About BCTC

Who is BCTC?

The British Columbia Transmission Corporation (BCTC) is a provincial Crown corporation, incorporated May 2, 2003. The Minister for the Crown holds 100 per cent of the shares of the Corporation, as required by the Transmission Corporation Act of May 29, 2003.

Who regulates BCTC?

Upon receiving approval from the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC), we direct new transmission infrastructure investment.  The Commission continues to regulate the terms and rates for transmission services.

    What assets does BCTC manage?

  • 18,000 km of high-voltage lines, underground and submarine cables
  • 20,500 steel towers
  • 75,000 wood poles
  • 287 substations

Where does BCTC operate?

BCTC's corporate offices are located in Vancouver.  We operate six System Control Centers all over B.C., which are responsible for maintaining the reliability of the 'backbone' of B.C.'s transmission grid. 

If you have questions or comments about BCTC please contact us.