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Alto Awards

As Canadians we know our sports and entertainment heroes. But what about those in tourism? Who, exactly, is contributing to Alberta's fourth largest industry? Who's behind the controls - who's making a difference?

The search, and consequent celebration, of those tourism "heroes," is what the Alto Awards program achieves.

Travel Alberta's Alto Awards recognize individuals and organizations committed to enriching Alberta's tourism industry and who by their actions inspire others and demonstrate what can be achieved by working together.

Find Out More About The Alto Awards!
2007 Alberta Tourism Awards Announced
Congratulations to this year's Alto Award winners! See backgrounders on all award winners and finalists ...More
Makenny Named Ambassador!
The Alberta Tourism (Alto) Awards Committee has named Mac Makenny the recipient of the 2007 Alto Ambassador Award ...More
Alto Award Winning Submissions – View winning submissions from past years
View prior winners & their winning submissions ...More
2006 Alberta Tourism Awards Announced
Congratulations to this year's Alto Award winners! See backgrounders on all award winners and finalists ...More
Jim Hansen named Alto Ambassador for 2006
Jim Hansen, retired president and chief executive officer of the Alberta Hotel and Lodging Association named this year's Alto Ambassador by the Alberta Tourism Awards (Alto) Committee ...More