Requests for Comment 

Industry and public consultation is an important part of the regulatory process and provides good input into new or revised legislation.

When the ASC or CSA believe new or revised regulation is required, they will typically publish the proposed new documents for public comment. Proposals that are currently available for public comment:

CSA Notice and Request for Comment on Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 55-102 System for Electronic Disclosure By Insiders (SEDI) and Forms

CSA Notice and Request for Comment on Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 55-102

Published: December 7, 2007
Comment Period Ends: February 5, 2008

2722736 v2 - Proposed Amendment to NI 55-102.pdfRequests for Comment55-102Notice and Request for Comment on Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 55-102 System For Electronic Disclosure By Insiders (SEDI) and Forms
16409_CSA_Notice_for_comment-_Aug_31-07.pdfRequests for Comment11-202 & 11-203Notice and request for comment on proposed NP 11-202 and proposed NP 11-203 (comment period ends October 30, 2007)
_2476283_v1_-_AMENDMENTS_TO_21-101CP__APR_5_2007_.pdfRequests for Comment21-101Amendments to Companion Policy NI 21-101CP Marketplace Operation
_2476303_v1_-_AMENDMENTS_TO_NI_23-101__APR_5_2007_.pdfRequests for Comment23-101Amendments to NI 23-101 Trading Rules
_2476311_v1_-_AMENDMENTS_TO_23-101CP__APR_5_2007_.pdfRequests for Comment23-101Amendments to Companion Policy 23-101CP Trading Rules
Compiled_CSA_Notice_81-106.pdfRequests for Comment81-106Notice and request for comment on proposed amendments to NI 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure, Form 81-106F1 and Companion Policy 81-106 and related amendments
_2486646_v1_-_CSA_STAFF_NOTICE_21-306__APR_2007_.pdfRequests for Comment21-101Staff Notice 23-306 Notice of filing of Form 21-101F5
_2476269_v1_-_AMENDMENTS_TO_NI_21-101__APR_4_2007_.pdfRequests for Comment21-101Amendments to NI 21-101 Marketplace Operation
_2470191_v2_-_CSA_Notice_NI_21-101_NI_23-101.pdfRequests for Comment21-101 & 23-101Notice of Amendments to NI 21-101 and NI 23-101