challenges that face governments, practitioners, and Aboriginal communities in ensuring a healthier and more active Aboriginal community through sports, culture and tourism opportunities."
Creator(s): Christian Sinclair | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Presentations on the Canadian Intellectual Property Regime

"These presentations described both IP and other legal mechanisms to protect Aboriginal culture and heritage. Current efforts related to the protection of Aboriginal culture and heritage were also presented. Following is a report on the presentations and discussions."
Creator(s): Industry Canada | Date Published: 2003-03-10

Studies & Reports

Historic Places and Aboriginal People - A Discussion Document

"The Department of Canadian Heritage has prepared a general outline of legislative proposals for the protection of historic places, Towards a New Act: Protecting Canada’s Historic Places, as a basis for discussions with Canadians."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Women's Program Family Violence Initiative Evaluation Study

"The Department of Canadian Heritage is signatory to the 1998 interdepartmental Family Violence Initiative Accountability Framework and to the Reporting Framework. This evaluation contributes to the federal Family Violence Initiative five-year summary report, and offers guidance for further planning."
Creator(s): Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2002

Studies & Reports

Cyber Imperialism and the Marginalization of Canada's Indigenous Peoples

"This paper argues that a knowledge economy based largely on Canadian and Aboriginal cultural and multicultural traditions and practices is not possible because the global nature of the Internet is such that it precludes this as an option."
Creator(s): Frits Pannekoek | Date Published: 2001-06-01

Studies & Reports

Gathering strength, Canada's aboriginal action plan, a progress report (2000)

"To improve the lives of Aboriginal people and northerners in Canada. We launched Gathering Strength—Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan to meet this commitment."
Creator(s): Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | Date Published: 2000

Studies & Reports

Intellectual Property and Aboriginal People: A Working Paper

"This paper outlines current Canadian intellectual property (IP) legislation as it relates to Aboriginal people in Canada, and provides a general review of the implications and limitations of this legislation for protecting the traditional knowledge of Aboriginal people."
Creator(s): Research & Analysis Directorate | Date Published: 1999-10

Studies & Reports

Gathering strength, Canada's aboriginal action plan, a progress report. (1998)

"To improve the lives of Aboriginal people and northerners in Canada. We launched Gathering Strength—Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan to meet this commitment."
Creator(s): Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

People to people, nation to nation : highlights from the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

"This book introduces you to some of the main themes and conclusions in the final report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. That report is a complete statement of the Commission's opinions on, and proposed solutions to, the many complex issues raised by the 16-point mandate set out by the government of Canada in August 1991."
Creator(s): Minister of Supply and Services Canada | Date Published: 1996

Studies & Reports

People to people, nation to nation: highlights from the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

"This book introduces you to some of the main themes and conclusions in the final report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. That report is a complete statement of the Commission's opinions on, and proposed solutions to, the many complex issues raised by the 16-point mandate set out by the government of Canada in August 1991."
Creator(s): Minister of Supply and Services Canada | Date Published: 1996

Studies & Reports

Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

"The Commission, established on 26 August 1991, was given a comprehensive mandate: The Commission of Inquiry should investigate the evolution of the relationship among aboriginal peoples (Indian, Inuit and Métis), the Canadian government, and Canadian society as a whole."
Creator(s): Department of Indian and Northern Affairs | Date Published: 1996

Studies & Reports

Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Women

"The 4th World Conference on Women accepted a paragraph in the Platform of Action that agrees to "safeguard the existing intellectual property rights" of Indigenous women. Delegates also agreed to ensure that these rights and their use are protected, respected, and maintained."
Creator(s): Carmel Jorgensen | Date Published: 1995-09-14

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal self-government

"The concept of Aboriginal self-government is not new. Aboriginal peoples in Canada have long expressed their aspiration to be self-governing, to chart the future of their communities, and to make their own decisions about matters related to the preservation and development of their distinctive cultures. Aboriginal peoples also maintain that they have an inherent right of Aboriginal self-government, a right which they believe should be recognized by all Canadians."
Creator(s): Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | Date Published: 1995

Studies & Reports

Getting Started in Oral Traditions Research

"This manual was written for adults and students in the Northwest Territories who want to do their own research, but need help getting started. There is a lot to learn. This manual provides you with an outline of how it can be done using audio recording equipment. "
Creator(s): Elisa Hart, Occasional Papers of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Government of the Northwest Territories | Date Published: 1995


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

UNESCO and Indigenous Peoples: Partnership to Promote Cultural Diversity

"UNESCO recognizes the importance of supporting indigenous communities in recovering their dignity and enabling them to transmit to future generations their distinctive knowledge, values and ways of life."
Creator(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | Date Published: 2006-04

Studies & Reports

Local and Indigenous Knowledge of the Natural World: An Overview of Programmes and Projects

"If recent years have seen a widening interest in the contribution of different knowledge systems to the understanding of the natural environment and biodiversity management, UNESCO’s recognition of the importance of this theme dates back more than half-a-century."
Creator(s): United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs | Date Published: 2005-09

Studies & Reports

Towards a New Beginning: A Foundational Report for a Strategy to Revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis Languages and Cultures

