
Creating a single voice for Nova Scotia is the goal of the Nova Scotia Come to life initiative.

Government and the private sector are working together to spread the Nova Scotia message, telling the world that our province is the best place in which to do business, work, raise a family, receive an education and visit.

The Come to Know newsletter is an update on the activities of the Come to life initiative. Inside, you'll find news about some positive partnerships, enthusiastic supporters and how you can get involved. Take a look.

Current Issue of Come to Know Newsletter

Download the latest issue (Winter 2007) (0.4MB PDF)

Follow up Research

The Nova Scotia Come to life team conducted perception research in March and the results have now been packaged in reports. Highlights of that perception research include:

Nova Scotia General Population Report

Inside the province, the perception of Nova Scotia's business climate is up by several percentage points when compared with the bench-mark research carried out in March 2004. But confidence in the Nova Scotia economy has decreased slightly.

Download the report (PDF)

External Business - Boston, Toronto and other Atlantic Provinces Report

In Boston, Toronto and other Atlantic Canadian provinces, ratings of Nova Scotia as a tourism destination remained high. The rating of Nova Scotia as a good place to live and work is up by 6 percent in Toronto and Boston and 9 percent in other Atlantic Provinces. However, the perception of Nova Scotia's labour force being skilled and accessible at competitive rates is slipping. Boston business people remain the least-informed about Nova Scotia.

Download the report (PDF)

Ottawa - Senior Civil Servants Report

In Ottawa, the perception, among senior civil servants, of Nova Scotia as a good or excellent place to do business is up by 6 percentage points. Their perception of Nova Scotia as being a good or excellent place to do business is up by 10 percent.

Download the report (PDF)

Houston and Calgary research

Benchmark research was completed in Houston and found that this particular market needs to be educated on Nova Scotia in general. There is significant opportunity to shape Houston Business peoples' understanding of Nova Scotia.

Benchmark research was conducted in Calgary. When asked to rate Nova Scotia as a place to do business, only 11 percent agreed with that statement, 7 percent thought the quality of life in Nova Scotia was declining, and only 7 percent thought Nova Scotia was a great place to open a business.

Download the report (PDF)

Perception research of course is affected by many things, but it is evident that more education is needed in these target markets about Nova Scotia and its many attributes.

The goals for 2007-08 are to continue to undertake a series of targeted communications and marketing activities in key arenas throughout the province, the country and abroad. It is also imperative to further develop private-sector and government engagement of the initiative.

Previous Newsletters

Download the Summer 2007 issue (Summer 2007) (0.5MB PDF)

Download the Spring 2007 issue (Spring 2007) (1.4MB PDF)

Download the Winter 2006 Issue (1.8MB PDF)