Strategic Management Plan for Alberta Agriculture and Food 2007 - 2010

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 Why Traceability? | Vision - 2010 | Basis for the Vision | Core Values | Key Success Measures | Core Strategies | Partnership Principles | Strategic Leadership

The Strategic Management Plan for Alberta Agriculture and Food is the product of input from several staff, other government partners and industry. It will focus Department resources on this key priority for the next 3 – 5 years.

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Why Traceability?

  • To protect public interests in areas of food safety and, emergency management and public health.
  • To promote market access, minimize the impacts of disease outbreaks and support industry’s interests to enhance supply and value chain efficiencies.
In May 2006, Alberta Agriculture and Food (AF) created a Traceability Branch in the Environment and Food Safety Sector to ensure that Alberta is able to:
  • Contribute to national discussions; and
  • Engage and partner with Alberta’s agriculture and agri-food industry to create leading edge traceability systems in the province.
There is a clear understanding that traceability supports both public and private good.
  • Food Safety/Quality Control
  • Food Safety/Emergency Preparedness and Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Market Differentiation/Credence
Vision - 2010

Industry and government partner to have secure, sustainable, value-driven and networked traceability systems enabling Alberta’s diverse Ag and Food industry to:
  • Prepare and respond to crisis, emergencies and disease outbreaks
  • Enhance industry competitiveness and capture market opportunities
Basis for the Vision
  • Secure and Sustainable Traceability Systems
  • Privacy, Security, and Credibility
  • Information to Improve Quality Products
  • Emergency Management, Food Safety, and Pandemic Precaution
  • Animal and Human Health
  • Information Enabling Increased Market Place Value
  • Responding to Increasing Consumer Demands
  • Certification – Traceability
Core Values

Respect – Fostering a privacy and information-sharing environment where industry individuals, and organizations
are valued and heard and respected.

Accountability – Ensuring a traceability system that is built on being responsible for one’s actions and for contributing to the effectiveness of the entire national traceability system.

Integrity – Behaving ethically while being open, honest and fair.

Excellence – Using innovation and continuous improvement to achieve excellence.

Key Success Measures

  • Traceability Systems are recognized by Alberta’s priority target countries/markets with access at or above pre BSE levels; new markets established.
  • Traceability Systems are efficient, cost effective and valued by Industry and Government.
  • Pilot projects deliver sound technology solutions, enhanced value and Industry uptake.
System Operation
  • 48-hour emergency response and tracking by means of a well populated Traceability System with credible verified information.
  • Legislative and regulatory frameworks in place that support participation and improve quality of the Traceability Systems.
  • National standards and performance measures, met or exceeded.
  • Chief Provincial Veterinarian’s Office is equipped to prepare for, prevent, respond to, or recover from a crisis or emergency.
  • All Alberta Agriculture and agri-food premises identified.
Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction
  • Alberta Systems are user friendly for input and extraction of data and information
  • Age verification (Number of animals age verified) is available 12 months a year, includes both OTM + UTM One hundred percent of stakeholders participate in, and benefit from, the systems.
Core Strategies

Strategy 1
Emergency and Risk Management
Integrate Alberta’s traceability capabilities to provincial emergency response systems.

Strategy 2
Business and Market Development
With Industry and other government partners assess and expand the market opportunities for products/sectors with traceability attributes/systems.

Strategy 3
Sector/Supply Chain Traceability
With partners test new technology and develop traceability systems for each industry sector that meet the respective needs of all players and that will be integrated within a national system.

Strategy 4
Identify, draft and employ frameworks for emergency risk management to enable development of traceability systems that do not impede commerce or competitiveness

Strategy 5
Premises Identification
Develop and implement a plan to identify all agriculture and food premises in Alberta where animals, plants and food are kept, assembled, disposed of or grown.

Strategy 6
Implementation, Change and Results
Build AF’s capacity, resources, communications and strategic management plan and implement an integrated and value enhancing change management program that supports Alberta’s Agriculture and Food Traceability Systems. As a key player at the FPT table, drive the development of the National Agriculture and Food Traceability System.

Partnership Principles

We believe partnerships between government(s) and industry will drive the vision for and commitment to developing Alberta’s Agriculture and Food Traceability Systems effectively serving our mutual interests.

We seek to form consultative and collaborative partnerships across sectors to ensure participation, build relationships, create value, and achieve accountability.

We believe that partnerships allow us to strategically focus complementary strengths on specific goals/objectives for traceability. We capitalize on our partners’ interests and strengths to build and implement Alberta’s Agriculture and Food Traceability systems.

Strategic Leadership

Rory Campbell - Deputy Minister, AF Executive Sponsor
John Donner – ADM, Environment & Food Safety Sector, AF
National Traceability Task Team Champion Alberta Traceability Co-Champion
Brian Rhiness – ADM, Industry Development Sector, AF Alberta Traceability Co-Champion
Brent McEwan – Executive Director, Traceability Branch, AF

For additional information contact Alberta Agriculture and Food, Traceability
300,J.G. O’Donoghue Building
7000-113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T6H 5T6
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent McEwan.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on September 27, 2007.