Apply For a Student Loan

Ensure Your School is Designated - To be eligible for funding through StudentAid BC, you must attend a designated post-secondary institution. Learn if your school is designated and what to do if it's not.

Determine Your Eligibility - Not everyone qualifies for student loans or other forms of assistance. Before you spend time in applying, make sure you understand all the eligibility criteria.

How to Apply - There are two series of steps in applying for student loans: one for full-time students and one for part-time students.

Assessment of Your Application - After you submit your application for funding, it is assessed by StudentAid BC. StudentAid BC assesses your financial need based on the information you provided and determines whether or not you will receive funding.

If You Want to Appeal Your Assessment - Not everyone receives the StudentAid BC funding they apply for. If you are not approved for funding or if you think the amount awarded you is too low, you can ask for an appeal of your assessment of financial need.

If You are Audited - Each year, a percentage of student aid files are audited to check the information provided by students, their spouse/common-law partner and/or their parent(s)/step-parent/sponsor/legal guardian.