
Elector Count in Proposed Electoral Districts

On June 28, 2006, the Legislative Assembly of PEI approved Bill No. 49 - An Act to Amend the Electoral Boundaries Act creating proposed new electoral district boundaries.

Detailed maps and descriptions of the proposed new electoral boundaries are available. You may also use the Find Your Electoral District tool to locate the proposed electoral district for any civic address in the province.

Count of Electors in Each Proposed District

Elector CountHistorically all proposed and approved electoral districts (March 1994, May 1994, June 30, 2004, October 2004 and June 2006) have included the number of electors and corresponding variance for each electoral district as part of each respective report.

Because Bill No. 49 did not include this information, Elections PEI has taken each of the proposed electoral districts described in the bill and established a count, using the Register of Electors, of the number of electors in each new district. The total number of electors -- 99,252 -- used for this process reflects the state of the Register as of September 20, 2004.

The resulting count of electors by district is available for download as a PDF file [28 KB]. Please refer to the Methodology section below for detailed information on how the count was determined.

Elections PEI will use this count of electors as the basis for creating polling division boundaries within each of the proposed electoral districts.


In September of 2004, while developing its own proposal for new electoral boundaries, the Prince Edward Island Electoral Boundaries Commission requested that Elections PEI bring the province's Register of Electors up to date so as to assist the Commission in establishing as accurate a count of electors in its proposed districts as possible.

To update the Register of Electors, Elections PEI took the number of confirmed electors as of the September 29, 2003 Provincial General Election (97,180) and made the following updates:

After incorporating the above changes to the Register of Electors, the final count of electors as of September 20, 2004 was determined to be 99,252. Each elector is identified in the Register of Electors by their provincial civic address; as such, the Commission was able to produce a count of electors in each of the proposed electoral districts in the Final Report it released on October 5, 2004.

Elections PEI has taken the districts approved in Bill No. 49 - An Act to Amend the Electoral Boundaries Act and gone through the same process, mapping each elector in the Register of Electors to their proposed electoral district and thus calculating a total number of electors in each proposed district.

Technical Details

In each case where a count was produced, from a technical perspective the process involved taking the boundary lines of each proposed electoral district and turning them into a computer-based map:

2006 Electoral District Map

Next, each civic address in the province was located inside its proposed district boundaries, and finally the count of electors in the Register of Electors at each civic address was added to the total number of electors for each proposed district.