Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR)

The ILRR provides a single source of reliable information on 262 different legal interests on Crown land (tenures, regulated uses, land and resource use restrictions, and reservations) that is visually represented on a map and is available to the public using a standard web browser. The ILRR also contains information on Crown land parcels, private land parcels (where available), administrative boundaries (e.g. forest districts, electoral boundaries), and base map information (topography, grids, etc).


  • On June 1st, the Ministry of Forests and Range began upgrading their Forest Tenure Application (FTA), from which the ILRR acquires new forest tenure information. We were unable to draw Ministry of Forests and Range tenure information while this work was being performed. Other tenure information in the ILRR was not affected by this upgrade.
    The work on the FTA acquirer is nearing completion and will be turned on shortly. At that time, the Ministry of Forests and Range information will again be current. This notice will be updated once the acquirer is operational. Thank you for your patience.


To access the ILRR, click "Start".