Oil sands planning for lowest impact

Alberta Environment’s new Oil Sands Environmental Management Division is dedicated to ensuring Alberta’s oil sands resources are developed in a manner that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable for generations to come. 

Stringent legislation and on-the-ground measures are already in place to protect the air, land and water during oil sands development. And we are continuously making improvements to ensure we are moving forward in balancing the protection of the environment and the development of this valuable resource.

In recognition of the environmental challenges related to oil sands development, the Oil Sands Environmental Management Division ran an international recruitment and awareness campaign entitled Take on the World. This campaign targets leaders from North America to take on the challenge of developing an innovative approach to environmental management of the biggest industrial development in the world – Alberta’s oil sands - now and in to the future.   

The Oil Sands Environmental Management division is planning ahead for expected oil sands development by implementing a number of strategies that will allow for the greatest level of economic development with the lowest impact to Alberta’s environment. These include the renewal of the Regional Sustainable Development Strategy (RSDS) for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, a review of the Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA),and a new cumulative effects approach in developing Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.

Click here to view oils sands frequently asked questions.

New: Oil Sands Environmental Management Division releases Interim Emission Guidelines for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) for New Boilers, Heaters and Turbines using Gaseous Fuels for the Oil Sands Region in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo North of Fort McMurray based on a Review of Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BATEA) and Technologies for Reducing NOx Emissions from Gas-Fired Stationary Sources, prepared by the Alberta Research Council in support of Alberta Environment’s development of the Interim Emission Guidelines