The Transmission System

Did you know our transmission system crosses over 75,000 hectares of land and consists of approximately 18,000 kilometres of transmission lines, 22,000 steel towers, 100,000 wood poles and 260 substations?

Find out more:

System Overview & Maps
See a map of our interconnected system.

Transmission System Capital Plan
Read our Capital Plan, filed annually with the British Columbia Utilities Commission.

Electric and Magnetic Fields
Get information on EMFs and links to related web sites.

Learn how our safety principles are a top priority.

Read about our commitment to the environment.

Vegetation & Pest Management
Find out how we manage vegetation and pests in an environmentally, socially and financially sustainable way.

System Outages
Get information on transmission outages.

Actual Flow Data
Get instantaneous net actual flow, sampled every five minutes, for each of the BC-US and BC-Alberta interties.

Control Area Load Data
Get load information in hourly and daily formats for the BC Control Area.

System Operating Orders
Find out how our operating procedures enable the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the power system.

Engineering Reports & Studies
See results of reports and studies, part of our operating and planning mandate.

Reliability Assessment
Selected technical reports and publications that have been completed at BCTC.


Rights of Way and Property Rights
Private Property and Transmission Rights of Way.

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