
Completed Public Consultation Listing

Cumulative Effects Management

Ministry: Environment

Albertans are asked to give their feedback on a new environment and resource management regulatory framework. Its purpose is to enable sustainable development in Alberta by addressing the effects of ongoing development on the environment.
Closed: Friday, November 30, 2007

Climate Change

Ministry: Environment

Albertans are invited to share ideas and suggestions on how to address climate change in the future.
Closed: Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Questions and Answers

What is a public consultation?
A public consultation provides the government with an opportunity to hear what Albertans are thinking on a particular issue. Responses to consultations help form policies and legislation that reflect Albertans' concerns.

How do I provide my feedback on a consultation?
Each consultation will have a variety of ways to provide your feedback to the government. They can include e-mail and online forms and surveys, phone numbers, and/or town hall meetings. To find out how to provide feedback to a specific consultation, follow the link for that consultation.

How do I get more information on a consultation?
Some consulations in the registry have websites that provide more detailed information — just follow the link given. If a site has not been developed, or you still have further questions, contact information is also provided.

I have an issue or concern I would like to express, but I don't see a consultation for it — how can I give my feedback?
It is not necessary to wait for a public consultation to provide your comments on an issue that concerns you. You can always supply your feedback through Questions and Comments.