Area and Volume Decision Making Tools

Land Area This calculator will measure the size of a field in acres and hectares. Measurements are put in for a field that is rectangular, round, or triangular. Sometimes land measure is recorded in rods or chains.
Length This calculator will convert Inches to Centimetres, Feet to Metres, Yards to Metres, Miles to Kilometres and vice-versa.

Rectangular Bin Volume This calculator will estimate the contents of a rectangular grain bin filled to various heights.
Irrigation Water Allocation Calculator This calculator estimates how long it will take to use up an allocation of water.
Round Bin Volume This calculator will estimate the contents of a round grain bin filled to various heights.
Dugout / Lagoon Volume This calculator will calculate the volume of the dugout and the volume of water it contains.
On Side Tank Volume This calculator will calculate the volume of the on side tank and the volume of water it contains. The listing of partially filled volume will be provided also.
What dimension should a bunker silo be? A silo must be carefully designed. It is relatively easy to improve forage quality for next year by adjusting harvesting practices but it can be very expensive to reconstruct a poorly designed bunker silo.
How Much Silage do I have? If you have an existing bunker silo use this calculator to determine how much silage you have on hand.
Vertical Tank Volume This calculator will calculate the volume of the vertical tank and the volume of water it contains. The listing of partially filled volume will be provided also.