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Making the Change

When it comes to dealing with substance use or gambling problems, it can be easy to think that the journey of change begins and ends with quitting alcohol, other drugs or gambling. But for most people, making these kinds of changes isn’t the first step in their journey, and it won’t be the last. 

If you’ve reached this point on your own journey, you may already have come a long way to get here. You may have put a lot of thought, preparation and determination into your decision to make a change in your life. Now is the time to take all those things and put them into action. 

Things you may be saying to yourself

  • “One month and still sober. It’s been tough, but I feel like I can do this.”
  • “It’s been two days without the drugs. I’m starting to feel like myself again.”
  • “I really feel like having a cigarette right now, but I know from yesterday that this craving will go away in a couple of minutes.”
  • “I made it all week without gambling. So far, so good.”

Things you can do

  • Look for new hobbies and interests, or rediscover the ones you may have given up because of your substance use or gambling. Keeping your mind off substance use or gambling is very important at this point.
  • It may be a good idea to stay away from people or situations that could tempt you to drink, use other drugs or gamble. This is especially important in the first few weeks of your change.
  • If you already started eating well, getting rest and exercising when you were getting ready to change, good for you. If not, now is a good time to start developing these healthy habits while you’re making other life changes.
  • Reward yourself for small victories. It could be a day without alcohol, a lunch hour without a cigarette or a weekend without gambling. Whatever you feel proud to have accomplished, give yourself a pat on the back for it.
  • Keep getting support from family and friends. Their excitement at seeing you making positive changes in your life can keep you motivated.
  • Remember that your change won’t happen overnight. Creating a new life for yourself takes time, patience and practice.

How AADAC can help

  • Visit your local AADAC office. We have many information resources describing the services we offer for people who are making changes in their lives.
  • Talk to an AADAC counsellor. Your counsellor can tell you more about our services, and can work with you to create a personalized plan that meets your needs and gives you the best chance of succeeding.
  • If you decide you would like an extra level of support in making your change, your counsellor can connect you with AADAC’s full range of services.

LAST REVIEWED: Tuesday, April 17, 2007