For seniors

Abuse of older adults is an abuse of power within relationships of family, trust or dependency. It always involves someone using their power over another person in a way that is hurtful. Abuse of older adults can include neglect, self-neglect and denial of civil and human rights.

Abuse of older adults often involves a family member. Yet anyone - a friend, care giver or any individual in a position of trust and authority can also be abusive toward an older person.

Abuse of older adults can happen in a person's home, other residential settings or in the community.

Abuse of seniors is family violence. Speak up!

Abuse of older adults may . . . .

  • be a continuation of long-term partner abuse

  • begin with retirement

  • begin with the onset of a health condition

  • occur in a new intimate relationship

  • be committed by adult children, grandchildren, or other family members

There may be many reasons why older persons do not report abuse, including:

  • fear of being sent to a nursing home

  • fear of reprisal

  • lack of awareness about what help is available and where to go for help

  • shame of having raised an abusive child

  • fear of not being believed

  • no where to go

  • fear of being denied access to grandchildren

  • fear of being rejected by family

  • intense family loyalty

If you suspect that a senior you know is being abused, speak up! For information on what you can do, check out the page For family and friends.


  • almost half of violent incidents against seniors (both family and non-family violence) go unreported to police.1

  • in 2004, the rate of family violence among senior women was more than 20 per cent higher than the rate for senior men.1

  • nearly eight in ten people accused of family violence against a senior were men.1

  • There were 129 referrals to Adult Protection services in 2005; 71 per cent were with respect to seniors aged 65 or older according to the adult protection consultant for the Province of Prince Edward Island.

For more information, check out the resources listed at World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

1The Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Reports in Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2006

Official Website of the Premier''s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention of Prince Edward Island, Canada