Supporting JIBC


Justice Institute of BC Foundation

When there is an accident, a natural disaster, violence, any threat to life or property there is an expectation that professional help will respond. The Justice Institute of BC trains those first responders, as well as other supporting professionals such as child welfare counselors, correctional officers, mediators, and victim services personnel. We train and educate people to make good decisions in critical situations.

Decisions that can save lives and reduce the loss of property. We should not take this “safety net” for granted. The JIBC needs to continue to attract students to these professions, to renew our library resources, to keep up with technology advancements, and to apply the latest research. Your support will demonstrate appreciation for the trained professionals who respond when you call for help.

About the Foundation

The Foundation supports the Justice Institute of BC by raising funds to provide scholarships and bursaries, fuding research opportunities, and purchasing equipment and other tools for learning.

The members of the Foundation actively promote the work of the JIBC and the contribution made by graduates to the community and the Province.

Current Board Members

Foundation Board of Directors(Seated left to right:) Mr. David Choi, Mr. Eric Harris, QC (Chair), Mr. Marvin Storrow, QC (Honorary Board Member)

(Standing, left to right:) Dr. Mark Schonfeld (Secretary), Mr. Peter Webster, Mr. Jack McGee (Ex-Officio), Mr. David Birnie (Treasurer), Mr. Bruce Hall

Missing: Ms Karen Baker-MacGrotty, Mr. Vern Campbell, Hon. Garde Gardom, QC, Mr. Robert MacDonald, Dr. Donald Rix


Foundation History

The Justice Institute of BC was founded on April 27, 1978 by an Order in Council, brought forward by Dr. Pat McGeer, then Minister of Education, and signed by Premier Bill Bennett. There were four academies:  Police, Corrections, Courts, and Fire. In 1989, the Emergency Health Services Academy was created to provide training to ambulance attendants, now called Paramedics. The JIBC has continued to grow and add more educational programs in the areas of justice, public safety, and human services.

In 1994, a group of community leaders created the Justice Institute of BC Foundation, a registered non-profit society to support the training and education of students at the Justice Institute of BC.

© 2007, Justice Institute of BC