Energy Mines and Resources

Yukon Energy Strategy

Developing an Energy Strategy
The proposed approach for developing an Energy Strategy is described below.

The Energy Strategy will provide direction for the sustainable development, management and use of energy in the territory. The Strategy will identify key principles and goals, set priorities for new policies, plans and programs, and make commitments to specific actions.

The Strategy will consider Yukon Government’s roles and responsibilities in all aspects of energy development, management and use in the Yukon:

  • All types of energy used, including: non-renewable (oil, gas, coal) and renewable (water, wind, solar, biomass, geothermal) energy sources and electricity;
  • Energy production, transportation, consumption, energy efficiency, conservation and emissions; and
  • Energy use in residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and transportation sectors.

The Strategy will be developed through a process that includes:

  • Thorough technical review and analysis on the issues to be addressed;
  • Inter-departmental and inter-jurisdictional review to ensure coordination with related initiatives at the territorial and national level, including the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan; 
  • Opportunities for consultation and participation at key stages in the process; and,
  • Timely completion of a Strategy by the fall of 2008.

Background Research

Background research was conducted to facilitate the development of the Energy Strategy. This research is presented in the following series of reports.

Yukon Energy Strategy - Contact Us

Resource Policy and Planning
P.O. Box 2703 (K-6)
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Phone: 867.456.6843
Toll Free (In Yukon): 1.800.661.0408 ext. 6843
Fax: 867.667.8601