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Agencies, Boards and Commissions
Appointment Process
 • Adjudicative Boards
     — Advisory Committees
 • Non-Adjudicative Boards

How to Apply

 The Appointment Process

The Province of Nova Scotia’s goal is to select qualified men and women having the highest personal and professional integrity to serve the public on Nova Scotia’s approximately 225 agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs).

There are two ways appointments are made to agencies, boards or commissions. They are:

  1. Order in Council - Order in Council appointments require both the Executive Council (Cabinet) and the Lieutenant Governor’s approval.
  2. Ministerial - Ministerial appointments are made by the Minister responsible for the legislation that establishes the agency, board or commission. These appointments are forwarded to the Executive Council (Cabinet) for information purposes.

Of the approximately 225 ABCs, 33 are Adjudicative boards. Adjudicative boards have quasi-judicial functions. These ABCs take evidence, make findings of fact and law, and make decisions affecting a person’s liberty, security or legal rights. Adjudicative board members are required to apply legal principles as well as sound professional and technical principles for the decisions under their consideration.

Non-Adjudicative boards are those ABCs which do not have quasi-judicial functions. They are advisory bodies by nature, established by statute, regulation or policy. These ABCs make financial, regulatory, business or policy recommendations / decisions that have far reaching implications for Nova Scotians. Nova Scotia currently has 190 non-Adjudicative ABCs.


To fill vacancies on both Adjudicative and non-Adjudicative boards, a bulk ad is placed in provincial newspapers two times per year (April & October).

To view latest advertisements, click here.


Applications are received by the Executive Council Office and then forwarded to the department assigned responsibility for the ABC. An up-to-date database of applications and appointments is kept at the Executive Council Office.

See How to Apply.


Screening/Selection Process

Screening of applications takes place in each department. The screening/selection process is different for Adjudicative and non-Adjudicative ABCs.

Screening Process for Adjudicative Boards

Departmental Advisory Committees on Adjudicative ABCs provide a mechanism to determine qualified candidates for appointment to Adjudicative ABCs. Appointments are governed by the overriding principle of selection based on merit - an objective assessment of the fit between the skills and qualifications of the prospective candidate and the needs of the agency. The Advisory Committees are comprised of a government human resources professional, two civil servants and two volunteer lay members. The lay member appointments are for a term of two years. Vacancies for the lay member positions are advertised in the provincial newspapers as vacancies occur. The Advisory Committees meet as often as required to review applications and recommend qualified candidates for appointment.

Advisory Committees screen the applications received and recommend a short list of a maximum of 3 qualified candidates for each position from which the Minister chooses a candidate to recommend for appointment.

See Terms of Reference for Advisory Committees

Screening Process for Non-Adjudicative Boards

Departmental Screening Panels provide a mechanism to determine qualified candidates for appointment to non-adjudicative ABCs in an effort to assist ministers in the selection of candidates to fill vacancies on ABCs. Screening panel members include both departmental staff and lay members and are selected by ministers on the basis of experience in the area of concern of the department, having regard to expertise, regional representation, gender, racial and other affirmative action considerations.

Screening panels screen for qualifications only and do not rank candidates relative to each other.

Approval Process

Once the screening and selection of applicants is complete, the recommendation is submitted to the Executive Council for approval.

Adjudicative Ministerial appointments are complete after Executive Council approval; Adjudicative Order in Council appointments are complete after Executive Council approval and upon signature of the Lieutenant Governor.

Most non-Adjudicative board appointments are sent to the all-party Standing Committee of the Legislature, the Human Resources Committee, for approval after they are approved by Executive Council.


Only successful applicants are notified in writing.

Types of Boards and Criteria for Application (Position Profiles)

Adjudicative Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Volunteer Lay Members - Advisory Committees on Adjudicative Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Non-Adjudicative Agencies, Boards and Commissions



This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2005, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Please use the online inquiry form if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. /2005-April-21.

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