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Travel Alberta Contacts Directory

Travel Alberta’s on-line Contacts Directory lists all employees in our various organizations and related organizations. Search results will provide basic contact information for each staff member including: name, title, organization, telephone and e-mail address.

Search by employee name:
Last Name:
First Name:
Search by Travel Alberta organization:

Search Tips

Search by first and/or last name of staff member. If you are unsure of the correct spelling, simply put in the first letter or letters of either the first or last name. This will provide you with a list of staff member(s) whose name(s) match that search.

Search Travel Alberta’s Contacts Directory by organization. The names of the organizations appear in the drop-down box. Full listings will appear for you to scan for a specific individual.

If you are unsure of who to contact please use "Ask An Expert" which offers a list of commonly asked questions and directs you to the appropriate staff member(s).