About Family Violence

Family violence is any form of violence by one family member against another. It includes but is not limited to violence by one partner against another, by a parent against a child, by a child against a parent, between brothers and sisters, or can involve grandparents.

It is an abuse of power within relationships of family, trust or dependency. It always involves someone using their power over another person in a way that is hurtful. It may include:

  • destruction of property or pets
  • threats
  • financial abuse
  • neglect or abandonment
  • emotional or psychological abuse
  • sexual assault
  • physical assault
  • murder

Are you hurting because of violence in your family?

  • Have you been hit, bitten, chocked, burned, shaken or had your hair pulled?
  • Have you been ignored, neglected, criticized, isolated, called names or threatened?
  • Has anyone tried to force you to have sex or touched your private parts when you didn’t want that person to?
  • Has anyone threatened to, or destroyed your things or hurt your pets?

Family Violence Hurts! Speak Up!

Official Website of the Premier''s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention of Prince Edward Island, Canada