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About Tourism In Alberta

Alberta has Canada's fourth largest tourism industry, and generated $5 billion in tourism revenues in 2004. Tourism is one of Alberta's largest economic platforms and employs more than 103,000 people. Approximately $2.3 billion in total taxation revenues accrued to all levels of government as a result of tourist spending in Alberta. This includes $1.45 billion to the federal government, $635 million to the provincial government and $237 million to local governments province-wide.

Travel Alberta collaborates with private and public sectors at home and internationally to develop and deliver industry-led, research-based and market-driven marketing programs. Travel Alberta's mission is to increase total tourism revenue to $6.2 billion by Dec. 31, 2008 by stimulating increased consumer spending and visits, and by boosting greater partner participation in our collaborative marketing initiatives.

Note: All of the above estimates include direct, indirect and induced impacts. Source: 2004 CTS/ITS data, Statistics Canada and the Demand Economic Impact Model (DEIM).

Learn More About Alberta's Tourism Industry

Alberta Economic Quick Facts - July 2007
Provides a snapshot of the province, economic overview and the impact of certain industries ...More
Tourism Quick Facts - October 2007
Provides a snapshot of the economic impact of tourism, spending and visitation by markets, and upcoming events and attractions ...More
Alberta Tourism - Trends to 2020
This presentation highlights some of the global trends over the next 15-20 years that will impact Alberta’s tourism industry. ...More