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Alberta Management Insights (AMI)
Agriculture Financial Services Corp. (AFSC) is again collecting crop variety and yield information to distribute as AMI Reports. This information is based on data collected from approximately 14,000 insured producers in the province. Thank you for providing accurate data. To make the AMI report, at least five producers must have grown the variety in your area. The reports center on your LLD and expand outward, reporting for a 25 township area, your soilzone/crop risk area to the larger crop risk area. Please consider the year when comparing crop variety performance in your area. The yields presented in the AMI reports are gross yield reported by the insured producer and are not adjusted for quality. Quality can be an important consideration as poor quality may be heavily discounted by the market.
(Click map for larger image)
Step 1 - Enter Legal Land Description (LLD): Step 2 - Select Report to View:
    W   Section  Quarter 

Risk Area Seeding Summary
Risk Area Top Yielding Crop Varieties
Variety Comparison (Stubble/Fallow)
Variety Comparison (Stubble/Irrigation)
Step 3 - Select additional crop information (if needed):
A list of crops will appear in the box below if crop selection is required:

Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple crops.
For best performance select less than 5 crops at a time.