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Colder weather increases natural gas rebate
Information Bulletin

February 1, 2008
Colder weather increases natural gas rebate
Rebate of $2.50/GJ approved for February
With the mercury dropping to colder temperatures, Albertans will receive a $2.50 per gigajoule (GJ) natural gas rebate for the month of February.  The rebate will save the average Albertan household approximately $45 on their February natural gas bill.

February marks the first time this winter that natural gas rates have climbed over $7.50/GJ, triggering an extra dollar per gigajoule rebate through the Natural Gas Rebate Program.  Colder temperatures, increased usage and declining storage levels have increased North America natural gas prices.

Rebates are triggered when two of the three regulated natural gas providers charge regulated rates above $5.50/GJ. Rebate amounts increase as the price of natural gas rises, with the maximum cost of natural gas to most Alberta consumers capped at $8.75/GJ.  The Natural Gas Rebate Program runs from October to March for most consumers, when Albertans use about 80 per cent of their natural gas.

All eligible homes and businesses, regardless of whether they pay the regulated rate or are part of a competitive contract, receive rebates under the program. In addition to natural gas, rebates will be provided for heating with propane, kerosene, heating oil, and in certain special circumstances, electricity.

Most Albertans will see the natural gas rebate applied directly to their monthly gas bill.  Large scale commercial or industrial consumers, select agricultural producers, and those who heat their homes with other fuels need to apply for rebates.

More information on Alberta's Natural Gas Rebate Program can be found at www.energy.gov.ab.ca or by calling the Natural Gas Rebate Program Office at 1-877-422-0330.


Attachment: Backgrounder on natural gas rates for February 2008

Media inquiries may be directed to:

Sean Beardow
Alberta Energy

To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

February 1, 2008

Natural gas rates for February 2008

The following natural gas rates for the three regulated service providers in Alberta have been verified by the Alberta Utilities Commission for February 2008.  Rebates of $2.50/GJ have been triggered for this month.

Regulated Natural Gas Providers

February 2008 Natural Gas Costs ($/GJ)

Direct Energy Regulated Services North


Direct Energy Regulated Services South


AltaGas Utilities



Media inquiries may be directed to:

Sean Beardow
Alberta Energy
780- 422-3786

To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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