About Us

Our Mandate

The Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention was appointed by the Premier in December 1995.
The mandate of the committee is:

  • to coordinate the implementation of the provincial Family Violence Prevention Strategy;
  • to ensure integrity of community participation is maintained;
  • to ensure an evaluation component is in place;
  • to develop a work plan; to promote the importance of resource allocations necessary for implementation of the strategy;
  • and to communicate initiatives to ensure a high public profile for family violence prevention is maintained across the province.

Our Vision Statement

A society where all individuals are safe, respected and valued; where any form of violence is unacceptable; and where children, women, and men have opportunities to reach their full potential and contribute to the overall well-being of families and communities.

Who We Are

Committee membership consists of community and government representatives to ensure diversity and collective responsibility. Members are appointed to serve five year terms.

Committee Membership (2007)

Chair - Member at Large   Hon. Marion Reid
PEI Teachers' Federation   Charlene Cain
PEI Nurses Association & PEI Aboriginal Women's Association   Marilyn Sark
PEI Medical Society   Dr. Christine MacNearney
PEI Seniors Citizens Federation   Irene Larkin
PEI Chiefs of Police Association   Chief Lewis Sutherland
Royal Canadian Mounted Police   Sgt. Mike Murphy
Transition House Association   Vacant
PEI Rape & Sexual Assault Crisis Centre   Sigrid Wolfe
Community Legal Information Association   Ann Sherman
Department of Education   June Sanderson
Office of the Attorney General   David O'Brien, Q.C.
L'Association des Femmes Acadiennes   Collette Arsenault
Office of the Attorney General   Jill Lightwood
Eastern PEI Family Violence Prevention   Anne Nicholson
PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women   Lisa Murphy
Clergy Representative (Kensington United Church)   Rev. Jack Spencer
East Prince Women's Information Centre (EPWIC)   Andy Lou Somers
Women's Institute   Barbara Currie
Big Brothers / Big Sisters Association   Yvonne Cartner
Department of Development & Technology   Jim Follwell
Occupational Health & Safety   George Stewart
Dept of Social Services & Seniors   Cathy McCormack
Interministerial Women's Secretariat   Faye Martin
Resource Staff Person   Rona Brown
Administrative Assistant   Cindy Ferguson

Contact Information

By Mail
Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention
Department of Social Services and Seniors
161 St. Peters Road
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown PE C1A 7N8

By Telephone
(902) 368-5967 or (902) 368-6712

By Fax
(902) 368-6169

By Email
Cindy Ferguson

Official Website of the Premier''s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention of Prince Edward Island, Canada