About the Alberta Centennial Education Savings Plan

The Alberta Centennial Education Savings Plan (ACES) was created as an incentive for parents to begin planning and saving for their children’s post-secondary education as early as possible. The plan will contribute $500 to the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) of every child born to Alberta residents in 2005 and beyond. As well, grants of $100 are available to children who turn 8, 11, and 14 in 2005 and beyond, provided that the children are attending school.

To get the $500 grant, a parent must register the birth of their child and obtain a social insurance number for their child. Next, an RESP must be opened at a financial institution or with an RESP provider. Once the RESP is open, the provider can help guide parents through the application process for the Alberta Centennial Education Savings grant.

To get the $100 grant, a minimum deposit of $100 must be invested into the RESP within one year prior to application.