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Bushel / Tonne Converter



Equations used:
  Grain in Tonnes = Bushels / Bushel Equivalent per Tonne(Grain)
Grain in Bushels = Tonnes * Bushel Equivalent per Tonne(Grain)
Bushel Equivalents Per Tonne
Wheat 36.7440
Oats 64.8420
Barley 45.9300
Rye 39.3680
Flaxseed 39.3680
Canola/Rapeseed 44.0920
Corn 39.3680
Faba Beans 2 36.7440
Soybeans 36.7440
Peas 36.7440
Buckwheat 45.9300
Mustard Seed 44.0920
Canary Seed 44.0920
Sunflower Seed 73.4870
Triticale 1 42.3960
Beans (White) 2 36.7440

* Note: All conversion values are derived from the Canada Grains Council 1999 Statistical Handbook except those noted below.
1 Note: Minimum weight to make No.1 Grade. Conversion value derived from Canadian Grain Commission.
2 Note: Conversion value derived from Appendix A, Farmer's Guide 1976.

This information maintained by Webeditor
Document Last/Reviewed February 2, 2002

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