Building Tomorrow: A PLAN to secure Alberta's future

Alberta is at a unique place in the province’s history—it is growing, it is dynamic and the future holds great opportunity. At the beginning of Alberta’s second century, we find ourselves facing unprecedented global demand for our resources. The world is beating a path to our door.

Our economy is the hottest in Canada, and it’s predicted that Alberta will have one of Canada’s top performing economies in the future.

We’re working hard to do the planning that will carry the province forward. As a result, we have the unique ability to build a future where prosperity goes hand-in-hand with opportunity, quality of life, and deep respect for the breath-taking environment we have inherited.

Alberta’s course for the future is to build our communities, green our growth and create opportunity.

Related information: Government of Alberta 2007-10 Strategic Business Plan

Building communities

As our population grows and becomes more diverse, supporting strong communities is key to ensuring that our high quality of life is sustained and enhanced.. Read more

Greening our growth

As we grow the economy, we’re also growing our green agenda – already the strongest in Canada. Albertans place a high value on clear air, clean water and wide open spaces. Read more

Creating opportunity

To sustain a strong economy, we’re working hard to expand our value-added sectors and build on our traditional strengths in energy, agriculture, forestry, tourism and health sciences. Read more

Year One Progress Report to Albertans

On December 15, 2006, Premier Ed Stelmach issued mandate letters to each member of Cabinet, outlining 70 tasks that became the action plan for 2007. All of these tasks are either completed or well underway.

A list of projects and the status of each is available in the Year One Progress Report to Albertans.

Read the Year One Progress Report (pdf, opens in a new window)

Read about government's key achievements (brochure — pdf, opens in a new window)

Progress on government's five-priority plan

Government's five-priority plan is:

  • governing with integrity and transparency;
  • managing growth pressures;
  • improving Albertans’ quality of life;
  • building a stronger Alberta; and,
  • providing safe and secure communities.

Read more about the progress on key initiatives in these five priority areas.

Watch Premier Stelmach talk about the five priorities (Real Media)

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