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Information Resources

Use these handy information resources to help develop your tourism potential. Remember that Travel Alberta's marketing experts are always available to answer your questions and to provide assistance on learning and training opportunities that can develop your skills and tourism operation and/or organization.

Alberta Export Ready and Receptive Tour Operator (RTO) Criteria
Travel Alberta has developed new sets of critieria to ensure Alberta’s tourism product is export ready, and that Alberta tourism suppliers currently classifying themselves as an RTO meet the respective industry requirements ...More
Alberta Travel Media 'How To' Guide
This guide provides helpful information on how to deal effectively with the media; how to work with the media to promote your tourism product. ...More
Marketing Planning - 'How To'
This section provides insight into a variety of articles and tools to assist you in marketing your tourism product. ...More
Other Training Resources
Check out this list of educational programs and consultants that can help your business succeed in today's evolving tourism industry ...More
Product Packaging
This section will highlight the various aspects of product packaging as well as a number of tools that would need to be used to put a successful tour package together. ...More
Product Sectors
Alberta’s tourism industry is comprised of many interdependent sectors including: accommodation, campgrounds, food & beverage, attractions, parks & museums, tour & receptive operators, packagers and infrastructure. Information, data, trends, needs and sector initiatives will be placed within this section. ...More