The Commission (1993-1994)


The Election Act and Electoral Boundaries Commission was established by Order-in-Council No. EC451/93 on September 9, 1993, and constituted under the Public Inquiries Act, R.S.P.E.I. 1988. Ca. P-31.

The commission's mandate, as outlined in the Order-in-Council, was to "review the provisions of the Election Act and the existing provincial electoral boundaries and the distribution of representation". The Order-in-Council further directed the Commission "to examine, inquire into and report on:

  1. the appropriate number of members to comprise the Legislative Assembly
  2. the number of geographical constituencies and their boundaries; and
  3. whether or not these constituencies should represented by single or dual members".


The eight members appointed to the Commission were:

Commission's Report

March 17, 1994 - The Election Act and Electoral Boundaries Commission presented its final report to the Legislative Assembly of PEI recommending 30 single member districts.

May 6, 1994 - Ross Young presented a private members bill, Bill No. 100, the Electoral Boundaries Act to the Legislative Assembly recommending 27 single member electoral districts.

May 11, 1994 - The Electoral Boundaries Act, Bill No. 100, received second reading.

May 19, 1994 - Electoral Boundaries Act received Assent. This Act came into force upon a passing of an order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to section 5 of the Election Act for the general election next following enactment of this Act (Writs were issued on October 21, 1996).