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Community Arts in Rural Settings
Commentary: Community Arts in Rural Settings
Socio-economic Conditions of Visible Minorities in Canada: 1967-2017
Sustainable Communities: Culture, Creativity and Inclusiveness
October 2005
To Save a Butterfly, Must One Kill It? The Historic Places Initiative in a Rural Context
The Arts and Heritage in Rural Communities
Digital Transformations
Digital Tranformations I:
Digital Evolution and New Publishing Models
January 2007
Digital Transformations II:
Toward a New Form of Musical Culture
February 2007
The Arts and Health I: Artists on the Wards
March 2007
The Arts and Health II:
Use of the Arts in Health Professional Education
April 2007
Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Canadian Arts and Health
Canadian Cultural Policy 101
September 2006
Cultural Policy 101: Demystifying the US Ecosystem
December 2006
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 1 & 2
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 3
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 4
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Myth 5
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: On the Horizon
Demystifying the US Ecosystem: Conclusions
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All(8)Studies & Reports(6)
Statistics(1)General Reference(1)
The Canadian Cultural Observatory lists publications and resources as a public service only and does not promote or endorse them in any way.

Studies & Reports

Studies & Reports

National Arts Policy Roundtable

"The 2007 National Arts Policy Roundtable focuses on the role of the arts in developing the creativity and innovation skills necessary to succeed in a global workplace. It builds upon the recommendations of the 2006 Roundtable, which focused on the future of private sector giving to the arts in America."
Creator(s): Americans for the Arts | Date Published: 2007

Studies & Reports

Impact of Artsmark on schools in England

"The Artsmark award scheme encourages schools to increase the range of arts they provide and to raise the profile of arts education throughout England. Since the first awards were made in January 2001, Arts Council England has received over 4,000 Artsmark applications from schools throughout the country. Thirteen per cent of all schools in England currently hold an Artsmark award."
Creator(s): Matthews Millman | Date Published: 2006

Studies & Reports

Education Through Art: Building Partnerships for Secondary Education

"This workshop is organized as part of UNESCO’s efforts to contribute to the renewal of secondary education. The issue of quality is a main challenge facing secondary education today. Both the pedagogy and the learning contents need to be renewed to better respond to adolescents' learning needs."
Creator(s): UNESCO Ex[pert Pab\nel Meeting - Secondary Education in the 21st Century | Date Published: 2005-10-27

Studies & Reports

L’Education aux arts et à la culture (available in French only)

« L’enjeu, aujourd’hui comme hier, est de bâtir une politique réaliste tendant vers la généralisation de l’éducation artistique en s’appuyant sur l’ensemble des forces disponibles au sein de la nation. »
Creator(s): Christine Juppé-Leblond, Anne Chiffert, Gérard Lesage et Marie-Madeleine Krynen | Date Published: 2003-01

Studies & Reports

The Art of the Animateur

"An investigtion intop the skills and insights required of artists to work effectively in schools and communities."
Creator(s): Animarts | Date Published: 2003

Studies & Reports

This Much We Know...

"Four years since the start of the Creative Partnerships programme, what has been the impact so far ? These four publications summarise the research and evaluation carried out between 2002 and 2006."
Creator(s): Creative Partnerships | Date Published: 2002-2006

General Reference

General Reference

Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education

"The constitutional mandate of The Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education (CSTAE) is: to promote the use of theoretical concepts from the social sciences,which include, but are not limited to, anthropology, sociology, and political science."
Creator(s): Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education | Date Published: 2004-02-23



Music Education "State of the Nation" Benchmark Study

"The survey was created through the input of many seasoned educators across the country and guided in its execution with the professional expertise of the Hazelton Group. As the methodology indicates, 8000+ surveys were sent out across the country with an overall response rate of 8%, ranging from a provincial high of 16.1% and to a low of 5.8%."
Creator(s): The Coalition for Music Education | Date Published: 2005-05-25


Also Related

Related Materials

Studies & Reports

Nurturing Creativity in Young People: A report to Government to inform future policy

"...'look at what more we can do to nurture young creative talent', and...look for 'a clear set of assumptions which will help to inform the basis of our future policy on creativity'."
Creator(s): Paul Roberts | Date Published: 2006-06


National Art Education Association

"Founded in 1947 with the merger of the Western, Pacific, Southeastern, and Eastern Region Art Associations, plus the art department of the National Education Association (NEA)."


Saskatchewan Society for Education Through Art

"Integration provides enthusiasm for each discipline complimentary. Left brain can appreciate the learning activity and how it reflect back to art, and right brain thinkers can often solve the enigma of science based activities, the how and why?"


International Society for Music Education

"ISME is the world wide network for music educators : Early Childhood music educators, Elementary and Primary School music educators."


The Wallace Foundation

"Our mission is to enable institutions to expand learning and enrichment opportunities for all people. We do this by supporting and sharing effective ideas and practices."


The Arts Institute (Institut umení)

"The aim of the Arts Institute is to contribute to the promotion of public recognition of the role of the arts and its development."


The Banff Centre

"The Banff Centre is an incubator of creativity that inspires and empowers artists, the mountain community, and business and community leaders from Alberta, Canada, and around the world."


The European League of Institutes of the Arts

"The European League of Institutes of the Arts is an independent organisation of approximately 350 major arts education and training institutions representing the subject disciplines of Architecture, Dance, Design, Media Arts, Fine Art, Music and Theatre from 46 countries. ELIA represents deans, directors, administrators, artists, teachers and students in the arts in Europe."


Humanities and Arts Higher Education Network

"The Humanities and Arts higher education Network (HAN) is committed to the improvement of teaching and learning in those subjects. It links educators and researchers into the arts and humanities in higher education throughout the UK and abroad."


MENC: The National Association for Music Education

"The mission of MENC: The National Association for Music Education is to advance music education by encouraging the study and making of music by all."


Ontario Society of Education Through Art

"The Ontario Society of Education Through Art is a nonprofit organization that actively promotes and advocates learning through the visual arts."




May 2008
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GTEC Gold Medal Winner: Innovative E-Government Pilot Projects (2004)
ID: 11075 | Date Added: 2006-03-14 | Date Modified: 2007-12-19 Important Notices