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Information for Workplaces

Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use costs the Alberta economy an estimated $4.4 billion per year in health-care expenses, law enforcement costs and productivity losses. It also costs lives. If left untreated, substance use and gambling problems in the workplace contribute to

  • unsafe work practices, accidents and increased risk of injury
  • depression, stress, reduced morale and other emotional problems
  • increased absenteeism, higher workers' compensation and insurance costs
  • alcohol- and drug-related illness

The good news is that these losses can be prevented. Since 1992, AADAC has worked with employees, employers and unions to explore substance use and gambling issues in the Alberta workplace.

AADAC workplace services

AADAC offers information, prevention and treatment services through a provincewide network of offices, facilities and funded services. Services include a toll-free help line, prevention and education, detoxification, outpatient counselling, opioid dependency programs and residential treatment.

AADAC has counsellors with specific training in workplace issues. This allows us to better meet the needs of employees and supervisors, and to respond readily to referrals from the business community. Other specific services for the Alberta workplace include

  • addictions-related information and prevention resources for the workplace
  • addictions education, employer consultation and supervisory training
  • the AADAC Business & Industry Clinic, which offers residential treatment for employees who have problems related to alcohol or other drugs

Find out more about the AADAC Business & Industry Clinic and its Cocaine Program.

If you have any questions about AADAC's programs and services for the workplace, please contact your local AADAC office or call the 24-hour AADAC Help Line at 1-866-332-2322.

LAST REVIEWED: Friday, October 12, 2007