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Site Help/FAQs

1. What is Industry.TravelAlberta.com (formerly TourismTogether.com)?

Industry.TravelAlberta.com is Travel Alberta’s official tourism industry Web site - your complete source for information about Alberta’s tourism industry. Industry.TravelAlberta.com has the latest news about the Alberta tourism industry; it is the source of current marketing, product and research information.

Alberta tourism industry operators, organizations, educational institutions and firms with tourism-oriented services are encouraged to register. We also invite tourism students, academic researchers, travel media and other interested parties to join to take advantage of our various information services.

2. Who is Travel Alberta?

Travel Alberta is the destination marketing organization for the Province of Alberta with a mandate to increase the number of visitors to and within Alberta and the subsequent economic impact of tourism spending in the province. Guided by the Strategic Tourism Marketing Council and a rolling three-year Strategic Tourism Marketing Plan, Travel Alberta is the steward for the effective and efficient delivery of tourism marketing programs.

3. Is there any cost to access the site?

NO! Access to Industry.TravelAlberta.com is FREE.

4. Why are certain sections of the site restricted to log-in only?

Only valid Alberta tourism industry operators and partners can access certain sections of the Web site since this is content reserved for the benefit of our industry and partners.

5. I have forgotten my username or password!

No problem, simply go to our log-in page and complete the password request information and it will be sent to you.

6. How do I register?

You can register online using our registration form.

7. How do I update or change my account information including removing my account?

You can update your account (name; email; other information) using your account update form. At the bottom of the form you can also remove your account - note that once removed you will need to re-register to gain access to our information services.

8. How do I Subscribe or Unsubscribe to your various information services?

You can subscribe by registering now or access your account to edit your subscription preferences.

9. What software do I require on this site?

While you can use just about any Internet browser software, we recommend the following software to make the most use of our site. Click each link to go to the page that contains the latest version:

Our site offers the ability to watch streaming video. Using Windows Media Player format (which is all we currently support) you can see videos ranging from training seminars to conference summaries. To get the latest copy of Windows Media Player (Windows and Macintosh) please go to:

10. What if I am really stuck or my topic does not appear on this list?

Then please contact us at industry@travelalberta.com and we will assist you.