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About Travel Alberta

Travel Alberta is the destination marketing organization for the Province of Alberta with a mandate to increase the number of visitors to and within Alberta and the subsequent economic impact of tourism spending in the province. Guided by the Strategic Tourism Marketing Council and a rolling three-year Strategic Tourism Marketing Plan, Travel Alberta is the steward for the effective and efficient delivery of tourism marketing programs.

Click on an area of the chart to learn more about Travel Alberta's various organizations.

Strategic Tourism Marketing Council (STMC)

The STMC comprises members of Alberta's tourism industry and three members representing the provincial government - all appointed by Alberta's Minister of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture. The Council provides strategic direction for tourism marketing by directing the development of the Strategic Tourism Marketing Plan. The STMC also provides direction to the Travel Alberta Secretariat regarding effective and efficient delivery of tourism marketing programs, provides advice on policies and procedures that support the partnering of tourism marketing programs between the public and private sectors and provides advice to the Minister on issues that affect tourism marketing. As well, the Council promotes best practices and facilitates networking in the tourism marketing industry by such activities as chairing the annual industry conference and awards program.

Travel Alberta Secretariat

Travel Alberta is accountable for and provides marketing direction to its two marketing contractors, Travel Alberta In-Province and Travel Alberta International. It also works closely with six Tourism Destination Regions, numerous Destination Marketing Organizations and the private sector within the province to implement the Strategic Tourism Marketing Plan.

  • View a contact list for Travel Alberta Secretariat.
  • Read Travel Alberta Secretariat's various newsletters that provide an overview of latest news in Alberta's tourism industry.
  • Contact info@travelalberta.com for general questions and inquiries about Travel Alberta's framework.

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture: Tourism, Marketing and Heritage Division

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture's Tourism, Marketing and Heritage Division is led by the Assistant Deputy Minister and provides critical support infrastructure such as the Contact and Distribution Centre, 10 Visitor Information Centres and market research, as well as the Photo and Video Library.

  • Find out more about Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture's Tourism, Marketing and Heritage Division.

Tourism Destination Regions

Alberta's six Tourism Destination Regions include: Alberta Central, Alberta North, Alberta South, Calgary and Area, Canadian Rockies and Edmonton and Area. Each TDR is governed by a board of directors and priorities focus on the provision of marketing funding to industry consortia. The overall goal of the TDRs is to increase tourism for the regions. In 2005, the TDRs have additional funding to support marketing of Centennial events occurring in the regions.

  • View a contact list for the TDRs.
  • Read the TDRs' newsletters which provide an overview of latest news in Alberta's regional tourism industry.
  • Get involved in the various marketing opportunities offered by the TDRs.

Travel Alberta In-Province

Responsible for executing marketing programs aimed at markets within Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Regional marketing directors and staff serve individual operators, partnerships, product consortia, Destination Marketing Organizations and Tourism Destination Regions. Travel Alberta In-Province works with the grass roots of industry to build marketing opportunities and market readiness.

Travel Alberta In-Province offers a variety of services to Alberta's tourism industry including assistance with increasing marketing experience, knowledge, packaging knowledge, service and training sophistication within the industry and helping prepare emerging products for targeted markets. Leadership-driven, Travel Alberta In-Province delivers custom services to meet the evolving needs of Alberta's tourism industry.

Travel Alberta International

Travel Alberta International is responsible for the Americas, Europe and Asia/Pacific markets and works closely with in-market General Sales Agents in primary international markets.

Travel Alberta International offers a variety of services to Alberta's tourism industry including industry communication, opportunities to learn about industry product and various marketing initiatives in Alberta's key international markets. Supported by an in-house travel media and meetings, conventions and incentive travel teams, Travel Alberta International offers a comprehensive array of international marketing assistance.

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture - Tourism Services

Tourism Services supports tourism marketing by managing the Travel Alberta Contact Centre, Distribution Centre and Visitor Information Centres (VICs). Tourism Services is also responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Tourism Information System (TIS) which is the province-wide database of tourism listings that appear on TravelAlberta.com.

  • View a contact list for Tourism Services.
  • Get involved in the various marketing opportunities offered by Tourism Services.
  • Contact services@travelalberta.com for general questions and inquiries about Tourism Services.

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture - Photo and Video Library

The photo and video library supports tourism marketing by loaning photographs and video materials to public and private sector clients for the development of advertising and marketing materials that promote Alberta as a world-class vacation destination.

  • View a contact list for the photo and video library.
  • Access the various multi-media resources offered by the photo and video library.
  • Contact multimedia@travelalberta.com for general questions and inquiries about the photo and video library.

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture - Market Research

Market Research develops and executes a research program that assists Travel Alberta and Alberta's tourism industry in making informed decisions about their markets, customers, programs and, ultimately, their performance. The information is communicated to industry stakeholders in a timely and relevant way to assist in their decision-making. Market Research will continue to enhance industry's understanding of the opportunities and threats that exist and the overall potential for growth. The research program will undertake market and consumer research into opportunities for growth and consumer trends, patterns and motivations. Industry performance will continue to be measured and communicated.

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture - Tourism Development

Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture's Tourism Development Branch provides information and expertise for the development of new and expanded tourism products, and promotes the sustainability and profitability of existing operators.

Destination Marketing Organizations and Alberta's Tourism Industry

All of Alberta's tourism framework programs and services are designed to assist Alberta's tourism industry to market and sell their products. Travel Alberta works in partnership with industry, many represented by Destination Marketing Organizations and/or other regional/provincial associations and marketing groups.

View a list of related tourism organizations.