Nova Scotia Industry Collage

Opportunities Nova Scotia is a Provincial initiative to better connect Nova Scotia employers and job seekers. It’s about helping Nova Scotians stay home and move back home to Nova Scotia. It’s about attracting newcomers to our province.

Job Postings

Photo of Halifax Citadel

All jobs being showcased at the networking events will be posted here and job seekers will be able to submit resumes online. Stay tuned.

Participating Employers

Photo of an Employer with her team in the background

Employers participating in Phase II are featured here. Stay tuned.


Networking Events

Networking events will be held in five cities across Canada. Click the dates below for details.

Toronto: November 5, 2007

Mississauga: November 6, 2007

Ottawa: November 7, 2007

Calgary: November 13, 2007

Edmonton: November 15, 2007

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Send an Opportunities Nova Scotia postcard to a friend, colleague, or family member.
Download the PDF Document OPPORTUNITIES NOVA SCOTIA - Phase I
Ninety-five employers across the province participated in Phase I of Opportunities Nova Scotia. Over 2,300 jobs were posted, reinforcing the message that Nova Scotia has many great opportunities to offer.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at