Questions and Comments

Use this form to submit your comment or question. Clearly indicate what your question is about to ensure it's forwarded to the right office for a prompt response. If your message is directed to the Premier's Office, please be sure to include your name and mailing address if you want to receive a written response.

Any questions or comments that contain your personal information should be made in person, by telephone or through traditional mail service. Personal information you submit by e-mail is not secure and may be observed by a third party while in transit. Any personal information received may also be forwarded to an area of government better able to respond to your message unless you clearly indicate that you do not want your information shared.

Questions and Comments
Do you have a comment or a question?

If you have a 'Question', please enter your email address so we can send you a response:
  1. Email:*

  2. What is your comment or question about?
    Select a subject. This information will help us direct your message to the most appropriate person.

  3. Enter a subject for your message:

  4. Help us prevent spam

    If you are unable to use this form, please call 310-4455.
Click 'Submit Message' to submit your comments, or 'Reset' to start over.
We try to respond within 3 working days.