"On appointment, the Task Force received a mandate to propose a national strategy to preserve, revitalize and promote First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures."
Creator(s): Report to the Minister of Canadian Heritage by The Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures | Date Published: 2005-06

Studies & Reports

Oral Histories - Personal Histories of Some Mi'kmaq People

"The Mi'kmaw people have a rich history which can often best be understood by listening to the elders of the communities."
Creator(s): Mi'kmaq Resource Centre | Date Published: 2005

Studies & Reports

Indigenous People and Cultural Diversity: A Conceptual Outline and Proposals

"Several thousand indigenous peoples numbering between 300 and 400 million persons worldwide clearly distinguish themselves from other segments of society by way of historical and structural features as well as their self-identification."
Creator(s): Rodolfo Stavenhagen | Date Published: 2004-05-04

Studies & Reports

Defining the Cultural Experience

"I have chosen to use my company, The Anishinabe Experience, as an example and relate personal experiences in a discussion on how communities can define Aboriginal cultural tourism."
Creator(s): Linda Sarazin | Date Published: 2003-10-22

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) Evaluation

"In April 2002 the Department of Canadian Heritage contracted Consilium to conduct an evaluation of the Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI)."
Creator(s): Department of Canadian Heritage | Date Published: 2003-05-13

Studies & Reports

Aboriginal Communities and Urban Sustainability

"Explores the relationship between Aboriginal people, Aboriginal communities and cities, as well as the policy implications of that relationship."
Creator(s): Evelyn Peters and Katherine A.H. Graham | Date Published: 2002-12

Studies & Reports

Cultural Tourism in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area: A Strategic Overview for Rainforest Bama

"This Strategic Overview has been developed for the benefit of Aboriginal people and groups interested in developing tourism enterprises, or who are currently operating tourism products within the Wet Tropics Area."
Creator(s): Sarah Ignjic, Rainforest CRC | Date Published: 2001-12

Studies & Reports

Documenting and Maintaining Native American Languages for the 21st Century: The Indiana University Model

"The five papers collected here describe the history of the Arikara Language Project and its implementation in the White Shield School in North Dakota, the Nakoda Language Program at Fort Belknap College in Montana, and the development of tools at the American Indian Studies Research Institute at Indiana University for computer language documentation and the creation of curriculum materials for these and other projects."
Creator(s): Douglas R. Parks, Julia Kushner, Wallace Hooper, Francis Flavin, Delilah Yellow Bird, Selena Ditmar | Date Published: 1999

Studies & Reports

Coast Salish Transformation Stories: Kinship, Place and Aboriginal Rights and Title in Canada

"Paper Presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Anthropology Society, Toronto."
Creator(s): Brian Thom, PhD Student, Department of Anthropology, McGill University | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

The Role of Linguistics Within a Multidisciplinary Framework For Studying the Initial Peopling of the Americas

"This paper will focus on the role that linguistics plays within the multi-disciplinary approach to studying American aboriginal origins. From a purely linguistic view point, the antiquity of American aboriginal linguistic units is largely unknown."
Creator(s): Grant D. Zazula, The University of Alberta | Date Published: 1998

Studies & Reports

Protective Legislation for Aboriginal Languages in Canada

"The First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres has begun a national initiative to secure recognition and resources for the preservation, maintenance, promotion and use of Aboriginal languages in Canada."
Creator(s): The First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres | Date Published: 1997-07

Studies & Reports

Oral Narratives and Aboriginal Pasts

"This research report is an interdisciplinary literature review prepared for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. The objective is to compile and synthesize opinions which address a variety of issues relating to oral narratives about the past. The 50-day study commenced January 15, 1996 and ended April 5, 1996."
Creator(s): Alexander von Gernet, for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | Date Published: 1996-04

Studies & Reports

Maintaining and Renewing Native Languages

"This article reviews research on maintaining and renewing American Indian languages."
Creator(s): Jon Reyhner of Northern Arizona University, Edward Tennant of Educational Research Associates, The Bilingual Research Journal | Date Published: 1995-05

Studies & Reports

Telling Stories: The Life of Chief Richard Malloway

"Chief Richard Malloway (Th'eláchiyatel), a direct descent of the four original ancestors of the Chilliwacks; Th'eláchiyatel, Yexwpílem, Siyemchess, and Xwexwayleq, was an important and influential Stó:lo individual who lived in the Lower Fraser Valley from 1907 to 1987. Stories of his life are remembered and told frequently in the Stó:lo community today. The objective of this paper is to compile some of his stories in the voices of the people who told them."
Creator(s): Writing by: Brian Thom. Stories Narrated by: Mrs. Edna Malloway, Chief Frank Malloway, Chief Richard Malloway. Prepared for: Stó:lo Tribal Council. March 1994 | Date Published: 1994-03


Indigenous Knowledge
February 2006

In Focus featured from February 2006 to September 2006. In this production of In Focus, Aboriginal researchers, Yvonne Vizina and Racelle Kooy, examine benefits and challenges of developing policy concerning Indigenous Knowledge.




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ID: 9756 | Date Added: 2006-02-06 | Date Modified: 2008-01-17 Important Notices