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Electoral Reform Commission


Hon. Norman H. Carruthers

Daniel M. Gallant
Research Assistant

About the Commission

On January 21, 2003 the Government of Prince Edward Island appointed the Hon. Norman H. Carruthers to undertake an independent commission to examine Electoral Reform in Prince Edward Island. The first part of this study looked into Proportional Representation and the development of various models for the purpose of engaging the electorate of Prince Edward Island in discussions about the possibility of introducing some elements of Proportional Representation within the election process of this Province.

In April 2003, Justice Carruthers released a discussion paper on Electoral Reform for Prince Edward Island and presented four conceptual models for public discussion. Justice Carruthers invited written and oral submissions and during May and June held seven public meetings across the province.

At 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, 18 December 2003, Justice Carruthers presented the 2003 Electoral Reform Commission Report to Premier Pat Binns. This report contains a historical review of elections on Prince Edward Island, information on other electoral systems, statute review, boundary changes, electoral reform in other provinces, the road ahead and nine recommendations for consideration.

Thus having completed his assigned mandate Justice Carruthers has closed the Electoral Reform Office.

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