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Travel Media
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Welcome to Tourism BC's Travel Media Page

Writers, editors and producers: Whether you're fact-checking or developing a story idea, planning a research trip, or tracking down an image, we are here to help.

This site has a wealth of information, ideas, news, statistics and even images. If you can't find it here, please contact us and we'll help you find it.



Tourism BC's Media Specialists can help with research, travel planning, image sourcing, interview contacts, filming and more.

Contact Tourism BC

Music, theatre, sports, food, culture, wine -- you name it, we celebrate it. Check out this month's top events at Festivals & Events

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Need a fresh angle? See our Story Ideas page for the newest attractions, latest events, and most intriguing story ideas. We also have dozens of ready-to-run travel features, with images, available free of charge to the media in our Publication-Ready Stories bank.

Get Fresh Stories

We have thousands of images from every region of the province, all available to media at no charge.

Get Images of BC

BC has some of the best scenery on the planet, and we like to show it off. Ask us about B-roll for travel shows and holiday segments. If you're planning a feature film, we can put you in touch with the BC Film Commission.

Get Filming in BC Info